Establishing and Growing Perennial Plants

Establishing and growing perennial plants in your garden can be rewarding and relatively low-maintenance

Here are some steps to help you successfully develop perennial plants:

Choose the Right Plants:

Perennial plants suitable for your climate, soil type, and available sunlight. Consider factors like hardiness, water requirements, and the amount of space available for growth.

Plan the Layout:

Determine where each perennial plant will be placed. Consider the plants' mature size and growth habits to ensure enough space to thrive without overcrowding.

Dig the Planting Hole:

Dig a hole slightly broader and deeper than the root ball of the perennial plant. Planting: Place the perennial plant in the hole so that the top of the root ball is level with the soil surface. Fill the gap with soil, gently firming it around the roots to remove air pockets.


Thoroughly water the newly planted perennial to ensure good root-to-soil contact. Regularly water during the establishment period, keeping the ground moist but not soggy.


Use organic mulch around the base of the plant. Mulch helps retain moisture, suppresses weeds, and insulates the soil, providing a favorable environment for root growth.

Provide Adequate Care:

Regularly monitor the plants for water needs, especially during hot and dry periods

Water deeply when necessary, allowing the soil to dry slightly between watering. Fertilize the plants according to their specific requirements, usually in early spring or late fall.

Pruning and Maintenance:

Prune the plants to maintain their shape, remove dead or damaged growth, and promote healthy growth. Follow the pruning guidelines for each perennial plant, as some may require different approaches.

Monitor for Pests and Diseases:

Check for pests or signs of diseases on your perennial plants. Identify and address any issues promptly to minimize damage to the overall health of your garden.

Following these steps, you can establish a beautiful perennial garden that will continue flourishing for years.

Remember to consider the needs of each plant and adjust your approach accordingly

Try Raised Bed Perennial Gardens

While raised beds have traditionally been the domain of the vegetable gardener, perennial plants such as Daylilies, Hosta, Virginia Bluebells, Columbine, And Dutchman's Breeches have much to recommend them to this type of garden. All thrive under the favorable conditions of a raised bed, and each species has its own unique features which make them perennial favorites.

Daylilies could easily fill a raised bed all by themselves. They come in a range of sizes and enticing colors, and bloom from early June until September. There are even evening blooming varieties for when you want to linger on the patio on those warm summer nights.

Although the individual blooms only last a day or so, a good variety will have tons of blossoms over a long period. The blooms can range in size from 3 to 5 inches, and be either round or triangular in shape. They can be planted, or transplanted, at any time during the growing season, although spring is the best time to rework the beds of these forgiving plants.

You could fill several raised beds with Hosta and never run out of choices. While not especially noted for their bloom, the hostas come in so many sizes and shapes that their inclusion in the raised bed perennial garden is almost mandatory. More so if your raised bed occupies a shaded location. Hostas appreciate the good drainage and rich soil a raised bed affords them. Again, spring is the best time to divide and transplant these hardy plants.

Both these plant species make excellent choices for a raised bed all by themselves but your garden will go from interesting to amazing if you mingle other perennials amongst them. This is where early blooming plants come into their own.

Virginia Blue Bells, with their clusters of flowers on coiled stems, spring to life in early April. Typically grown in drifts, in naturalized gardens, they are equally at home grown in clusters in the raised bed garden. They add early season texture and color at a time when the summer blooming plants are still getting their act together.

Just when the bells are starting to fade, along comes the lovely Columbine. With showy, bell shaped, spurred flowers, in colors that range from white to blue to pink, red and pale green hanging above lacy foliage, they contrast beautifully with the more sturdy foliage of our other perennials. Although the plants aren't noted for longevity, they self-seed freely.

Dutchman Breeches is a fine choice for mixed perennial plants in the raised bed garden. Like the others, it appreciates the same conditions while providing it's own special charms. Another early spring bloomer, Dutchmans Breeches is a great choice as a companion for other shade loving plants.

Mixed together, or grown individually, Daylillies, Hosta, Virginia Blue Bells, Columbine, And Dutchmans Breeches are among the best choices in perennial plants for your raised bed garden.

6 Pack - Gayfeather Liatris - TN Nursery

6 Pack - Gayfeather Liatris

Gayfeather Liatris plants typically produce tall spikes of purple or white flowers that bloom from top to bottom. These flowers are densely packed along the spike, creating a striking visual display in gardens and natural landscapes. Sold In 6 Pack Cell Trays If you're looking for a unique flowering plant that will add depth and height to your gardens, gayfeather liatris may help you fulfill your landscaping dreams. It is also known as dense blazing star and button snakeroot. To botanists, it's known as Spicata. It is native to eastern North America, where it can be found growing next to tall grasses and wildflowers. It is part of the aster family and one of 40 plant species. Gayfeather Liatris Characteristics It can grow to a height of up to four feet and a width of up to one foot. It spouts long, cone—or brush-shaped pink to purple blooms that blossom from summer to late fall and make excellent cuttings for bouquets. The plant's leaves average 16 inches in length and resemble grass or feathers. Gardeners will especially enjoy the leaves throughout the fall because they tend to keep their color and shape late into the season. Add Vertical Accents with Gayfeather Liatris It is prized for its ability to add vertical accents to gardens. This wildflower looks best in front of other perennials and ornamental grasses, where it can add color and height. Gardeners may also prefer to use it along the borders of their property or to add visual interest to the edges of sidewalks and driveways. If you love bird or butterfly watching, this flowering perennial would make a great addition to your yard. It attracts birds, butterflies, bumble bees, and honey bees. It's beautiful to monarch butterflies, silver-spotted skippers, and painted ladies. Hummingbirds have even been known to frequent dense blazing stars because they produce a lot of nectar. Best Gardens to Plant Gayfeather Liatris Dense Gayfeather Liatris can be found naturally in meadows and prairies throughout eastern North America. Gardeners can enjoy planting it in cottage, English, butterfly, and even rain gardens. They pair well with beardtongue, beebalm, blue fescue, common Bluestar, and false blue indigo. It makes a beautiful addition to many different types of flower and butterfly gardens. It's also perfect for planting in areas that are being rewilded, naturalized, or xeriscaped.

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Virginia Bluebell - TN Nursery

Virginia Bluebell

Virginia Bluebell is a spring-blooming wildflower native to the United States recognized for its delicate, bell-shaped, sky-blue flowers forming clusters and carpeting the forest floor in early spring. It is a captivating perennial plant that offers numerous benefits when incorporated into landscaping designs. Its enchanting appearance and adaptability have made it a favorite among gardeners and landscapers. Virginia Bluebell produces Sky sky-blue bell-shaped flowers These flowers start as shades of pink and gradually transition to a soothing sky-blue hue, creating a stunning gradient effect that adds a touch of elegance to any landscape. The lush green foliage further complements the vibrant blooms, enhancing the overall visual impact. Besides its visual appeal, it is positively adjustable to various soil types, making it a perfect option for landscaping projects in multiple environments. Its preference for partially shaded to fully shaded areas makes it ideal for underplanting trees or placing them along the edges of woodland gardens. This versatility allows landscapers to create visually appealing designs catering to light conditions. Another benefit of incorporating them is their role in supporting local ecosystems. These plants are attractive to pollinators such as bees and butterflies, making them valuable contributors to biodiversity. By attracting these pollinators, they aid in reproducing nearby plants and promote a healthier ecosystem within the landscape. They also require little maintenance, making them appealing to amateur and experienced gardeners. Once established, they require minimal care, allowing landscapers to focus on other design aspects. In conclusion, perennial plants offer a range of benefits that enhance the overall appeal and ecological value of landscaping projects. With their captivating appearance, adaptability to various environments, support for local wildlife, and low maintenance needs, these perennial plants are a valuable addition to any landscape design seeking a harmonious blend of beauty and functionality. Virginia Bluebell Is Known For Its Beauty  The Virginia Bluebell, or Mertensia virginica, is a stunning and delicate native wildflower that graces eastern North America's woodlands and meadows. This perennial plant, belonging to the Boraginaceae family, is renowned for its enchanting beauty and is often considered one of the most striking spring wildflowers in its native range. Standing at heights 1 to 2.5 feet, the wildflower is a herbaceous plant that emerges from the forest floor early to mid-spring. Its growth cycle is a true spectacle as it undergoes a remarkable transformation. Initially, the plant's lance-shaped leaves are tinged with an attractive reddish-purple hue, but as they unfurl, they transition to a soft, gray-green color, creating a stunning contrast with its vibrant blue flowers. The Virginia Bluebell Has Mesmerizing Fairy-Like Flowers The flowers themselves are the main attraction of the plant. They are composed of clusters of pendulous, trumpet-shaped blooms that are a breathtaking shade of sky blue or pale pink, depending on the soil conditions. These blossoms are unique because they start as pink buds, gradually shifting to their iconic blue hue as they mature. The floral clusters adorn the plant's upright stems, creating a sea of blue that sways gently in the spring breeze. One of their most remarkable aspects is their ability to thrive in shaded woodland areas. They are often found in the dappled sunlight beneath deciduous trees, creating a serene and ethereal ambiance in these natural settings. Their preference for moist, rich soils ensures they are frequently spotted along stream banks and low-lying areas. Aside from its visual appeal, it plays an essential ecological role. They provide nectar for early-emerging pollinators like bees and butterflies, helping to kickstart the pollination process for various plants in their ecosystem. In conclusion, the Virginia Bluebell symbolizes grace and fleeting beauty in the natural world. Its striking blue flowers and unique life cycle make it a beloved harbinger of spring, enriching the landscapes it graces and captivating all who have the privilege to witness its brief but glorious bloom.

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6 Pack - Purple Love Grass - TN Nursery

6 Pack - Purple Love Grass

Purple Love Grass is a versatile and visually appealing ornamental plant that has gained popularity in landscaping due to its unique attributes. Native to North America, this perennial is well-suited for various landscape designs and can provide numerous benefits when incorporated into gardens and outdoor spaces. SOLD IN 6-PACK CELL TRAYS Purple love grass is scientifically known as Eragrostis Spectabilis, although garden lovers commonly refer to it as a tumble plant. It is an ornamental plant native to eastern and central North America. This decorative plant is well-known and famous due to its use by Piet Oudolf and the Green Thumb Award it earned in 2013 from the Direct Gardening Association. Purple Love Grass Garden Designer Approved Eragrostis Spectabilis is loved and used by many professional gardeners. It was listed in Gardens Illustrated as a top 100 plant to have in your garden. It was also extensively used in Chicago's Lurie Garden and New York City's Highline. Purple Love Grass Is Known for Its Color Changes Eragrostis Spectabilis is known and revered for its seasonal color changes. In the spring, the blades have a blue-green hue. In the summer, this ornamental plant grows purple spikelets. When those spikelets mature, they fall off the plant and are blown away, which earned it the nickname tumble. In the fall, gardeners can watch the leaves develop a bronze-red hue. Purple Love Grass Is Stunning Planting In Mass  It can be used in various ways, including as ground cover or an accent. It can also be mass-planted or planted as a group. It typically attains a height and width of two feet. The blades grow up to 10 inches long and have a width of about a quarter inch. It pairs well with white wood aster, purple poppy mallow, Pennsylvania sedge, and spotted beebalm. If you're looking to make your home more environmentally friendly, planting it may help. Eragrostis Spectabilis can be used to control soil erosion, and it's considered water-wise, which means if you're planting a drought-tolerant yard, you could include tumble plants in your landscaping. It can also be used as a green or living roof. Purple Love Grass is a famous, hardy, and versatile ornamental plant. It makes a beautiful addition to any home garden or landscaping project, and it may even help you lower your carbon footprint.

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