

Imagine walking through your backyard garden and instantly being welcomed by stunning flowers with bright colors that spread a pleasant aroma in the air. You can do just this by planting wildflowers throughout your garden. Whether you’re an experienced gardener or have recently found your interest in gardening, planting wildflowers is a simple way to spruce up your garden, all year round.

So, if you want to transform your city balcony or a backyard garden, TN Nursery offers an array of plants for you to turn every square foot of your space into a haven for wildflowers.

Why Choose Wildflowers for Your Garden

If you are looking for a gardening schedule that is easy, low maintenance, and eco-friendly, consider choosing wildflowers. They’re known for their ability to adjust to the local climate and soil types and they bloom into vibrant, hardy flowers.  

In contrast to the varieties of the annual plant, wildflower perennial need fewer resources such as water, pesticides, and fertilizers, making your gardening more sustainable. Furthermore, by planting these vibrant and beautiful blooms in your garden, you will create a stunning outdoor space that is a refuge for vital pollinators. 

Featured Wildflowers Range

At TN Nursery, perennial wildflowers are available in different textures and colors. So, deciding the suitable option for your garden can be daunting. 

We can help you choose from an array of native wildflowers that would turn your garden into a peaceful and exotic place. Some of our favorites include Jewelweed Plant, Orange Daylily, Blue Vervain, and Chicory. If you are looking for more distinctive bluish-green foliage, we also have English Ivy, Running Cedar, and Blue Cohosh available to help your garden flourish.

Explore our meadow flowers and perennial wildflowers collection and turn your outdoor space into a vibrant sanctuary of color.

wild geranium - TN Nursery

Wild Geranium

Wild Geranium is a native perennial plant with deeply lobed, palmate leaves and delicate, pink to lavender flowers that resemble small crane's bills. It is often found in woodlands and meadows and offers several positive landscaping uses. Its natural beauty, adaptability, and ecological benefits make it a valuable addition to gardens and naturalistic landscapes. Wild geranium is proof that great things can come in small packages. Its flowers may only be about an inch, but their delightful display always wins smiles. Interestingly, this plant offers showy leaves and blooms. Characteristics Of Wild Geranium Formally known as the geranium maculatum, these woodland perennials produce hairy, unbranched stems that can stretch up to 24 inches in height. They are generally either green or reddish. The visually compelling leaves are vibrant green, toothed, and deeply palmately lobed. Most feature five lobes, but some have seven. These leaves measure between three and six inches in length and width. The leaves at the bottom are larger and have coarse hairs. Those at the top of the plant are more delicate and have finer hair. What Do the Flowers of Wild Geranium Look Like They bloom in late spring or early summer. Each upright stem produces a cluster of two to five blooms. The saucer-shaped flowers generally measure one inch in size but can reach up to three inches. They are composed of five petals. In addition, they have ten yellow stamens and five green sepals that encircle their pistils. What Color Blooms Does Wild Geranium Produce They are in shades of pink or lavender. However, whites, blues, reds, and burgundies are also possible. While the flowers may appear solid at first glance, a closer look will often reveal that darker lines run from the bloom's center to the edge of the petal. Many popular flowers have multiple names, and these gorgeous gems are no exception. Why are they called cranesbills? The explanation may seem hard to spot, but a look at their picturesque seed pods can be revealing. After Wild Geraniums bloom, they produce a charming fruit capsule. It has a long, central column, which imaginative people say resembles a crane's bill. Five basal cells with seeds form the rest of the crane's head. Colorful and full of cheer, wild geraniums are fantastic additions to any garden. They work well in mass plantings and borders and attract pollinators, butterflies, and songbirds.

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Solomon's Seal Plant - TN Nursery

Solomon's Seal Plant

Solomon's Seal Plant is a graceful woodland perennial plant known for its arching stems, dangling pairs of bell-shaped flowers, and distinctive, alternate leaves, making it a charming addition to shaded gardens. They offer a range of benefits when incorporated into landscaping projects, contributing to outdoor spaces' natural charm, versatility, and ecological value. With its distinctive arching stems, elegant foliage, and adaptability, this plant brings unique qualities that enhance various aspects of landscape design. Solomon's Seal Plant, also known as Polygonatum biflorum, is an herbaceous perennial with three distinct color stages: greenish-white, blue, and gold. Its green leaves comprise most of its total size. The Solomon's Seal Plant Color Stages When this perennial initially springs to life each May, it has small, greenish-white flowers. Thanks to its arching stems, each flower hangs down. Later in the summer, blueberries appear. Finally, once it's autumn, the leaves turn a spectacular gold. Although the entire flower is beautiful, the flowering stage is revered and has recently become a favorite in the floral world. This Solomon's Seal Plant's Growth It can reach up to four feet tall, which provides collectors with plenty of its dainty, greenish-white flowers. Due to their uniqueness, these specialty cut flowers are always in high demand. Whether you enjoy brightening up your home occasionally or regularly, you can't go wrong with this plant! Solomon's Seal Plant's Uses Although it grows naturally in forests, it is also explicitly planted for the floral industry. These perennials and their unusual appearance have quickly become highly desired. They've been used in various floral arrangements, including unique wedding bouquets. Between their stunning appearance and fragrant scent, which mimics lilacs, this flower deserves your attention! What does the name of these flowers symbolize? Unfortunately, there is no conclusive answer. However, one theory is that the flat, round stalk scars on its rhizomes were once believed to look like the ancient symbol of King Solomon. Nowadays, people are typically drawn to its dangling, greenish-white flowers and graceful arching stems. As a bonus, they can add an unusual structural appearance to any shade garden. Solomon's Seal Plant fits the bill if you're looking for a unique flower to give someone! It also has just the look you need if you're planning to build a shade garden. Either way, this perennial won't soon be forgotten!

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Blue Vervain - TN Nursery

Blue Vervain

The sky-blue flowers bloom throughout the summer, adding color to any outdoor space. Its slender, lance-shaped leaves and overall graceful growth habit enhance its visual appeal. As a result, it can be used as a focal point in flowerbeds or as an attractive backdrop for other plants, creating a captivating display in gardens. Blue Vervain Reaches Up To 5 Feet Tall Blue Vervain has rough hairs and branching, and four-angled stems of the tall, leggy perennial wildflower known as blue vervains give them an exquisite look. They typically bloom each year from June to October. The first to bloom are those at the flower's base. The flowers open and ascend the stems with pointy tips and coarsely serrated edges. They resemble candelabras (chandeliers) because of all the flower spikes that form on top. They grow up to five feet tall. Blue Vervain Adds Structure and Texture It features a bushy growth habit and dense foliage, making it ideal for adding structure to your yard. Its bushy appearance makes yards look fuller. The lance-shaped leaves come from their stems in alternating patterns, creating a textural contrast with other plants. The tiny, brightly colored blossoms enhance the aesthetic and architectural appeal of gardens and landscaping. Blue Vervain blooms boast a variety of colors, ranging from blue to deep purple to light lavender. On rare occasions, the flowers are white. The blooms have five joined petals at the base that create a small tube and are around 1/4 inch wide. A little stem supports the thin, lance-oblong leaves that grow up to seven inches long and one inch wide. These leaves have a pointy tip, coarsely serrated margins, and a broad base. The slightly hairy stems can be either green or reddish. Blue Vervain Has Purple & Blue Blooms They have bright blue-purple flowers containing a lot of nectar and pollen, which attract butterflies and other pollinators, such as bees and hummingbirds. Both the Verbena moth and the Common Buckeye butterfly lay their eggs on blue vervains. These plants usually attract the most pollinators during late summer and fall. Because few other plants bloom simultaneously, they attract many late-flying pollinators, which is good for the environment because it increases biodiversity.

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