Pandemic Gardening Trends

Yes, the cold winter months are upon us, and most people aren't considering landscaping. They're thinking of shoveling driveways and staving off that frigid weather. But it's always early enough to start looking forward, and at TN Nursery, we want to reiterate that spring is almost here for that very reason.

It is especially true as we enter yet another year of the pandemic when people are spending more time at home than ever. Because of that, we'd look at some of the best spring gardening trends that most people can use in 2022.

  1. Making the Most of a Small Space

One of the biggest trends in recent years is so-called "small space gardening." That means using succulents, herbs, and other plants to spruce up (no pun intended) an admittedly small space. It's a great way to give an older area a brand-new look and feel, which many continue to embrace.

  1. It's All About Those Spring Bloomers

At TN Nursery, one of the recurring trends we've seen over the years in spring is people purchasing perennials, shrubs, and flowering trees. It doesn't matter whether you're talking about a daffodil or a dogwood tree; people embrace options that come with their sense of flair and color. 

The thing to keep in mind here, however, is that you need to wait until the temperature reaches at least the high 40s consistently to plant them. You can purchase them now, but keep them in cold storage until we hit that point. A failure to do so would see them lose their dormancy, which would make them less likely to survive another cold snap.

  1. Proactive Land Preparation

Of course, everyone pays so much attention to what they're going to plant that they fail to remember the element that ultimately matters most: the land.

In any environment where you're going to plant something, be it flowers or even a new patch of grass, things need to be prepared appropriately. Fertilizer should be utilized right before planting, not months before. It is why it's advisable to have some rotation plan to ensure that the soil is always in an adequate condition. At TN Nursery, for example, we plant soybeans and wheat for six weeks before the rest of our crops.

As the warmer weather approaches, it's always important to get out there and till your soil and clear out any weeds you may find. You should proactively set up garden beds and prune trees well ahead when you want to plant. 

  1. Purchase Those Supplies Now

It's no secret that the still-ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has challenged us all. It's been a contributor to supply chain issues in almost every industry, evidenced during the holiday season in 2021.

Because of that, you'll want to start thinking about what you need for your flower beds or gardens now - well in advance of when you'll need them.

 For starters, it helps ensure you have everything on-hand when needed. You won't have to deal with potentially irritating delays when demand surges. Secondly, it can help you save on shipping ahead of what will undoubtedly be a high level of demand.

  1. The Impact of Water and Fire

If you're planning on updating your garden this spring, consider adding a water- or fire-based component. You could even do both if you have room for it. Various water features or fire pits can be a great way to add a new dynamic to an environment, giving you and any potential gatherers something new to enjoy when you have parties or host other outdoor events. 

  1. Consider Indoor Options, Too

Despite the Omicron variant of the Coronavirus, more and more people are returning to work. Some will be scared about returning to the office, but remember that the right flowers and other options can help put them at ease.

If you're decorating your office in anticipation of your workforce's return, don't focus just on how something looks—focus on how it smells, too. Scents can alter how someone feels, and many people are already doing this in their homes.

It makes sense to do it in the office, too. Try to pick plants and flowers that match the season that you're in. Pine trees during the winter would be the obvious example as far as that is concerned. 

Ultimately, it's important to remember just how much of an impact your environment has on the life you lead. It is true in both a personal and a professional sense. Considering some of these trends and capitalizing on them in the new year makes it possible to create a better 2023 for us all. 

Daffodil Plant - TN Nursery

Daffodil Plant

The Daffodil Plant is a Spring-blooming, trumpet-shaped flower characterized by its vibrant yellow or white petals and central trumpet-like corona. It adds a burst of color to gardens and landscapes. The plant's vibrant colors, from sunny yellows to pastel lemon, create striking visual displays that brighten any outdoor area. Daffodils are famous for being yellow, but there are all kinds of other colors, as well, including white, orange, and even pink. They also feature varieties with more than one of these colors. Therefore, they can form a splendid and colorful swash throughout any garden. They have adorned gardens for thousands of years. Indeed, the Greek name is Narcissus. Currently, it's the national flower of Wales. They've been harbingers of the coming of spring throughout their existence, and because they're perennials, each plant does the same for many years throughout its life cycle. They'll anchor your garden through spring and summer as long-lasting blooms, drawing people's gaze to their grace and beauty. The Blooming Trumpet The Daffodil Plant Before they bloom, the trumpet of the mature bloom is covered in a waxy shell called a spathe. The spathe is delicate and reflects the entire light spectrum when covered in morning dew. Not every daffodil forms a trumpet, however. They form two kinds of cups: charming double blooms and what's known as the jonquil, which is a beautiful two-toned bloom. Generally, there are two kinds of jonquils: one with primarily white petals and yellow accents and one that's the opposite. Such flowers that sport two exquisite colors can act as a transition between sections of the garden. The Daffodil Plant Can Reach 3 Feet Tall They can grow almost to 3 feet tall and a foot wide. Their mature leaves are tall and straight and only sag toward the end of the growing season at the beginning of August. They last more than a month through the heart of the summer, lending their multicolored cheek to any garden. Because they thrive in containers as much as in the open, they're a terrific accent for window sills, porches, patios, and decks, bringing their polychromatic cheeriness to every part of the garden and the whole property. Partners for Daffodil Plant The bright yellow of the plant pairs very well with other garden residents, including the Northern Blue Star with its deep blue and indigo blooms and the vibrant red of roses or dahlias. The color palette is nearly endless when considering them fresh, with fabulous flexibility.

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Painted Trillium - TN Nursery

Painted Trillium

Painted Trillium is a woodland wildflower with showy, white, or pinkish petals adorned with maroon or red streaks at the base. It is typically found in moist, forested areas and prized for its striking appearance. They are delicate and enchanting wildflowers that offer a range of benefits when thoughtfully integrated into landscaping designs. Its beauty, contributions to biodiversity, potential for naturalizing, woodland charm, and ability to create unique garden space. Painted trillium is common in eastern North America, specifically the Adirondack Mountains, which spans northeastern New York. It's a wildflower known for its red center and delicate white petals. Its botanical name is Undulatum, but gardeners commonly refer to it as the striped and smiling wake robin. It's also sometimes referred to as a painted lady because it starts to bloom just as the butterflies come out in the spring. This wildflower is a member of the Lilly family. Identifying The Painted Trillium The smiling wake robin is considered a flower of the Adirondack Mountains. They can be identified by their pink or red center and red stripes that follow the veins of their three white flower petals. It also has three green or blueish-green leaves, which is how it acquired the prefix 'tri' in its botanical name. Gardeners can expect this wildflower to grow up to 20 inches tall. The single flower that blooms from late spring to midsummer is about two inches wide with wavy, tapering petals. Gardeners can expect new plants to develop these flowers within four to seven years. How To Landscaping With Painted Trillium The Landscaping with the smiling wake robin is ideal for shade and pollinator gardens and areas with little to no direct sunlight. It is also suitable for adding color to areas under trees and around shrubs and bushes. Add Painted Trillium To Your Pollinator Garden If your gardening goal is to create a lovely pollinator garden, you can't go wrong with the smiling wake robin. This wildflower is known to attract bumble and honey bees, who forage for the pollen from the flowers. Smiling wake robins thrive next to other shade-loving plants. These include Christmas ferns, lady ferns, bleeding hearts, hostas, daffodils, snowdrops, Virginia bluebells, and the woodland phlox. Gardeners can enjoy the Painted Trillium in their shade gardens. They can also use it to add color to areas generally devoid of defined plant life, like under tall trees and shrubs, to create focal points.

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Loblolly Pine Tree - TN Nursery

Loblolly Pine Tree

Loblolly Pine Tree is a tall evergreen with long, slender needles and large, brown cones. It is recognized for its economic importance in the timber industry and widespread distribution in the southeastern United States. The Loblolly Pine Tree is an evergreen member of the conifer family. Instead of leaves, it grows pine needles and brown cones that contain seeds that produce the next generations of them. Physical Characteristics of Loblolly Pine Tree This conifer typically grows about 100 to 130 feet tall and has a typical diameter of less than 10 feet. However, in specific environments, it can exceed 150 feet tall and more than 20 feet around. The needles fall off every two years, most during the late fall or winter months. On average, they will grow about two feet per year. The Loblolly Pine Tree Is Highly Versatile If you want something that will soak up a significant amount of water, acquiring this product may be in your best interest. Alternatively, you can use smaller versions of these as landscaping tools to add color to your garden or create a natural border that will make your garden pop. As these tend to grow relatively quickly, you can use them as a privacy shield to keep your neighbors from prying into your business. As with other conifers, the needles on this natural resource will create a strong and favorable aroma throughout the year. The pinecones also tend to create their own aroma, which can help make your home more relaxing and comfortable. You may also be able to use the needles or cones to create cleaning products that offer a natural scent. Improve the Air Quality With Loblolly Pine Tree From TN Nursery In addition to their fragrant aroma, Loblolly Pine Tree can take excess carbon dioxide out of the air. Interacting with higher carbon dioxide levels can help protect the tree during cooler weather. Therefore, you benefit from better outdoor air while helping yours survive for many years.

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