Purple Violets: Delicate but Hardy

Purple violets are members of the Violaceae plant family and pansies and violas. They often live in rock gardens or woodland areas like other members of this deciduous forest-loving group. If you're looking for something delicate but hardy that could be grown in U.S Department of Agriculture zones 2 through 10, these gorgeous flowers may be worth considering.

Violets Variety

Violaceae includes colors like red, yellow, blue, and white. Captivating colors of violet flowers are available in many shades with varieties like Johnny-jump-ups, dainty spring blooms with velvety purple and yellow flowers, dooryard violet, and California sweet violet. Sweet Violet is prized for its deep violet blooms and compact growth rate, making it perfect for small gardens or containers. it goes well with creeping phlox and ajuga.

Purple Violets Growth

 Purple violets thrive when planted in full sun. Planting them in part shade will cause them to flower later than in the full sun. When choosing your site for your new plantings, please place them in an area that receives at least six hours of direct sunlight daily during the hottest part of the day. If you are still determining the heat tolerance of your specific varieties, ask a local nursery if they recommend anything besides the full sun.


Deadheading is a process that involves pinching off the fresh blooms at their base so they don't wilt and die. It will also keep your plants tidy, resulting in more flowers per plant. Cutting flowers from this plant for bouquets won't hurt it because cutting them close to ground level allows sunlight/water to flow while avoiding unnecessary damage due to extra cuts on top of what's already been done. For healthy growth later in autumn, consider cutting your violets down and allowing some light/moisture underneath the soil.

The color purple is often associated with love and romance. The color's popularity is primarily due to its use in Romeo and Juliet. Purple flowers are typically seen in nature, and people can find beautiful arrangements in stores all over the place and order an entire collection just for themselves, no matter what time of year.

Purple Violets are beautiful perennials


Bird's Foot Violet - TN Nursery

Bird's Foot Violet

Bird's Foot violet stands out with its distinct five-lobed, bird-like petals in shades of purple, blue, lavender, and occasionally white. Its intricate patterns and subtle markings add a touch of elegance to any garden space. Bird's foot violets are charming and visually captivating plants with many pleasing attributes incorporated into landscaping designs. Bird's Foot Violets Are a Low Growing Groundcover  Bird's foot violet is a compact plant that usually grows at most 5 inches tall. It spreads out in low clusters of dense leaves and blossoms, making it ideal for gardeners looking for ground cover. Its narrow leaves blend nicely with grass or clover, adding a charming pop of color when it blooms. This flower is also a lovely addition to features like flowerbeds or tree edging. People often use plants around the base of taller flowers or as a border along walkways.  Bird's Foot Violets Have Stunning Blue Blooms  This plant features five-petaled blooms with three larger petals on the bottom and two smaller ones on the top. Typically, it has medium-purple petals with a soft, blue tint. Some variants have a rich, royal purple shade on the top two leaves, while others are such a pale purple that they appear almost white. All variants have a white streak along the center of the lower petal that draws attention to the dark, golden-yellow center of the flower.  It is named after the distinctive shape of its leaves. This compact plant features small bunches of dark green leaves. Each leaf separates into several narrow, spiky lobes that shape it like a bird's footprint. The leaves fan out in a graceful spray, making this plant look more appealing.  Bird's Foot Violets Bloom In Spring And Fall  Bird's Foot Violet is a perennial plant that can provide charm and beauty for most of the year. After staying dormant over the winter, this plant displays some bright green leaves in early spring. It then begins blooming in the middle of spring. Blossoms often last several weeks, and the plant can continue producing fresh blossoms if the conditions are right. In fall, it usually goes through a second round of blooming so that landscapers can enjoy even more beautiful purple flowers.

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Creeping Phlox - TN Nursery

Creeping Phlox

The Creeping Phlox is a low-growing perennial plant with small, vibrant pink flowers that form a dense carpet-like display in spring. It forms a beautiful, lush pink carpet array of blooms and is an excellent spreading groundcover plant that will control weeds and overgrowth near hillsides and banks you can not maintain. Due to its numerous benefits and aesthetic appeal, it is a popular and versatile plant used in landscaping.  The creeping phlox is a solid option for those who want to add gorgeous color to their yard. This plant, also known as the mountain type, moss type, and moss pink, is native to the central and eastern United States, and its beauty makes it a popular option for gardens around the globe. What are the benefits of adding this vibrant plant to your yard or garden? Creeping Phlox Has Brilliant Colors Creeping Phlox's flowers are stunning, with colors ranging from pale blue, white, and pink to bright violet. Each flower has five hardy petals, but some have six petals. The plants bloom through the spring and summer, providing lasting color for approximately one month. As an evergreen perennial, the plant remains green throughout the year. It can brighten up an otherwise dull, dreary yard in the peak of the cold weather season. Creeping Phlox Is A Filler Plant This plant grows five inches tall and up to 13 inches in diameter. In addition to the expanse of a single plant, the plant proliferates. Many use its beauty as an alternative to grass or a filler in their more extensive gardens. Because of its short height, it does not need to be cut back like grass and other ground cover. Weeds increase and can make your yard look poorly maintained in a matter of weeks. The plant is dense with tightly clustered leaves. When in bloom, the flowers blanket the tops of the plants. Because of its unique traits, the plant prevents or minimizes weed growth. As a result, your gardens can continue to look fabulous without needing to devote hours of your valuable time to pulling weeds regularly. Creeping Phlox Helps With Soil Erosion Prevention  Grass generally only thrives on ledges and steep banks, making your grounds look barren and subject to erosion. The creeping phlox, however, thrives in these areas. Its presence can dramatically reduce the damaging effects of erosion while enhancing aesthetics. It is well-suited for providing immediate and long-term benefits to your property.

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Best Sellers

Ajuga Reptans - TN Nursery


The Ajuga Reptans is an evergreen, low-growing ground cover with shoots of purple blooms erecting from the center of the plant. Its adaptability makes it a showstopper in shade and partial sun gardens alike. It goes by many other names, such as bugle weed or carpet bugle. Ajuga, also called bugleweed, carpet bugle, or bugle Plant This perennial is a popular flowering plant that forms a dense carpet around tree trunks and shrubs. Bugleweed features beautiful deep green leaves with blue-toned (sometimes purple or white) flowers, perfect for enhancing your garden’s visual impact.  Regarding growing conditions, Ajuga prefers to grow in cold, damp soil in a partially shaded area. One of the most exciting features of this plant is that it can thrive in a range of growing conditions, making it suitable for growing almost everywhere. On the other hand, these plants will not grow in dry, wet, or spoiled soil.  Since they grow in shaded areas, ajuga will burn sunny gardens. Ajuga can be planted in containers, beds, or borders when grown in ideal conditions. While quite a few types of ajuga are available to grace your gardens, Ajuga Reptans is probably the most popular option, loved by both new and experienced gardeners due to its distinctive features and numerous benefits.  Features of Ajuga Reptans Plant Ajuga Reptans is one of the most popular flowering plants for several reasons, including Minimal maintenance. Once established, the Ajuga plant is relatively low-maintenance and does not require trimming. However, you must regularly water the plant in spring, summer, and fall until it is established. Ajuga is a Pollinator-Friendly Perennial Groundcover Plant: The small clusters of beautiful blue flowers attract bees, butterflies, and other pollinators by creating a natural habitat and providing them with food and shelter.  Edible Weeds: Another exciting fact about bugleweed is that it is edible and can be added to salads and other dishes.  At TN Nursery, you can buy ajuga plants for sale and transform your unsightly garden areas into attractive carpets of flowers. Plant these in cooler, partially shaded areas, and they will grow ideally.

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Sweet Violet - TN Nursery

Sweet Violet

Sweet Violet is a low-growing wildflower with heart-shaped leaves and fragrant, deep purple flowers often found in woodlands and gardens. They offer numerous benefits when incorporated into landscaping projects, enhancing outdoor spaces' visual appeal, ecological diversity, and sensory experience. This perennial flowering plant contributes to various dimensions of landscape design. Sweet Violet is a long-lived perennial wildflower that some people call "wild violet." The ancient Greeks revered the flower as a symbol of fertility and used it in love potions. Perfumers prize its sweet fragrance, and confectioners use it to add color and beauty to gourmet candies. Natural Habitat Of Sweet Violet Native to Europe and naturalized in the United States, it grows naturally in open deciduous woodlands and hedgerows. It appears along forest edges and adds bright springtime color to clearings, pastures, meadows, and swamps. The flower's blooming season typically starts in February and lasts through May. Appearance Of Sweet Violet  It grows in four-inch-tall rosettes. Its delicate, aromatic flowers are typically dark purplish-blue, but lilac, lavender, pink, and white variations are common. The tiny, five-petaled blossoms are about one inch across and slightly taller than they are wide. The foliage underneath the flowers consists of downy, dark green, heart-shaped leaves with toothed edges. Both the flowers and the leaves rise from horizontal runners. Sweet Violet Makes A Great Ground-Cover Gardeners frequently plant it to add color and greenery to their landscaping. This plant adds quiet charm to cottage gardens, woodland gardens, borders, and planters. It does well in flower beds and adds color underneath shrubs and trees. The cut flowers make lovely candies and decorations for desserts. Once established, it will spread out moderately, giving this plant a good ground cover in moist, sunny areas. You can propagate the plant with seeds or divide it late in the season after they stop flowering. Cut the runners and any spindly tendrils in late fall to encourage a bright show of blooms in spring. Though Sweet Violet grows close to the ground, the plants are an essential food source for pollinators like bees, butterflies, and moths. Woodland butterflies drink their nectar, and caterpillars eat their leaves. Songbirds and grazing animals enjoy eating the foliage and seeds, including rabbits, geese, woodchucks, and deer. When you want to add color and subtle beauty to your garden, planting it will help you welcome the spring season year after year.

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