Simple Landscaping With Large Trees

Large Trees and the Benefits They Offer


Planting large trees on your property can enhance both its value and your enjoyment of it in some ways. First, they offer focal points around which you can structure various ecological niche communities involving other plants, both perennial and annual. They provide soil stability and moisture control, minimizing the effects of flooding in those areas prone to it. They also give shade in varying degrees to regions where abundant sunlight can hinder the successful growth of other plants or cause damage to structures.

The optimal time for planting trees is when they are dormant in late fall, late winter, or early spring. There are several reasons for this. First, dormant trees are less susceptible to damage during planting. However, if you live in areas that freeze deeply, avoid early to midwinter for planting. Freshly planted trees require sufficient watering to establish themselves, even in a dormant state. When planting large tree species, keep in mind their adult states. Don’t plant too close to your house; research where water, sewer, and gas lines run beneath the surface to avoid severe problems with root intrusion later in the tree life cycle.

Large Tree

Habitats for beneficial animals

Large trees offer habitat space for various beneficial insects, birds, and other animals and provide a sympathetic environment for many species of plants, both domestic and wild. When you establish these niche environments, you are, in effect doing everyone a favor—providing shelter for natural communities and reducing the number of toxic chemicals you may feel the need to purchase to control weed or insect issues. Trees also offer shade and shelter for outdoor activities and regulate the soil-moisture balance, rendering property unpleasantly dry or waterlogged when it falls out of balance.

Buy your trees today at TN Nursery

TN Nurseries best selling trees

Black willow 

Mulberry tree

Pin Oak

Box Elder

Elm Tree

Black Willow - TN Nursery

Black Willow

The Black Willow is a highly adaptable tree that can grow in wetlands, riverbanks, and drier upland areas. Their extensive root systems help stabilize soil, prevent erosion, and improve water purity by filtering pollutants and excess nutrients. This shrub is a remarkable species with numerous landscaping benefits. Its unique characteristics and ecosystem services make it a valuable addition to various environments, ranging from residential gardens to public parks and urban green spaces. Why Choose Black Willow Trees  The Black Willow tree belongs to the Salix family of plants and is native to North America. It is well known for its ability to grow in wet ground, along river banks, swamps, or flood plains. The tree derives its name from the black color of its bark, which becomes darker as the tree grows older. It is a medium to large deciduous tree that can reach 100 feet tall, with a crown stretch of about 20 to 30 feet across.  The Black Willow tree has linear and lanceolate leaves that are usually bright green but turn golden yellow in the autumn. It emerges in spring with small camouflaged flowers that release catkins, common to willow plants.  Features of Black Willow Tree  The Black Willow tree has a relatively fast growth rate and is appropriate for reforestation and ecosystem restoration.  They spread out from the ground to form a root system that directly assists in stabilizing soil against erosion on riverbanks and in places such as wetlands.  These trees are helpful in waterlogging or around water sources because they can quickly drain water.  The wood of the black willow tree for sale is comparatively soft and was formerly employed in furniture, crates, and even artificial limbs.  It contains salicin, the raw material for aspirin, and is known to relieve pain.  Black Willow Is Great For Wildlife  The tree offers bird shelter and nesting, while its flowers are a good food source for bees and other pollinators, encouraging biodiversity in that region.  The Black Willow has long branches and slender leaves that help create a peaceful atmosphere in any garden. Visit TN Nursery today and get a black willow tree for sale to beautify and improve the utility of your garden. Our other three popular best-seller trees are the Weeping Willow, River Birch, and Red Maple, all of which possess similar characteristics to willow tree plants for sale and can make your landscape more diverse.  

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