European Hornet - Facts and Removal

Posted on Tuesday, 7/13

Origins of the European Hornet - a Menace to our Natural Landscapes

The European hornet is a non-native U.S. pest with a home range extending throughout Europe. This wasp species was first discovered in the northeastern U.S. around 1854. The European hornet can now be found throughout the eastern U.S. and west into Louisiana and the Dakotas.

European hornets are easy to recognize. The adult females often exceed 25-mm (I-inch) in length. Like many wasps, European hornets have broad yellow bands on the abdomen but can be distinguished by reddish-brown markings on the prothorax ("neck") and head and wings that are brownish.

Unlike other wasps, European hornets are also active at night. They are attracted to incandescent lights during summer and fall evenings. Yellow-colored or sodium vapor light bulbs are less attractive to the European hornet and can be used if Hornets are a problem. European hornets are the only "true" hornets in North America. Because the term hornet refers only to wasps in the genus Vespa, scientifically, the bald-faced "hornets" (Dolichovespula sp.) are more closely allied to yellow jacket wasps.

Pest Problems Associated with the European Hornet

Hornets feeding on pest insects in crops can be beneficial. However, European hornets can cause injury or loss to fruit crops and damage to the trunks and stems of ornamental plants in the nursery and landscape.

European hornet injury is most common on a lilac, birch, willow, boxwood, mountain ash, white and green ash, poplar, and occasionally Rhododendron. Damage occurs when worker wasps chew on the bark of trees and shrubs. The Hornets use the chewed pulp to build their paper nest.

European hornet colonies are established underground and rarely occur in evergreen tree cavities. In April, young queens lay up to two dozen eggs in a linear, paper-cell comb suspended on a stalk made from chewed plant fibers until her young mature European hornet queens must forage to provide food and shelter to their developing brood.

A European hornet nest may consist of 200 to 400 individuals (with larger colonies numbering more than 1,000 hornets). The majority of colony inhabitants are sterile female workers. The worker caste is responsible for foraging, colony defense, and maintenance of the nest, which may consist of six to nine tiers of paper combs and over 3,000 individual brood cells.

Within combs, individual cells must be large enough to accommodate developing larvae and pupae. For this reason, European hornet nests can be as large as many yellow jacket wasp nests, supporting populations sometimes exceeding 4,000 individuals. European hornets rarely forage around picnic areas or garbage like yellow jackets, so they generally cannot be baited for purposes of colony location.

The stem- or trunk-girdling nature of hornet injury can kill individual branches or the canopy of young trees. The injury is often misdiagnosed as feeding damage from squirrels or rodents, resulting in unsuccessful management decisions.

European hornets and yellow jacket wasps are highly aggressive when disturbing colonies. Multiple stings are possible, but reactions are limited to a localized pain dissipating with time. However, the human health risk from anaphylactic shock and allergic responses to hornet, wasp, and bee venom is a genuine concern.

Source of Information on the European Hornet


Lilac Shrub - TN Nursery

Lilac Shrub

Lilac Shrubs are beloved for their fragrant blooms and versatile nature and offer various benefits when integrated into landscaping designs. Its striking appearance, captivating fragrance, adaptability, and contribution to the overall aesthetic and sensory experience make it a sought-after choice for enhancing outdoor spaces. The Lilac Shrub blooms in early spring. When you see it, you know that summer is not far away. Here's why this plant is so popular. Lilac Shrub Offers Perfume in the Air Many people find the intoxicating fragrance of them romantic. The aroma is fresh, clean, and powerful but not overpowering or cloying. Instead, it smells breezy, gentle, and refreshing. The scent is easy to identify because it is so unique. For many, it's reminiscent of childhood when the world was redesigned. Just one bouquet can create a refreshingly crisp scent in any room. The breezy floral fragrance can lift you, and the magical aroma adds another layer of charm to your home. Lilac Shrub Blooms Early Spring  The standard type may be the most beautiful of all the early spring flowering trees. The large clusters of tiny flowers are often pale purple but bloom in other shades. Yellow blooms are thrilling to the eye. The bright yellow flowers and their captivating perfume are almost too stunning to behold. These shrubs can make even a lackluster landscape look amazing. For such a show-stopping plant, they are surprisingly sturdy. They will grow anywhere and happily prosper in almost any soil, climate, or condition. Because these blooms are hardy, they need little attention and are virtually indestructible. They don't need watering, and they're highly drought-resistant. Many bushes still flourish where they were initially planted on the grounds of old homesteads. The farmhouses are long gone, but the plants continue to thrive. Because they can live for decades, they're a great addition to any property you intend to pass on to future generations. Lilac Shrub's Come In Many Shapes & Sizes  Lilac Shrubs come in a multitude of sizes and shapes. Mini bushes for smaller city gardens reach four feet, while the typical pastel purple plants can reach 15 feet. The showy plant fits in nicely and makes a strong statement almost anywhere. They will delight the eye for years to come.

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weeping willow tree

Weeping Willow

Weeping Willow is a towering and graceful deciduous tree known for its long branches that sweep downward, creating an elegant appearance commonly found near water bodies. It is a stunning deciduous tree renowned for its graceful, drooping branches that form a cascading effect, making it an excellent addition to any landscape. The weeping willow is a stately tree that needs no introduction. This type of tree features cascading branches that give it its unique moniker. But despite this, there are plenty of reasons why you'd likely be quite content to plant one of these gorgeous trees in your yard. Let's look at some of the top benefits of these trees and why they are so popular.   Weeping Willow Appreciate Excessive Moisture While it's always possible to overwater any plant, these trees thrive in moister areas, making them the perfect plant to incorporate into swampier regions where you're having trouble growing some of your other favorite flowers. Better yet, they look stunning over a pond or small body of water, captivating passerby with their delicate yet powerful presence. The Weeping Willow Offers Sustenance For Local Wildlife The branches and leaves of these trees fall often, and it's good as they offer food for local wildlife. It's a significant bonus for anyone looking to create a natural space that benefits the environment. They get the free cleanup offered by small rodents and animals like deer, a show when they stop by to feed, and the animals get a quick meal whenever needed. The most significant benefit of these trees is the sheer amount of shaded space underneath them. If some plants thrive better in darker areas, this tree might be the perfect spot to position them. Of course, you could always enjoy the tree, sitting under it to read a book and enjoy a reprieve away from the summer sun. Enjoy Weeping Willows Dreamy Looks  Weeping Willow are among the few that do not explain why they enter. They have an almost dream-like appearance that quickly pulls you in, further enhanced by the yellow flowers that appear towards the end of winter and the beginning of spring. If you're looking for a tree that immediately pulls you in and enhances the look of your surroundings, this is the one.

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Willow Oak Tree - TN Nursery

Willow Oak Tree

Willow Oak Tree is a medium to large-sized deciduous tree native to eastern North America. It is known for its slender leaves and tall, straight trunk, and it is commonly planted as a shade tree in urban and suburban landscapes.  The scientific name for The tree is the Quercus Phellos. It is deciduous, meaning it grows leaves that fall off every autumn. It then grows new leaves in the spring and summer months. Its ample leaves add to its bushy appearance and lend to its aesthetic appeal among many property owners. When fully mature, the leaves are dark green and have a body. The leaves resemble willows, hence the name. How Tall Does the Willow Oak Tree Grow It is one of the tallest deciduous varieties grown today and can reach an impressive height of up to 100 feet. Most of them grow anywhere from 50 to 100 feet. It also takes them up to 30 years to reach full maturity. People who plant them in their landscapes can look forward to these remaining vital and aesthetic fixtures for years before they die and must be uprooted and replanted. What are the Landscaping Benefits of This Tree Variant Like other types, this particular variant has a vital purpose in manufacturing. Manufacturers use the wood from it to make products ranging from furniture to flooring. However, this variant also serves an essential purpose in landscaping. Because they grow so tall, they can help provide much-needed shade from the sun. They also have such large bodies that they can buffer homes and businesses from gusty winds. They also lend visual appeal when used in landscaping. They add color and dimension to the properties on which they are planted. Benefits of Growing Willow Oak Tree Because of their longevity, they attract a variety of wildlife. Birds like blue jays and sparrows commonly build their nests in them. Small animals like squirrels also burrow in them and use them as shelter against the weather and predators. People who like to bird watch or view nature may attract more wildlife to their yards when they plant Willow Oak Tree. They are an essential part of the ecosystem and serve as a food source for many creatures.

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