Tiger Lilies - A Complete Guide for Growth and Care

Learn everything you need to know about the Tiger lily plant (Lilium Lancifolium) and how to grow and care for it with our detailed guide.

We will cover:

  • Tiger lily growing conditions;
  • Where to plant Tiger lilies;
  • How to grow and transplant them;
  • How to propagate the Tiger lily plant;
  • Where to buy Tiger lilies
  • What Are Tiger Lilies and Where Did They Originate?

    Lilies are a family or group of plants that have over 100 species including the Tiger lily. Lilies are one of the most popular perennial flowers in the US and are grown for their vibrant and dramatic blooms.

    The orange Tiger lily is an ancient species cultivated for centuries. It is believed to have originally grown in the semi-mountainous regions of Asia. Since then, it has spread globally and is now a favorite in the US.

    A Tiger lily plant can grow up to five feet but has the potential to grow higher in the right conditions. The Tiger lily plant has a narrow spread of eight inches. Due to its height, it may need staking for extra support.

    Its architectural leaves have a whorled or spiral growth pattern. The Tiger lily has bright orange flowers with dark, chocolate-colored spots. Its flowers grow trumpet-shaped and nodding. The flowers grow at the top of the stem. Each flower has several long stamens with dark anthers at the tips.

    Tiger Lily Growing Conditions

    Before you start your garden, it is always a good idea to figure out which zone you live in. A zone is determined by the average high and low temperatures in a particular area. The lower the number, the cooler the climate, the higher the number, the warmer.

    The Tiger lily is perennial in most zones. From zones 3 to 8, Tiger lilies will return every year in spring, even if their vegetation dies off. They can be grown as annuals in colder climates.

    Soil Conditions for Tiger Lilies

    The best soil for the Tiger lily is well-drained, rich, and organic. It can tolerate other types of soil but does not like excessive moisture and cannot tolerate long periods of drought.

    Heavy clay or sandy soils can be fixed by adding an inch of compost. This will improve soil structure and allow the lilies to grow more.

    Where to Plant Your Tiger Lilies

    Tiger lilies can be quite flexible in the garden. However, here are some things to consider before you plant your lilies:

    • Tiger lilies grow best in full sun and can tolerate occasional shade
    • Because they are tall growers, they may need staking
    • They can be grown in a variety of spots, as long as the soil is rich and free-draining

    Here are some specific locations in which the Tiger lily can be planted:

    Great for Back of Borders

    These tall perennial lilies can grow in spaces that need extra height. An ideal spot is in the back of the borders because the lilies flower at the top of their stems. They can be planted near buildings or trellises to provide them with additional support and to add interest.

    Perfect for Tropical Gardens

    The Tiger lily is prized for its unique markings. It has orange petals with chocolate-colored spots, hence the name 'Tiger lily.' Its exotic appearance makes it one of the best flowers to add to a tropical-style garden. Its spiky, lateral-growing foliage creates a sense of depth and adds plenty of greenery.

    Even in Containers!

    You can always plant a Tiger lily in a container if you have a small space or don't have a garden. The benefit is that you will be able to move it to a different location if it needs more or less sun. Also, they add height and depth to a space providing a sense of enclosure.

    How to Grow a Tiger Lily

    We finally got to the most exciting part of gardening (aside from buying the plants) - planting the plants!

    The Tiger lily is a low-maintenance plant that is self-sufficient in ideal conditions.

    How and When to Plant Tiger Lily Bulbs

    • Plant bulbs in fall or early spring after the ground thaws
    • Dig soil so that the top of the bulb will be 2 to 4 inches from the soil level
    • Plant the bulb with the tip facing up and the root bottom facing down
    • Cover with soil and water it thoroughly
    • Label where you planted the bulb so you don't accidentally dig them up later

    Bare Root or Containerized Tiger Lily

    • Plant the Tiger lily in spring or mid-fall
    • Dig soil big enough for the root ball, but not so deep that you will bury the leaves
    • Plant and backfill with soil
    • Water thoroughly
    • Fertilize the following year after the plant is established

    Tiger Lily Aftercare

    • If you plan on cutting the flowers off to dry or using them in flower arrangements, cut as little of the stem as possible. The Tiger lily flowers grow on the previous year's foliage
    • Fertilize the plant with 5-10-5 fertilizer in mid-fall to encourage the following year's blooming
    • Instead of fertilizing, you can add an inch of compost to the soil in the fall
    • Prune the flowers to improve the appearance

    How to Transplant a Tiger Lily

    Transplanting Tiger lily plants is easy. It should be done in early spring or, ideally, late fall. It should never be done in summer unless absolutely necessary. If transplanting in summer, do so in the evening or on a cooler, cloudy day to reduce plant stress.

    • Dig up the plant bulb and roots
    • Keep as many of the roots intact as possible
    • Move the plant to a new location
    • Plant at the same depth as before
    • Backfill with soil
    • Water the plant so the roots can begin to adjust to its new setting

    How to Propagate a Tiger Lily

    The best way to propagate is by planting their seeds. To harvest, remove the dark seeds at the base of the leaves. Then, plant seeds individually at a depth of one to two inches into the garden or a small container.

    You can also dig up the bulbs every few years and divide the bulbs. To do so, tease apart their roots without tearing them. Then replant allowing for more space between the bulbs or plant in a new location.

    The one-of-a-kind Tiger Lily has some of the rarest markings of any perennial flower. Its exotic look can turn your outdoor space from a garden to an oasis. This plant is easy to take care of and easy to propagate.

    Zones: 3 to 8Sun exposure: Full sunMature height: 3 to 5 feetWater: Average Best for tropical-style gardens, borders, water's edge, and woodland's edge

    The Tiger lily is an uncommon plant and may be difficult to come by. Here at Tennessee Nursery, we sell bare-root Tiger lilies that ship directly to you. You will receive 2 healthy and robust plants that have already had a great start. Once ordered, we will ship the Tiger lilies to you in 5-7 days. Plant the Tiger lilies as soon as possible or place them in water until you are able to plant them.

    Shop while supplies last: Tiger Lilies

    From the ideal growing conditions of the Tiger lily to its unique features, we hope this article answers your questions. If you have any questions about our Tiger lily or any of our other flowers, feel free to reach out! We love talking plants with anyone who is interested.

    Tiger Lily - TN Nursery

    Tiger Lily

    Tiger Lily is a striking perennial plant with bold orange, spotted Turk's cap-shaped flowers and whorled, lance-shaped leaves. It is often grown for its vibrant and exotic appearance in gardens. It offers many benefits when incorporated into landscaping. Its captivating appearance, resilience, and ease of cultivation make it a favored choice among gardeners and landscape enthusiasts. Without delving into its applications in herbalism, let's explore how it enhances outdoor spaces through its aesthetic appeal, ecosystem contributions, and adaptability. Upgrade Your Landscape With TN Nursery Tiger Lily produces showy orange blossoms and tall, leafy stalks, making it a very impactful addition to any garden. This flower works well in lush beds of flowers since it can stand out from the rest of the plants. It grows in dense clusters that work well for things like tree borders and sidewalk accents. Any time you want to create a landscape with a combination of consistency and colors, this flower is the ideal choice. This plant is a favorite of gardeners everywhere for its stunning blossoms. Each flower is a six-petaled bloom with long, narrow petals that curve backward from the center. The flowers are bright orange with speckles of black running along the top of each petal, and the center contains a spray of long, dark orange stamens. The heavy blossoms tend to cause the supporting stalk to bend slightly, so they hang upside down with a beautiful bell-like appearance. The Appeal of Tiger Lily This plant has many other perks beyond its beautiful blossoms. The rest of the plant consists of a tall, narrow stalk with blade-like leaves that fan in regular rows around the stalk. Each stalk is relatively narrow and is usually only around 10 inches wide. These fascinating plants have a unique, vertical shape that helps them stand out from most traditional shrubs. The stalks grow in clumps, creating a vibrant, dramatic look for your landscape. Enjoy Tiger Lily Throughout 3 Seasons Tiger Lily keeps growing during every part of the year. Each spring, delicate green shoots peak through the soil. These stems keep growing upwards until they reach the plant's full height of around five feet. Starting in late summer, the signature orange blossoms of the plant begin to appear. Long after most other garden flowers have left, this plant keeps blooming. After finishing its blooming season in fall, leaves start to lighten and fall. The plants remain dormant bulbs over the winter before returning to their full glory in spring.

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    lily pads - TN Nursery

    Water Lily

    Water Lily Pads are round, flat, floating leaves of aquatic plants, typically green in color. They provide a resting place for frogs and a picturesque element in ponds and H2O gardens. They are often associated with serene ponds and H2O gardens; they offer unique benefits when strategically incorporated into landscaping designs. Their aquatic nature, ability to create captivating reflections, contributions to ecosystem health, and role in enhancing the visual and sensory experience make them valuable to outdoor spaces. Water Lily pads are clusters of aquatic plants with leaves and blooms that grow in ponds, H2O gardens, and natural bodies of H2O. They root in the soil at the bottom of quiet, freshwater habitats. There are many reasons to cultivate these uncommonly alluring plants. The Extraordinary Beauty Of Water Lily Pads If you want breathtaking plants and a unique landscape, consider them. The magnificent blossoms burst forth through the surface of the H2O with bold flowers in a rainbow of colors from bright white, pale pink, and rich red to yellow and even blue. Large green leaves provide a stunning backdrop for these graceful flowers. The delicate petals and intricate stamens create a visually exquisite display that can grace your landscape with something special. Lilies represent resurrection, rebirth, purity, and enlightenment. They emerge triumphantly from the muck at the bottom of the pond, transformed into extraordinary blossoms. They have long been associated with higher qualities of consciousness like enlightenment and spiritual awakening. Some cultures associate the plants with grace, beauty, harmony, and serenity. In Buddhism and Hinduism, the pads have spiritual significance. In ancient Egypt, they were thought to repel negative entities, while Christians saw them as symbols of life, energy, and vitality. The Leaves and Blooms Of Water Lily The leaves can be round, oval, or heart-shaped and float on the surface of the H2O. They are supported by long stalks that emerge from thick, fleshy underwater roots. The leaves have a waxy coating that repels H2O while keeping them dry and buoyant. The size of the leaves varies by species. They range from a few inches to one foot in diameter. The flowers have delicate petals arranged in layers around a disk. The petals can be single or double-layered. The Looks And Info About Water Lily Visible blooms and leaves can completely cover the surface of a body of H2O. The showy display of Water Lily is supported by solid roots of fleshy rhizomes that secure the plants in the muddy substrate at the bottom of the H2O. The rhizomes produce slender roots that absorb nutrients in the H2O and further ensure the plant is in its position. The plant is essential in aquatic ecosystems, where it can be a primary food source and desirable habitat for fish and small animals.

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    Lily Of The Valley - TN Nursery

    Lily Of The Valley

    Lily Of The Valley is a delicate perennial plant with nodding, bell-shaped white flowers and fragrant, sword-shaped leaves. It creates a charming ground cover in shaded garden areas and offers various benefits when integrated into landscaping designs. Its graceful appearance, sweet fragrance, adaptability, and contributions to outdoor spaces' visual and sensory aspects make it a prized addition to gardens. Lily Of The Valley is a classic. It is associated with purity, virtue, humility, and compassion. The proper scientific name is Convallaria majalishe, and the plant is related to good fortune, joy, hopefulness, happiness, prosperity, and blessings. The herbaceous perennials begin to bloom in mid-May and continue to maintain a delightfully fragrant display until summer officially arrives in mid-June. With its exquisitely tiny bell-shaped, ornamental flowers, the shrub has a low-key and understated beauty. Rather than a profuse explosion of showy blossoms, these plants have a quietly powerful presence. They can grow almost anywhere, whether in a valley or not. Slim curving stems give expression to glossy, deep green leaves that gently cradle sweet clusters of delicate, refined flowers. Each bell-shaped blossom hangs from a stem like a precious ornament, while the captivating scent delights the senses. The Symbolic Significance Of Lily Of The Valley They are associated with May Day. They symbolize a beautiful awakening after a long winter of darkness and hardship. The airy little flowers refresh the weary soul and promise a return to happiness and new hope. When the pretty white bells burst into view, they remind us that warm summers always follow dark winters with their alluring fragrance. Lily Of The Valley Is Used In Perfumes  When the alluring fragrance of them was converted to perfume and cologne in 1954, it inspired a line of products. Then, in 1956, Dior marketed it under the name Diorissimo. It was an instant hit for men and women alike. The lily was Dior's favorite flower and his lucky charm. The Unique Attributes Of Lily Of The Valley Lily Of The Valley can produce a thick carpet of ground cover while filling the air with a captivating scent. The deep green leaves make fabulous bouquets and cut flowers. With their curving stems, the plants can produce up to 12 tiny flowers with up to six tiny petals. The clusters are often included in bridal bouquets. Some bouquets consist entirely of them. The engaging blooms make a lovely statement when used to adorn wrapped gifts for weddings and showers.

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    Stella De Oro Daylily - TN Nursery

    Stella De Oro Daylily

    Stella De Oro Daylily is a popular perennial plant known for its prolific golden-yellow, trumpet-shaped flowers and long blooming period, making it a favorite in gardens and landscapes. As a part of the genus Hemerocallis, this flower is native to Asia. Despite its name, it is not a true lily. A true lily grows on tall stems and has flowers at the top of the stem. This flower has short stems and produces a large fountain of foliage at the base of the plant. Stella De Oro Daylily Is A Golden Beauty When this flower blooms, it fills your yard with a golden, sunny brilliance. Typically, the flowers will start blooming in late May. While orange flowers were the original version of this flower, more than 20 species and 20,000 hybrids are available today. This particular version is popular because of its famous yellow petals. It initially blooms in late spring and then blooms a second time in late fall. Once the first frost arrives, the flowers will disappear. Stella De Oro Daylily Bulbs Reproduce on Their Own Because it is a perennial, you don’t have to replant this flower each year. Instead, it uses fleshy, thickened roots and rhizomes for reproduction. Stolons from the rhizome help the plant spread out over time. The flower’s root system can hold water and nutrients, so these hardy plants can prevail out of the soil for weeks. Stella De Oro Daylily Has Verdant Leaves Stella De Oro Daylily are unique because of the way they grow. Grass-like leaves are produced at the bottom of the plant, which is one of the most significant differences between this flower and a true lily. These arching leaves are surprisingly long, so they look like blades of grass. This mounded foliage thrives, which is excellent for filling up space in a garden bed. Because Stella De Oro Daylily is known for reblooming, you will see it in home gardens and commercial landscapes. Thanks to its no-fuss attitude, it is also trendy in median strips along highways. Its fleshy roots allow it to be exceptionally hardy because it can always draw on the nutrients in the roots when there aren’t nutrients in its natural environment. Whether you want a hardy plant or a lovely flower, this perennial will surely please.

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