Creating a Water Garden | Facts and Information

You do not need a professional to create a water garden. These are simple to do and will bring you a lot of joy during the spring and summer months.

Water gardens can be created using a prefabricated pool which is very simple. You may also want to use a flexible liner and create your own unique shaped water garden.

If you are going to use the prefabricated pool, you will need to dig a hole that this pool will fit into. It will need to be in the same shape and depth of the pool. You will need to dig the hole two inches wider and deeper than the pool itself. You will need to line the hole that you have dug with two inches of wet sand and also make sure that the pool is level when you insert it into the hole

. Also, you will need to begin adding water to the pool, and you will also need to fill in the sides with sand as the water fills up. This will make the pool sturdy and will keep it in place. When using a flexible liner, you will need to dig your hole in the shape that you would like. You can also leave a shelf around the sides of your hole so that you can add those wonderful water plants. Dig your hole two inches wider and deeper.

Also, make sure that the hole that you are digging is level. You will also need to add wet sand to the bottom of the pool areas as well. Once you have your hole dug and sand in place, you are ready to install the liner. Place the liner in the pool and put rocks on the edges to hold in place. You can start filling with water slowly so that it does not pull the liner in.

Finish your water pond with your border. Rocks are usually great for this because they are heavy. Then you can trim the excess liner away from the pond. You can find more information on creating a water garden online.

TN Nurseries best selling aquatic plants


Water Lily


Soft stem bulrush

Red Cardinal flower


lily pads - TN Nursery

Water Lily

Water Lily Pads are round, flat, floating leaves of aquatic plants, typically green in color. They provide a resting place for frogs and a picturesque element in ponds and H2O gardens. They are often associated with serene ponds and H2O gardens; they offer unique benefits when strategically incorporated into landscaping designs. Their aquatic nature, ability to create captivating reflections, contributions to ecosystem health, and role in enhancing the visual and sensory experience make them valuable to outdoor spaces. Water Lily pads are clusters of aquatic plants with leaves and blooms that grow in ponds, H2O gardens, and natural bodies of H2O. They root in the soil at the bottom of quiet, freshwater habitats. There are many reasons to cultivate these uncommonly alluring plants. The Extraordinary Beauty Of Water Lily Pads If you want breathtaking plants and a unique landscape, consider them. The magnificent blossoms burst forth through the surface of the H2O with bold flowers in a rainbow of colors from bright white, pale pink, and rich red to yellow and even blue. Large green leaves provide a stunning backdrop for these graceful flowers. The delicate petals and intricate stamens create a visually exquisite display that can grace your landscape with something special. Lilies represent resurrection, rebirth, purity, and enlightenment. They emerge triumphantly from the muck at the bottom of the pond, transformed into extraordinary blossoms. They have long been associated with higher qualities of consciousness like enlightenment and spiritual awakening. Some cultures associate the plants with grace, beauty, harmony, and serenity. In Buddhism and Hinduism, the pads have spiritual significance. In ancient Egypt, they were thought to repel negative entities, while Christians saw them as symbols of life, energy, and vitality. The Leaves and Blooms Of Water Lily The leaves can be round, oval, or heart-shaped and float on the surface of the H2O. They are supported by long stalks that emerge from thick, fleshy underwater roots. The leaves have a waxy coating that repels H2O while keeping them dry and buoyant. The size of the leaves varies by species. They range from a few inches to one foot in diameter. The flowers have delicate petals arranged in layers around a disk. The petals can be single or double-layered. The Looks And Info About Water Lily Visible blooms and leaves can completely cover the surface of a body of H2O. The showy display of Water Lily is supported by solid roots of fleshy rhizomes that secure the plants in the muddy substrate at the bottom of the H2O. The rhizomes produce slender roots that absorb nutrients in the H2O and further ensure the plant is in its position. The plant is essential in aquatic ecosystems, where it can be a primary food source and desirable habitat for fish and small animals.

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Cattail Plant - TN Nursery

Cattail Plant

The Cattail Plant is a wetland species with long, slender, spear-like leaves and distinctive brown, cylindrical flower spikes commonly found in marshes, ponds, and other aquatic habitats. The cattail plant (Typha) is a group of 30 tall marsh grasses growing like reeds. Their tall, slender stalks and distinctive brown, fluffy, flowered heads make them an interesting addition to any landscape. They are excellent ways to elevate the beauty of your landscape for those who have a garden near a lake or want to emulate the tranquility of country cottages. Transform Your Space With Cattail Plant Whether planted alone or in clusters, they add rustic charm and delight to any garden. While they make striking visual statements, they don't overwhelm surrounding foliage or fauna. Instead, their neutral colors and lengthy, slim stalks create a grounding effect ideal for filling space and centering your collection. Create a Wildlife Oasis With Cattail Plant Invite more wildlife into your yard with them, which thrive near water and can be integral to a thriving pond ecosystem. They provide safety and coverage for many bird species and serve as food for many herbivorous animals. The good news for many gardeners is that Typha is typically not known to attract bumblebees, so you can add visual depth and beauty to your garden without bringing too many pollinators to the space. The good news is that they do not require much human interference to thrive. As long as they are put in the right environment, they will flourish effortlessly. Their widespread adaptability makes them an ideal choice for both experienced and novice gardeners. Embrace Eco-Friendly Landscaping With The Cattail Plant Sustainable gardening is vital to improving our climate and supporting local ecosystems. They are excellent water purifiers, absorbing excess nutrients while their roots help prevent soil erosion. They also serve as a source for many types of fish, so if you have a pond with marsh feeders, they may enjoy adding them to their aquatic home. Incorporating Cattail Plants into your backyard ecosystem can support a brighter planet for all animals and contribute to a more sustainable, greener future.

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6 Pack - Bulrush Plugs - TN Nursery


Bulrush offers a range of benefits when integrated into landscaping projects. These versatile plants, commonly found near water bodies, bring a distinct and natural charm to outdoor spaces while serving functional and ecological roles. Enjoy Color-Changing Foliage Of Bulrush Plugs Bulrush plugs have long, floppy, dark green stems that are triangular. The spongy stems support spikey blossoms that occasionally sag and reach just below the stem's tip. Each flower spike usually produces anywhere from 50 to 100 blooms that range from 1.5 to 4.5 inches in length each spring. The leaf blades' characteristic "V" shape gives them a sheath-like appearance as they round the lengthy stem. Depending on the kind, flowers can be any yellow, red, or brown shade. The most color change tends to occur towards the end of fall. Create Dramatic Silhouettes With Bulrush The upright growth of their long, thin stems makes them a dramatic vertical feature in any setting. Their tall stalks provide a striking visual contrast when seen against a water background. The foliage is verdant and showy in the spring and summer, with large spikes of flowers. It can take on a golden or brown hue in the fall, creating a cozy background. The plugs form striking silhouettes against the sky, particularly at dawn or sunset. Bulrush Can Get Up To 10 Feet Tall Their delicate texture produces lots of textural contrast when combined with the robust leaves of broad-leaved plants. They also pair well with the fluffy plumes of ornamental grasses. Their tall, thin stems and growth patterns give their surroundings a sense of height and depth. They can get up to 10 feet tall. Bulrush has deep root systems that help keep soil in place. This is especially beneficial in areas with freshly exposed soil and sloped banks. Many people use them for wetland reclamation projects. These plants act as wind barriers when grown in clusters or rows, further helping with erosion control. These wind barriers can also double as natural privacy screens. Another way that they improve soil vitality is by absorbing harmful metals and bacteria. This reduces water pollution, making the soil healthier and less likely to erode.

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Cardinal Flower - TN Nursery

Cardinal Flower

The Red Cardinal Flower has vibrant red blooms and tall, erect stalks. It adds color and elegance to gardens, parks, and various outdoor spaces. Beyond its aesthetic appeal, it offers several advantages, making it a popular choice for landscapers and gardeners. The scarlet-hued Lobelia cardinalis is a perennial in the bellflower family. Its tall, nectar-filled bloom spikes attract hummingbirds and create a beautiful display in your garden. The plant's common name refers to the red robes a Roman Catholic cardinal wears.     Natural Habitat Of The Cardinal Flower Lobelia is native to the North and South American continents and blooms from July through September. This moisture-loving plant grows on stream banks and in low woods, marshes, and meadows across the United States. If you want to create a handsome show in your garden, Lobelia will surely delight. The plant's fiery spires yield brilliant red blooms that open gradually from the bottom to the top of their racemes. Each long, narrow, tube-shaped blossom has two flat upper petals and three lower petals at the tips. The delicate plant crown leafy 2’-4' stems, covered with shiny, lance-shaped, bright green leaves that sometimes have a bronze or reddish tint. The leaves alternate as they climb the stems, enhancing the blooms to create a lively riot of color. Cardinal Flower is a favorite of gardeners who love adding bold splashes of crimson. This plant is perfect for shady woodland plots, wet meadow plantings, water gardens, pollinator gardens, and rain gardens. Its long stems can add height to borders and create depth when placed in the back sections of your landscape. The blossoms are most spectacular from midsummer into fall and make excellent cut blooms. Ecology Of The Cardinal Flower Some people say Lobelia will bring hummingbirds in from the sky. The plant's blooming period coincides with the late-summer migration of ruby-throated hummingbirds traveling south to Mexico. The birds pollinate the plant by dipping their beaks into the plants' long, red tubes. The blossoms are also beautiful to swallowtail butterflies and bees, making them a wonderful centerpiece in a pollinator garden. Cardinal Flower Is A Bold Statement In Any Garden  When you want to make a bold, beautiful statement in your garden, include the Cardinal Flower in your plan and celebrate the summer season.

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Jewelweed plant

Jewelweed Plant

It is known for its vibrant appearance and unique characteristics and offers various landscaping benefits. Its inclusion can contribute to a garden or outdoor space's overall aesthetic appeal and ecological balance.  Jewelweed (Impatiens capensis) is an annual wildflower known as orange balsam and spotted touch-me-not. Some say it gets its name from the sparkling dewdrops that line its leaves in the morning, while others contend that the brilliant, red-spotted orange flowers glow like bright jewels. These flowers are also famous for their explosive seed pods, which give the plant the name "touch-me-not." Native to northern and eastern North America, it starts blooming in June and continues until it succumbs to October frosts. The flower grows naturally in cool, low woodlands and decorates shady stream banks, creek banks, lakesides, and marshes. The Appearance Of Jewelweed Orange balsam is a lush green wildflower that grows 3'–5' tall. It branches prolifically and produces a profusion of inch-long, spotted orange blossoms with blood-orange or red markings. Each delicate blossom hangs from its stalk among neighboring flowers. They have two lips, five petals, and three sepals, one of which is a pouch-shaped structure with a nectar spur that curves back under the rest of the flower. The blooms form small clusters that rise above the herb's upper leaves. The Jewelweed's round green to reddish-grTNeen stems are smooth, succulent, and semi-translucent. Its toothed, spade-shaped, bluish-green leaves are usually about 2½"–3" long and grow alternating on the herb's upper stems. Jewelweed Is Great In Woodland Gardens  Jewelweed makes a beautiful addition to woodland gardens, shady rain gardens, and pollinator gardens. It's great for ponds, bog gardens, and lowland areas. Although it's an annual, this wildflower tends to return once established. Pollinators Love Jewelweed Plant The blossoms attract butterflies and other pollinators. Hummingbirds and bumblebees, the herb's primary pollinators, find nourishment in its sweet nectar and play a significant role in its successful propagation. It is also a food source for moth caterpillars, bobwhite quail, mice, and deer, and it is fond of its stems, leaves, and seeds. If you'd like to add a bright pop of orange to your summer garden, planting it will bring joy to your landscape with its delightful blooms.

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