Characteristics of Trees

Trees differentiate from shrubs and smaller plant species by many features, one of which is sturdiness

The tree's trunk is a single, thick, hard bark, unlike most short plants with a thin stem. The bark is often used in the manufacturing and food industries.

Tall. Another characteristic that distinguishes trees from other plant species is their height. While not all trees reach the sky, they are usually higher than shrubs and bushes. Though you may or may not see a lot of leaves on all of them, they commonly have left on the top and extended branches through most of the year.

Shade. These are essential sources of shade for animals as well as humans. They also provide bird shelter and save them from harsh weather. This gift of nature is crucial for the survival of many wildlife species.

Flowers. Flowers add ornamental value to the trees and give them a gorgeous look. Many people plant trees only for the wonderfully pigmented pretty flowers blooming during the blooming season. Depending on the species, flowers appear in different colors and forms on all trees. Some have large ones, while others are small and unnoticed.

Fruits. While all trees have flowers, not all flowers become fruits. Some varieties, like the flowering cherry trees, have ornamental blooms that do not turn into fruit and shed after their lifetime. The fruits are devoured by birds, animals, and humans as well. They attract birds from different regions in the fruiting season.

Extensive roots. The extensive roots under the ground support the tree's massive trunk. Some plant roots do not go far away from the base, while others spread to large distances.

Some of the Maple plants are:

  • Autumn blaze maple
  • Red maple tree
  • Scarlet red maple
  • Silver maple tree
  • Sugar maple tree

Privacy Tree

Privacy trees are an easy-to-maintain privacy screen for your house to maintain privacy from outsiders

They make an excellent choice for hedges, borders, and privacy fences because of their affordability and easy care. These trees not only privatize your home but also give it an attractive exterior. Privacy plants have been considered a better option than wire and metal fencing for many reasons, including purchase and maintenance costs. They usually have a long lifespan and last a long time to provide privacy from neighbors for a long time.

The most commonly used privacy trees are:

  • Virginia pine tree
  • Bald cypress tree
  • Cedar tree
  • Hornbeam tree
  • Northern privet
  • Running bamboo

Pine Trees

Pine trees, called Conifers, are evergreen trees with greenery throughout the year. Over 250 species globally have a deep root system and are often used as windbreaks. The cone-shaped trees produce needle-like leaves and stiff cones often used for ornamental purposes. Male and Female cones differ in structure and form but are both woody. They are found extensively in Southeast Asia, Europe, Russia, and North America. Conifers are well-adapted to poor nutrient soil and cold environment. Pines have a straight trunk and live up to 400 years.

Some of the pine trees are:

  • Loblolly pine tree
  • Pitch pine tree
  • Shortleaf pine tree
  • Virginia pine tree

Fast-growing Trees

As the name indicates, fast-growing trees increase faster than other plant species. They grow as much as 3 to 4 feet per year. They are preferred for backyards and landscaping projects because they tend to cover space quickly. They also reach maturity earlier at around 30 years of age because of their fast growth. Fast-growing trees are also used widely for privacy as they increase to cover the exterior. They are perfect for landscape design, shade, and a beautiful look. Besides being fast-growing, they are fruiting trees with beautiful flowers.

Some fast-growing tree varieties include:

  • Sycamore tree
  • Bald Cyprus tree
  • Beech tree
  • Black cherry tree
  • Black willow tree
  • Box elder tree
  • Crabapple tree
  • Elm tree
  • Kousa dogwood tree
  • Natchez crepe myrtle
  • Pink Hibiscus
  • Purple Hibiscus
  • Red Hibiscus
  • Silky willow tree

Fall-colored Trees

Depending on the region, climate, and leaf pigment of the species, the leaves of these deciduous plants turn a gorgeous crimson, red, orange, yellow, or purple in Autumn. The genetic makeup of these trees gives them attractive colors that some other plants lack. While they are worth the view throughout the year, the fall colors make them even more appealing. Mesmerizing fall colors of these trees make you want to plant them in your garden or backyard immediately.

Some commonly planted fall-colored trees are:

Autumn blaze maple

Box elder tree

Red maple tree

Red oak tree

Sassafras tree

Silver maple tree

Sourwood tree

Tulip tree

Witch hazel tree

Sweet gum tree

Pitch Pine Tree - TN Nursery

Pitch Pine Tree

The Pitch pine tree is a rugged, evergreen native to eastern North America, characterized by its long, dark green needles, rough bark, and the production of resin-rich "pitch" that has various commercial uses. The Pitch Pine Tree is also known as Pinus rigida. The latter term means that it is stiff (rigid) and has needles, which are thin, long, and sharp leaves. Those needles are stiff as well. They can live for 200 years and have been used to make things like paper, lumber, pulp, and turpentine, while their high levels of resin, which preserve them from decay, have resulted in them being used in the building of ships in the past years. Locations Of The Pitch Pine Tree They are predominantly located in an area that covers much of the Northeast United States and stretches down to around the Tennessee-North Carolina border—i.e., an area focused on the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. Small parts of Georgia and South Carolina are included as well. North of the border, this type of greenery is found in limited numbers in Ontario and Quebec.  Size Of The Pitch Pine Tree This type is on the smaller side. It usually grows to around 20-100 feet in height and extends by about a foot per year for the first 60 years of its life, assuming that the conditions are optimal. Its needles are usually about 2-5 inches long, while its cones tend to be 2 inches long. One way they stand out is through their irregular shape. For example, they tend to possess twisted branches and do not effectively engage in self-pruning, which is the shedding of damaged or shaded branches. However, this type's trunk is usually mostly straight with a gentle curve. Pitch Pine Trees Can Take Lots Of Heat Pitch Pine trees can regenerate at a high level, utilizing their basal roots, which dig far into the soil if necessary. This helps them survive fire damage, and their thick barks help protect their trunks against that threat. In addition, their cones are sealed with resin, which requires heat, such as from a fire, to open. So, in the worst-case scenario, those cones would open, and their seeds would be spread, resulting in a new generation being grown in the area.

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Sycamore Tree - TN Nursery

Sycamore Tree

The majestic Sycamore tree, known scientifically as Platanus occidentalis, is an iconic and awe-inspiring presence in the natural landscape of North America. Standing as a testament to the time and enduring through the seasons, the trees symbolize resilience, grandeur, and natural beauty. Add Year-Round Interest to Your Yard with Sycamore Tree A sycamore tree can add year-round interest to your yard in several ways. Their distinctive bark peels off in sections, exposing a multi-hued pattern of brown, green, and white. No matter the season, this bark feature always turns heads. These trees have an exciting winter activity: they make seed balls. These globular clusters adorn the tree's barren branches with visual appeal and textural variety. As they age, their tall, pyramidal crowns change to rounded, irregular shapes supported by branches with vast diameters. Create Picturesque Silhouettes Against the Sky With Sycamore Tree These trees are perfect for making dramatic skyline silhouettes because of their distinctive branching structure and tall, upright growth habit. Their branches arch upward and outward, creating a unique, complex pattern that catches the eye as it meets the horizon. These lace-like silhouettes become even more artistic and dramatic during the winter after the leaves drop. Design Majestic Canopies and Structure With Sycamore Tree It is a good choice for creating natural canopies because of their erect, pyramidal crowns when young and rounded, uneven forms as they grow. They have many branches with a big diameter; however, the plant may seem unruly and ugly if the lowest branches are too close to the ground. Removing unnecessary branches from lower branches allows the tree to grow upward rather than outward. In the autumn, chlorophyll breakdown causes a chemical reaction that causes the leaves on Sycamore Trees to shift color. The leaves cease photosynthesis in response to the changing light and temperature patterns. This reduces or halts the production of chlorophyll, which makes the green hue fade and exposes other hues. As autumn approaches, the leaves' yellow carotenoids come into view, imparting their vibrant hues. In addition to color-changing leaves, these plants bloom colorful, small, spherical clusters of flowers in April and May. Some variants bloom flowers in their sixth to seventh year of growth. The male and female flowers are usually yellow or red.

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Elm Tree - TN Nursery

Elm Tree

Elm Trees are characterized by their tall, vase-like shape, serrated oval leaves with prominent veins, and gray-brown bark with deep furrows. They are majestic and versatile and have numerous landscaping benefits. Their impressive size, graceful form, and adaptability to different environments have been a favorite among landscape designers for centuries. Elm trees are often grouped in vast forests. In the 1800s, they were planted in North America, Europe, and Australia for ornamental and similar reasons. Today, they are regularly seen in many cities throughout those regions as well as in countries elsewhere, such as Indonesia and Japan. The Elm Tree Is Semi-Deciduous  This type of greenery consists of around 35 species, eight commonly found in North America and three endemic to Europe. They are deciduous and semi-deciduous, the former meaning they lose their foliage every winter, and the latter meaning this is usually done only briefly, especially in cold or dry conditions. The famous leaves have jagged edges and are shaped like hearts. They are often home to small, white flowers as well. Meanwhile, the bark is generally brown, grey, or a combination of grey and green.  Those living where these are grown have enjoyed numerous benefits as a result. The most commonly known ones are their aesthetic beauty and the shade that they provide, perfect for hot summer days. They also help cultivate populations of animals such as birds and butterflies. That said, their most important benefit is their ability to remove pollutants from the air and soil. The Elm Tree Can Get Over 120 Feet Tall It is native to the eastern half of the United States and Canada and is Massachusetts' state tree. It can grow to heights ranging from 100 to 120 feet, although plants of this type tend to be shorter in colder climates. They can also live for hundreds of years, withstanding the chilly winter weather that occurs annually in many areas of this part of the world. New York's Central Park is one of the most famous places, home to numerous plants of this type. The grove located around 66th Street is believed to be one of the most extensive groves of this type of plant. The Elm Tree Has A Deep History  The first known mentions of them in literature occurred in the "Iliad," written in the 8th century B.C. These beautiful Elm trees have been regularly written about and displayed in visual artwork for centuries.

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Silky Willow - TN Nursery

Silky Willow

Silky Willow is a deciduous shrub with silver-gray foliage and slender, flexible branches. It is often used for erosion control and habitat restoration. Due to its numerous benefits and aesthetic qualities, it is a valuable addition to landscaping projects. These versatile shrubs contribute to outdoor spaces' visual appeal, ecological health, and functional aspects. What Does Silky Willow Look Like Silky Willow is a shrub that belongs to the Salicaceae tree family. It is genetically similar to tree variants like the poplar, aspen, and cottonwood. Because it is a shrub, it can grow to rather significant heights. Why is it Called Silky Willow It additionally grows long and thin purplish branches. It grows long leaves that reach up to 10 centimeters in length. The leaves have hair near their tops and are dark green. The leaves are lighter green with white silk hairs on the underside, hence the name of this tree. It blooms in late May and grows leaves through the fall season. People who want to add this type of tree to their commercial or residential properties often find it best to buy seedlings. Given how tall and wide this tree can grow, it can be difficult for people to handle when it is close to or full-grown. Rather than try to transplant a large tree, people often find it easier to plant seedlings from more giant trees of this variant. The seedlings are usually only a few feet tall, if not shorter. Once planted, the seedlings can proliferate and gain significant height during the first few years. The blooms on these trees typically mature in June. It is not uncommon for these types of trees to live for as long as 400 years. Primary Benefits of Silky Willow People who choose silky willows can enjoy numerous benefits from this type of tree on their properties. Primarily, it can stabilize the soil in a person’s lawn or garden. It can neutralize the pH levels and make the soil healthier for new and existing vegetation. Likewise, these trees prevent soil erosion, which can be vital when property owners want to avoid having to lay down new soil year after year. The trees can save property owners both time and money. Finally, they attract pollinators. Honeybees, bumble bees, and hummingbirds are often drawn to them.

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