Shade Trees

32 Products


Bloom Color



Bloom Season



Height At Maturity:






Planting Zone



32 Products
Red Maple Tree

Red Maple Tree

Sugar Maple Tree

Sugar Maple Tree

Weeping Willow

Weeping Willow

Tulip Poplar Tree

Tulip Poplar Tree

Ginkgo Biloba

Ginkgo Biloba

Lombardy Poplar

Lombardy Poplar

Sourwood Tree

Sourwood Tree

River Birch Tree

River Birch Tree

Redwood Tree

Redwood Tree

Sycamore Tree

Sycamore Tree

Black Gum - Tupelo Tree

Black Gum - Tupelo Tree

Mimosa Tree

Mimosa Tree

Black Walnut Tree

Black Walnut Tree

Catalpa Tree

Catalpa Tree

Red Oak Tree

Red Oak Tree

Hickory Tree

Hickory Tree

Shade trees are truly multipurpose ornamentals—they offer beautiful, functional magic to practically any yard. Whether you're looking to cut your energy bill or create a cooler outdoor space, the color and appeal of mature deciduous trees are hard to argue with.

TN Nursery can help you find the perfect species for creating a welcoming, shady ambiance. Whether it's hot in your area all year long (or if you're looking for an excellent place during the warmer summer months), we have something in stock that fits the bill.

The Many Benefits Of Planting Shade Trees

It's not hard to see why these trees are so popular: they make an excellent addition to any sunny backyard. A well-placed shade tree will offer shelter during the summer and spectacular color during the growing season.

But did you know there's even more you can do with deciduous trees? Many of our customers purchase saplings to:

  • 1. Create food for wildlife animals. If you plant hardy, prolific species like black walnuts and hickories, you may save a few nuts for yourself!
  • 2. Increase property values. Did you know mature trees can add 20% more value to your home?
  • 3. Reduce energy consumption. Within five years of planting a new tree, you may cut your energy bill by 3% each year.

Keep in mind our shelter trees require little, if any, maintenance. Establish them with some T.L.C., and they'll offer shelter for decades.

Popular Varieties Of Shade Trees

Which tree (or set of trees) would you like in your backyard?

With so many to choose from, it can take time to decide. Here's a list of our popular bestsellers so you can find a species that meets your needs:

The corkscrew willow makes a unique addition to any backyard.
The chestnut oak drops huge acorns for backyard squirrels to enjoy.
The redwood tree grows anywhere between three and 10 feet per year. 

As always, deciduous trees from TN Nursery come with a 100% first-year guarantee. If your saplings fail to grow in the first 365 days, we'll do everything possible to make it right.

Why Thousands Of Gardeners Choose Shade Trees From TN Nursery

TN Nursery is America's favorite D.T.C. grower, offering a variety of species at competitively low prices. With more than 64 years of growing experience, we always pride ourselves on serving our customers. We would be honored to help you find shade trees for your next outdoor project.

Frequently Asked Questions

How often should I water my plants?

How do I know if my plant is getting too much or too little sunlight?

What should I do to prepare my plants for winter?

What are the signs that my plant needs fertilizing?

How can I prevent pests from damaging my plants?

How do I choose the right plant for my climate zone?

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