Please watch the following video to see how your plants should look when they arrive, instructions on when your plants will green out and be beautiful and how to check to see if they are dead.
If you have received your plants and there is any problem, you must report the issue within 24 hours of receiving them;
TN Nursery Plant Warranty Policy
Thank you for choosing TN Nursery for your plant purchase. We strive to provide high-quality plants and excellent service. Please carefully review our warranty terms below:
You acknowledge and agree to these terms and conditions by placing an order. We value your business and will do our best to address any issues promptly and satisfactorily.
Thank you for shopping with TN Nursery!
to report dead plants, or if you have a problem with an order you just received, please fill out the below claim form:
Our Reasoning For Offering a 1 Year Warranty = "Spring Will Tell The Tale"
Trees & Shrubs
Trees and shrubs are shipped dormant, without greenery, foliage, or blooms. They should be greened out in spring within 1-2 weeks after other trees or shrubs in your yard have been greened out.
For Perennials, Ferns, Vines or Groundcovers
If anything planted below the surface of the soil is planted and temperatures are above 70 degrees, 1-5% may come in that spring or summer, but most of those will all come in the following spring. Please wait until your other plants come up and give your new plants a couple of extra weeks before you file a claim.
Other Terms of Warranty
We only offer a one-time in-store credit or reshipment on any shortages reported within 24 hours.
We are not responsible if you trash your plants and can not send us images for proof of dead plants.
Order refusals will not be credited or refunded. We ship bareroot plants, and by the time they are delivered back to us, they are dead. It takes 2-3 weeks sometimes for order refusals to arrive, and they are not salvageable
Order Cancellations
We can not cancel an order if it's been pre-dug and ready to ship out.
We ship dormant bare-root plants (how plants look in winter) with no leaves, foliage, or greenery, but they are alive. We only ship in the dormant season when it's safe. In the spring, they will be beautiful, leaf and green out.
Click on The Below Link For Instructions On How To Preform a Scratch Test
Why do we remove the tops from items planted under the soil's surface? This is for Perennials, Ferns and Vines
They often overheat in transit and we remove tops on all the above plants.