Package Deals

58 Products


Bloom Color



Bloom Season



Height At Maturity:






Planting Zone



58 Products

Best Sellers

Pawpaw Tree

Pawpaw Tree

Milkweed Plant

Milkweed Plant

Butterfly Milkweed

Butterfly Milkweed

Best Sellers

Apricot Fruit Tree 3-4'

Apricot Fruit Tree 3-4'

Best Sellers

Plum Fruit Tree

Plum Fruit Tree

Blanket Flower

Blanket Flower

Best Sellers

Pink Princess Dogwood

Pink Princess Dogwood

Best Sellers

Red Flowering Dogwood

Red Flowering Dogwood

Best Sellers

Pear Fruit Tree 3-4'

Pear Fruit Tree 3-4'

Best Sellers

Grape Vine  3-4'

Grape Vine 3-4'

Showy Pink Primrose

Showy Pink Primrose

Best Sellers

Fuyu Persimmon Tree

Fuyu Persimmon Tree

25 Big Ferns Grab Bag -  Perfectly For Your Zone

25 Big Ferns Grab Bag - Perfectly For Your Zone

Almond Tree (Hall's Hardy) 3-4'

Almond Tree (Hall's Hardy) 3-4'

Best Sellers

10 Hummingbird Plants

10 Hummingbird Plants

Best Sellers

Grape Vines (Fruit Bearing Age)

Grape Vines (Fruit Bearing Age)

Package deals offer some of TN Nursery's best-selling plants at a significant discount. When you're designing your garden and overall landscape, some plants you'll need in large quantities, while you might want just a handful of others. We offer both bundled options and individual plants so you can customize your outdoor space and add your stamp of creativity.

Package Deals Give You an Exciting Project

Installing new landscaping, building a new garden, or simply refreshing the look of a backyard can be both an enjoyable and exciting project. A plan before you start can help give your garden or backyard landscaping a professional and eye-catching look. One of the best ways to create such a look is to have a larger quantity of a few varieties to tie the different sections of your garden or yard together. To help with this, we offer package deals on many standard and unique cultivars. When planning your garden or landscaping, consider a few factors. These include the variety of ones chosen, the number of pollinators and flowering types, their overall physical shape and size, and what is planted next to them.

Package Deals Are Hardy

By selecting local types that thrive in your area, they will experience less stress when planted and have a better chance of thriving. Some non-native types will still do very well in your garden or yard. Purchasing one of these for local kinds can give your garden a more natural appearance. One of the most critical factors in their health is pollination. Adding them with bright flowers or other pollinators can help increase the overall health of your garden or landscaping. These colorful flowers attract bees and other pollinating insects to your garden, helping spread pollen between them.

You Get A Great Deal With Package Deals

Whether building a shrub wall or adding more low-profile varieties to your garden, pkgs can help at a lower price than buying individual types. When building a shrub wall or other division in your garden, having the same or similar variety of shrubs will help create a more uniform and professional look. However, it may also increase the aesthetics to break up larger areas with the same types of them, using flowering perennials, flowering shrubs, or bright ground cover. Plant package Deals can improve your garden's overall appearance and health. Buying larger quantities of the same helps create a more cohesive appearance at a much lower cost than purchasing individual types.

Plant Package Deals Feature:

Fern Packages

Perennial Packages

Vine Packages

Tree Packages

Shrub Packages and many more

Frequently Asked Questions

How often should I water my plants?

How do I know if my plant is getting too much or too little sunlight?

What should I do to prepare my plants for winter?

What are the signs that my plant needs fertilizing?

How can I prevent pests from damaging my plants?

How do I choose the right plant for my climate zone?

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