5 Reasons to Grow Blanket Flowers

The Allure of Blanket Flowers:

A Kaleidoscope of Color, Resilience, and Beauty In gardening and horticulture, few plants can match the splendor and resilience of blanket flowers (Gaillardia spp.). With their vibrant hues, extended blooming period, and impressive heat and drought resistance, these flowers have captured the hearts of garden enthusiasts and professionals alike. Hailing from the sun-soaked regions of North and South America, blanket flowers have become a beloved addition to gardens worldwide for many reasons.

Heat and Drought Resistance:

Thriving in Challenging Environments One of blanket flowers' most remarkable attributes is their ability to withstand harsh environmental conditions. Native to areas with scorching sun and limited water availability, these flowers have evolved to thrive where many other plants struggle. Their impressive heat tolerance makes them ideal for gardens in regions with intense summer temperatures. Furthermore, their drought resistance reduces the need for constant watering.

Extended Blooming Period: A Tapestry of Color That Lasts

Blanket flowers are not just fleeting beauties; they are persistent bloomers that provide a stunning display of color for an extended period. Unlike many flowering plants with a short peak blooming time, blanket flowers can produce distinctive daisy-like blossoms from late spring well into the fall. This prolonged flowering period is a boon for garden aesthetics, as it ensures that your outdoor space remains a canvas of vibrant colors for most of the growing season. Whether used as borders, mass plantings, or focal points, blanket flowers can infuse a garden with a sense of dynamism and liveliness that few other plants can achieve.

Ease of Cultivation: From Seed to Splendor

For gardeners seeking a hassle-free and rewarding experience, blanket flowers offer a straightforward and gratifying cultivation process. Starting these flowers from seeds is remarkably easy, making them an excellent choice for those new to gardening or looking for a satisfying project with guaranteed results. The seeds can be directly sown into prepared soil after the last frost, and with minimal care, they will germinate and begin their journey toward becoming vibrant blooms. Their adaptability to various soil types further simplifies the cultivation process, making them versatile for multiple garden settings.

A Kaleidoscope of Beautiful Colors:

Nature's Palette at Its Best When it comes to color diversity, blanket flowers genuinely shine. Their blossoms come in a breathtaking array of hues, from warm and fiery oranges and reds to cheerful yellows and soft, delicate pinks. The distinctive bi-color petals often feature intricate patterns that resemble the artistry of a painter's brushstroke. These captivating color combinations add visual interest and depth to gardens, effortlessly complementing other plants and elements in the landscape. Whether used in monochromatic displays or to create vibrant color contrasts, blanket flowers offer endless opportunities for creative expression.

Cultivating Blanket Flowers: Tips for Success

To successfully grow blanket flowers and fully appreciate their beauty, providing them with the right conditions and care is essential. Here are some critical tips to consider:

  • Sun Exposure: Blanket flowers thrive in full sun, so ensure they receive at least 6-8 hours of direct sunlight daily.
  • Well-Drained Soil: Plant them in well-drained soil to prevent root rot. Sandy or loamy soils are preferable.
  • Watering: While drought-tolerant, young blanket flowers will benefit from consistent watering until established. Once mature, they require minimal watering.
  • Deadheading: To encourage continuous blooming, remove spent flowers regularly. This process, known as deadheading, redirects the plant's energy into producing new blooms.
  • Pruning: Consider reducing the plants in early spring to encourage new growth and maintain their compact shape.
  • Mulching: Applying mulch around the plants helps retain soil moisture and regulate temperature.
  • Division: Every few years, you can divide mature blanket plants to rejuvenate them and create new plants for your garden.

 The allure of blanket flowers goes beyond their captivating colors; it encompasses their ability to thrive in challenging environments, their extended blooming period, and their ease of cultivation. These qualities make them a favorite among gardeners seeking color and life in their outdoor spaces. Whether you're a seasoned horticulturist or a beginner passionate about plants, blanket flowers offer a gateway to a world of natural beauty and botanical wonder. So, consider welcoming these hardy and dazzling flowers into your garden, and let them weave their colorful tapestry of charm and resilience.

Blazing Star - TN Nursery

Blazing Star

Blazing Star's visual appeal is unmatched. Its tall, slender spikes are adorned with fluffy, cone-shaped flower heads in beautiful shades of lavender-lilac. This stunning and vibrant flowering plant is known for its striking appearance and numerous benefits to the environment and garden landscapes. Native to North America, it is popular among gardeners and landscape enthusiasts. Why Choose The Blazing Star  Blazing Star (Liatris), also known as Gayfeather, is a perennial prized for its unique, tall, spikey, purple-pink flowers that bring striking beauty to any landscape. This sun-loving wildflower also features delicate green leaves, almost like grass, that blend well with neighboring plants and flowers.  Native Americans have a somewhat exciting name for this plant. They call it "crow root" because, during the fall, the cows dig them up and eat their roots as a food source. They also use this Liatris blazing star perennial for its medicinal benefits. It can help alleviate painful period cramps, reduce inflammation, and even act as an antidote for snake bites.  They bloom in summer, fall, and winter, making them an eye-catching addition to any outdoor space with year-round interest. So, if you've been looking for a low-maintenance plant, blazing star perennial will allow you to turn your dull garden into a beautiful, inviting space.  Features of Blazing Star  These showy plants thrive best in full-sun gardens with well-drained soil because they'll rot in wet and soggy soil.  Blazing star perennial attracts pollinators and provides food for birds and other wildlife, supporting biodiversity and helping the local ecosystem thrive.  Blazing Star's Flowers  This plant is famous for its showy, tall, and upright flowers that can grow up to 3 to 5 feet in height, depending on the species and growing conditions.  Blazing star is a dream of lazy gardeners because it is easy to grow, care for, and drought-tolerant. You can plant them in your garden and enjoy their distinctive beauty for years. If you’re a lazy gardener who prefers plants that require less effort to grow and maintain, blazing star plants for sale from TN Nursery care for your garden. You can pair blazing star plants with other perennials like Black-Eyed Susan, Purple Coneflower, and Monarda Bee Balm to add striking beauty to your yard. 

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Blanket Flower - TN Nursery

Blanket Flower

Blanket Flower is a perennial wildflower known for its vibrant, daisy-like blooms with red or yellow petals and dark center disks. Often found in prairies and gardens, it attracts pollinators and adds color to landscapes. This plant is the perfect choice when craving warmth. This radiant wildflower with an extended blooming season will light up your garden with a kaleidoscope of glowing colors. Why Choose The Blanket Flower Blanket Flower, or Gaillardia, is a sun-loving perennial with stunning two-toned daisy-like blooms. The name "Blanket Flower" interestingly comes from its warm yet vibrant red and yellow blooms, which are similar to the blankets Native Americans make.  This wildflower plant belongs to the Asteraceae (daisy) family and is native to North and South America. It is commonly found in Arizona, California, Arkansas, Indiana, Iowa, and Colorado. Blanket Flowers Resembles Daisy Perennials While it may resemble a daisy, blanket flowers are related to sunflowers and brighten up the dullest landscapes. The plant is usually paired with other drought-tolerant plants and showy grass to enhance the visual interest of the entire landscape. Moreover, blanket flowers for sale come in various warm shades and a few fabulous shades, making them a statement piece in the garden. Features of Blanket Flower Plant The plant grows best in total sun exposure, sandy areas, and poor soil. The poorer the soil, the more blooms it will grow.  The blanket flower features blooms in various colors, such as orange, purple, red, yellow, and White. Depending on the season, the foliage can be either blue-green or gray-silver.  This ornamental plant can reach 1-3 feet in height and 1-2 feet in width. Water the plant every other day during the first growing period until you see flowers. Once established, it's easy to care for and does not require regular watering to stay alive.  The Blanket flower is ecosystem booster, so it love pollinators, birds, and other wildlife Though people with sensitive skin may experience skin irritation, the plant is non-toxic to humans and animals. This vibrant perennial pairs well with low-maintenance and drought-tolerant perennials, like Butterfly Weed, Yarrow, and Daylily. So, along with blanket flower plants for sale, check out other companion plants at T.N. Nursery. 

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Solomon's Seal Plant - TN Nursery

Solomon's Seal Plant

Solomon's Seal Plant is a graceful woodland perennial plant known for its arching stems, dangling pairs of bell-shaped flowers, and distinctive, alternate leaves, making it a charming addition to shaded gardens. They offer a range of benefits when incorporated into landscaping projects, contributing to outdoor spaces' natural charm, versatility, and ecological value. With its distinctive arching stems, elegant foliage, and adaptability, this plant brings unique qualities that enhance various aspects of landscape design. Solomon's Seal Plant, also known as Polygonatum biflorum, is an herbaceous perennial with three distinct color stages: greenish-white, blue, and gold. Its green leaves comprise most of its total size. The Solomon's Seal Plant Color Stages When this perennial initially springs to life each May, it has small, greenish-white flowers. Thanks to its arching stems, each flower hangs down. Later in the summer, blueberries appear. Finally, once it's autumn, the leaves turn a spectacular gold. Although the entire flower is beautiful, the flowering stage is revered and has recently become a favorite in the floral world. This Solomon's Seal Plant's Growth It can reach up to four feet tall, which provides collectors with plenty of its dainty, greenish-white flowers. Due to their uniqueness, these specialty cut flowers are always in high demand. Whether you enjoy brightening up your home occasionally or regularly, you can't go wrong with this plant! Solomon's Seal Plant's Uses Although it grows naturally in forests, it is also explicitly planted for the floral industry. These perennials and their unusual appearance have quickly become highly desired. They've been used in various floral arrangements, including unique wedding bouquets. Between their stunning appearance and fragrant scent, which mimics lilacs, this flower deserves your attention! What does the name of these flowers symbolize? Unfortunately, there is no conclusive answer. However, one theory is that the flat, round stalk scars on its rhizomes were once believed to look like the ancient symbol of King Solomon. Nowadays, people are typically drawn to its dangling, greenish-white flowers and graceful arching stems. As a bonus, they can add an unusual structural appearance to any shade garden. Solomon's Seal Plant fits the bill if you're looking for a unique flower to give someone! It also has just the look you need if you're planning to build a shade garden. Either way, this perennial won't soon be forgotten!

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