Tiger Lilies: Beauty and Symbolism

The tiger lily is a popular flower amongst gardeners and the non-botanical crowd. The tiger lily is an exotic, tropical-looking flower with a thick, tubular shape. Wild tiger lilies are not hard to come by, and you can see them growing throughout North America. Tiger lilies will often bloom through the warm summer months and have blossoms reminiscent of fire and lightning with their bold shapes and intense colors.


The tiger lily grows from bulbs, usually around 15 centimeters (6 inches) in diameter. Each bulb produces up to six leaves during its growth cycle. The leaves are long and strap-like, growing up to 60 centimeters (2 feet) long and 5 centimeters (2 inches) wide. These leaves have parallel veins running down them, giving them their striped appearance.

The flowers on the Tiger Lily come in two different forms: those with curled petals and those with straight petals. Both types of the flower have orange-yellow centers with red stripes running vertically down them; however, some flowers have no stripes at all while others may be solid orange or yellow instead of having any red markings at all.

Growing From Seed

Tiger lilies are among the easiest bulbs to grow from seed but take a while to produce blooms. To get the most out of your tiger lily seeds, plant them in pots or flats and grow them indoors. When transplanting them into their permanent location outside, harden off the plants before setting them in the ground.

Plant the seeds 1/2 inch deep in early spring or fall. Germination should occur within two weeks at 65 degrees F (18 C). Once they've germinated and begun growing, keep the soil moist but not soggy until they've reached 3 inches tall and developed their first true leaves. The seedlings should be ready for transplant by midsummer if you start them indoors in early spring.

Hardiness Zones

The tiger lily is a species of lily in the genus Lilium. It is native to North America. It grows best in USDA Hardiness Zones 6, 7 and 8 and can be grown annually in other parts of the country. It is also native to Mexico, Guatemala and Honduras.


Tiger lilies can be grown indoors or outdoors but need full sunlight to thrive. The plants grow from bulbs, which can be planted directly into the ground or potted for indoor use.

  • Step 1
  • To improve drainage, prepare your potting soil by adding compost, peat moss, and perlite.
  • Step 2
  • Plant the bulb upside down with just the tip showing above ground level. This will prevent it from rotting due to too much water.
  • Step 3
  • Water regularly until the flower blooms, then reduce watering once the plant dies back in the fall.

Light Requirements

Tiger lilies need at least six hours of direct sunlight every day. The more sunlight they receive, the more flowers they will produce. If you live in an area with only four hours of direct sunlight each day, plant them in partial shade so they get enough light without overheating during the hottest part of the summer months (July through September).

Water Requirements

Tiger lilies require frequent watering during their growing season and should never be allowed to dry out completely. If you notice the leaves yellowing, then it is likely that your plant needs more water than it is receiving.

The best time for watering is early morning or evening so that the plants do not get too hot from direct sunlight while they are still wet from watering. You should also avoid watering your plants if it is windy outside, as this may cause excess moisture loss from the plant leaves.

During hot periods, especially in an area with high temperatures, try to water your plants less often so they do not become overly stressed by the heat and dry conditions. If your area has a lot of rain throughout the year, you will only need to water every two weeks or so during the growing season when it becomes warmer outside and your plant begins putting on new growths of leaves.

Soil Requirements

Tiger lilies prefer moist soil that drains well but doesn't have standing water in the planting area for long periods. Avoid soggy conditions at all costs because they will lead to root rot problems for your plant. If your area is humid or near a body of water, ensure you give your plants plenty of drainage space so they don't sit in water during heavy rains or after watering them. Tiger lily bulbs prefer slightly acidic soils with a pH between 5 and 7 (slightly acidic) or neutral (pH 7). A pH below 5 indicates acidic soil, while a pH above 7 indicates basic soil (alkaline).


Tiger lilies do not require much fertilizer, but they will benefit from applying compost before planting and once a year after blooming. If you grow your tiger lilies in containers, use a fertilizer with equal amounts of, phosphorous (P), nitrogen (N) and potassium (K). Use one tablespoon per gallon of water when watering your lilies.

Pests and Disease Problems

Tiger lilies are susceptible to aphids, slugs and snails. Aphids feed on the sap of plants by inserting their mouthparts into them. They can also spread viral diseases that affect the plant's foliage. Snails and slugs eat holes in your tiger lily leaves, which can cause them to wilt or die.

The most common diseases occur on the roots, leaves and stems. It causes spots on the leaves and yellows them. The fungus can also cause brown spots on the petals of some varieties of a tiger lilies. The most common disease is leaf scorch, which causes brown areas on the leaves. This condition occurs when the plant is not watered enough and has too much sun exposure. It can also be caused by over-fertilizing or under-watering. Leaf scorch will cause yellowing or browning of some areas of the leaf, but it will not kill off your plant completely if you correct these conditions quickly enough.

When To Plant It

Tiger lily bulbs should be planted anytime between fall and spring, as long as the ground isn't frozen or waterlogged. The best time to plant your bulbs is early spring before the last frost date, usually about mid-April in most regions. However, if you want to start growing your plants indoors for spring planting on your patio, it's best to start them around May 1st or sooner.

How To Plant Tiger Lily in Your Garden

Dig a hole two times as wide and deep as the root ball of your plant. Fill the hole with an amended soil mix, including compost, peat moss, and sand or perlite. Add water to this mix before filling the hole to avoid compacting it. Place your plant in this hole and fill it with soil. Gently firm the soil down around the roots and water it well.

Water your new tiger lily at least once a week until it is established in its new location. Make sure to allow at least one foot between each plant, so they have plenty of room for their large leaves and flowers.

Companion Plants

Tiger lilies are a great garden plant but can be a bit finicky. If you're looking for companion plants for your tiger lily, consider these suggestions:

Alyssum: This plant grows well with tiger lilies because it needs similar conditions and doesn't compete for nutrients. It's also resistant to pests like aphids and thrips, which helps keep your tiger lilies healthy.

English ivy: This ground cover protects your tiger lilies from cold winter temperatures by acting as an insulator around their roots. However, it won't take over your garden because it doesn't grow as tall as other ground covers.

Evening primrose: This herb attracts pollinators to your garden by producing nectar that helps them survive through winter months when most other plants aren't blooming anymore (it also produces seeds that birds like to eat).

Tiger Lily - TN Nursery

Tiger Lily

Tiger Lily is a striking perennial plant with bold orange, spotted Turk's cap-shaped flowers and whorled, lance-shaped leaves. It is often grown for its vibrant and exotic appearance in gardens. It offers many benefits when incorporated into landscaping. Its captivating appearance, resilience, and ease of cultivation make it a favored choice among gardeners and landscape enthusiasts. Without delving into its applications in herbalism, let's explore how it enhances outdoor spaces through its aesthetic appeal, ecosystem contributions, and adaptability. Upgrade Your Landscape With TN Nursery Tiger Lily produces showy orange blossoms and tall, leafy stalks, making it a very impactful addition to any garden. This flower works well in lush beds of flowers since it can stand out from the rest of the plants. It grows in dense clusters that work well for things like tree borders and sidewalk accents. Any time you want to create a landscape with a combination of consistency and colors, this flower is the ideal choice. This plant is a favorite of gardeners everywhere for its stunning blossoms. Each flower is a six-petaled bloom with long, narrow petals that curve backward from the center. The flowers are bright orange with speckles of black running along the top of each petal, and the center contains a spray of long, dark orange stamens. The heavy blossoms tend to cause the supporting stalk to bend slightly, so they hang upside down with a beautiful bell-like appearance. The Appeal of Tiger Lily This plant has many other perks beyond its beautiful blossoms. The rest of the plant consists of a tall, narrow stalk with blade-like leaves that fan in regular rows around the stalk. Each stalk is relatively narrow and is usually only around 10 inches wide. These fascinating plants have a unique, vertical shape that helps them stand out from most traditional shrubs. The stalks grow in clumps, creating a vibrant, dramatic look for your landscape. Enjoy Tiger Lily Throughout 3 Seasons Tiger Lily keeps growing during every part of the year. Each spring, delicate green shoots peak through the soil. These stems keep growing upwards until they reach the plant's full height of around five feet. Starting in late summer, the signature orange blossoms of the plant begin to appear. Long after most other garden flowers have left, this plant keeps blooming. After finishing its blooming season in fall, leaves start to lighten and fall. The plants remain dormant bulbs over the winter before returning to their full glory in spring.

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English Ivy - TN Nursery

English Ivy

English Ivy is a low-growing ground cover plant; it has glossy, heart-shaped leaves and produces small, inconspicuous brownish-purple flowers nestled among its dense, carpet-like foliage. It is a fantastic and versatile plant with several landscaping benefits. This evergreen vine is native to Europe and Western Asia and is widely embraced for its aesthetic appeal, adaptability, and practical applications. English Ivy is a woody evergreen perennial vine and foliage plant proliferating on vertical surfaces like trees, walls, fences, and trellises. The ancient Greeks believed the plant was sacred to the god Dionysus, and pagan druids revered it as a symbol of the divine feminine. In classical Latin, “hedera” refers to the ability to grasp, which is in keeping with the vine’s nature. English Ivy Loves Shade Native to Europe, Scandinavia, and parts of Russia, the Hedera helix is nearly ubiquitous in Britain and is naturalized and prolific in many regions of the United States. In the wild, the plant grows under, on trees, and up the sides of rocky cliffs, favoring moist, shady areas out of the sun. Mature Hedera helix vines typically grow up to 80 feet tall and span a three- to five-foot width. Their climbing stems bear young, five-lobed leaves, while their fertile stems bear adult, spade-shaped leaves. These deep-green leaves can vary in size between two and four inches long. The top of the plant will often develop clusters of small, greenish-yellow flowers that bloom from late summer until late autumn. These nectar-rich blossoms will eventually yield a crop of small purple-black to orange-yellow berries that persist into winter. English Ivy Kills Weeds Its bright green foliage can add all-season color to any landscape and beautify forlorn spaces. Its vines can be trained to climb many stable vertical surfaces or grown as a ground cover to suppress weeds. Since Hedera helix proliferates, it can make a good screen on a fence or trellis. When carefully grown on exterior building walls, it can protect their surfaces from exposure to bad weather and help regulate the temperature. Within the United States, Hedera helix can provide food and habitat for wildlife. Butterflies and moths eat their leaves, bees feed on their flowers’ nectar, and birds eat their berries in winter. The foliage often shelters insects and small animals and sometimes attracts nearby deer. English Ivy Is An Evergreen Hedera helix is a beautiful evergreen vine with a rich history. When you plant it in your garden, you can enjoy its charming English ivy character all year.

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Evening Primrose - TN Nursery

Evening Primrose

Evening Primrose is recognized for their tall stems adorned with bright yellow, four-petaled flowers that typically bloom in the afternoon, contrasted by lance-shaped, green leaves. It is a delightful and beneficial plant with numerous advantages when landscaping. This herbaceous perennial is native to North and South America and has become famous for gardeners due to its striking blooms, versatility, and ecological contributions. Evening primrose (Oenothera biennis) is a lovely and prolific North American flower that greatly benefits pollinators in gardens and the wild. Natural Habitat Of Evening Primrose Native to North America, Oenothera biennis is naturalized across the United States. This biennial wildflower grows along forest edges and clearings and can also be found in prairies, marshes, pastures, old mines, railroads, roadsides, and other open, disturbed areas. It is one of the few native plants that bloom into late fall. Oenothera biennis features clusters of four-petaled, bowl-shaped, two-inch-wide yellow blooms that blossom at the top of the stems. The heart-shaped petals surround eight yellow stamens and a cross-shaped stigma. The plant grows three to five feet tall. Its stiff, purple central stalk is covered in oblong olive-, light-, or medium-green leaves that also form a rosette at the plant's base. Evening Primrose Has A Wonderful Aroma  Oenothera biennis is a late-season biennial primrose that produces abundant fragrant, lemon-scented blooms from July through October. Its blossoms open in the afternoon, after the sun sets, and close up again in the morning after sunrise. In the garden, this plant will fit right into a cottage or wildflower garden and add color and texture to borders and flower beds. It can also add beauty to meadows and naturalized areas. This quick-growing flower is best planted in late fall. It will bloom in its second year and self-seed unless it's pruned back at the end of its blooming cycle. Suppose you want to attract pollinators to your garden, plant Oenothera biennis. Night-flying moths are the plant's chief pollinators, and when the flowers stay open on cloudy mornings, bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds are likely to stop by. Birds will feast on the seeds, and small mammals will nibble on its roots and leaves. Add Rustic Color With Evening Primrose If you're looking for an easy way to add rustic color to your landscape and attract more bees, birds, and butterflies, be sure to plant Evening Primrose in your garden. These bright, fragrant plants will bring you joy during the late summer months.

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