33 Easy Ideas for Shade Gardens

TN Nurseries best selling shade trees

1. Autumn blaze red maple

2. Sugar maple

3. Beech tree

4. Mulberry tree

5. Weeping willow

Types of Shade Garden Designs

It is this time of the year when we mortals begin seeking a shady spot in our garden for a little reprise from the full blast of the sun. First and foremost, we must all remember that all shade is not created equal. In our garden, we'll find areas of partial shade, deep shade, and light shade - each of these shade garden options is determined by your landscape design.

Deep Shade Garden Design

In a partial shade area, we have a broad range of exciting and colorful plants; yet, these same plants under the heavy shade of an oak or pine will experience difficulty in growing or even surviving. Therefore, a thorough understanding of the type of shade you have and choosing plants for those particular light requirements is the most critical element of a successful shade garden.

Dappled Shade Garden Design

A light canopy of tree foliage produces what is referred to as 'Dappled Shade.' It is a moving pattern of direct sunlight and shade across the ground for 1 or 2 hours a day while receiving bright indirect light all day. Not all trees produce dappled shade; evergreens and trees with dense foliage induce deep shade.

Light Shade Garden Design

From Dappled Shade, we move to Light Shade, also known as open shade, because the area is open to the sky, but walls, hedges, or other structures block direct sunlight. Although there is no direct sun, the affected area still receives plenty of reflected bright light. Many plants thrive in Light Shade, such as vines and climbers to cover stark unattractive walls or privacy fences. It must be noted that the soil tends to be dry in these areas because much of the rainfall is blocked by the structures.

Partial Shade Garden Design

We have covered Deep shade, Dappled shade, and Light shade; where does Partial shade fit in? Partial shade is an area that receives 2 to 6 hours of sun each day. Many of our plants that prefer full sunlight will perform admirably in Partial shade.

Moist Shade Garden Design

Thought we covered all of the shade conditions? Wrong. There is a Moist shade area along streams, ponds, or well-watered flowerbeds. Maidenhair and cinnamon ferns, trillium, bluebells, and forget-me-nots, will thrive in this particular shade condition.

Using Shade in your Landscape Design

Can we control shade? Yes, it is possible to reduce deep shade to dappled shade under trees and large shrubs by pruning. Thinning out branches opens the canopy, permitting more light to reach the ground and increasing the airflow.

First, remove the dead or diseased branches, then prune those that grow toward the center of the tree or shrub rather than outward. Continue selective pruning until you achieve the desired amount of shade. Remember, never prune more than one-third of the branches annually. It is better to remove small branches rather than significant limbs. Removal of the lowest branches will raise the tree's canopy and allow the more direct sun to reach the ground.

The last resort drastic option would be the complete removal of large shrubs and trees, mainly if they are planted too closely together. It may be the only option for trees or shrubs that drop leaves that are toxic to most plants, such as the eucalyptus or black walnut.

Talk to one of our online nursery experts to find out more about how to develop your shade garden design.

Source to Buy Plants and Flowers for your Shade Garden

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Red Maple Tree - TN Nursery

Red Maple Tree

Red Maple trees are native to North America and are known for their striking spring scarlet flowers, brilliant fall foliage, and distinctive twigs and leaf stems. They are versatile and aesthetically pleasing choices for landscaping and offer various benefits that enhance outdoor spaces. With their striking foliage, adaptable nature, and environmental contributions, red maple trees have become popular residential and commercial landscaping options.  Regarding gardens, the Red Maple Tree is a particular case because it often exceeds 100 feet in height. Its imposing nature and brilliantly colored foliage during the spring and fall make it a breathtaking sight in any garden. It is a focal point because it will dominate any garden landscape. The Flowers Of The Red Maple Tree Comes When It's 8 Years Old This plant will produce blooms when it is roughly eight years old. When the flowers emerge from them, they are tiny and scarlet, giving this maple its name. Interestingly, these pretty little flowers appear as early as December each year so that they will add splashes of crimson to the winter landscape in the garden. The male and female flowers are each a different shade, adding to the color palette of this stately plant. The flowers of this plant fade by the end of May, but the plant still looks like it's got flowers in bloom after pollination of the flowers. After the flowers fall away, beautiful samaras form in clusters throughout the summer, contrasting with the leaves. The Leaves Of The Red Maple Tree The leaves are lush and verdant, and they have one of the most famous shapes of any leaf in the plant kingdom. However, as the leaves turn colors in the autumn, they're not just one color. Gorgeous streaks of orange and yellow form throughout them, creating an almost kaleidoscopic effect as the eyes take in the majesty of the plant. Because this plant has so many colors, it goes well with many perennials of different shades, accentuating the colors of the other plants in the garden and vice versa. Because it is such a large plant for any garden, it's just right as a host for epiphytic plants to grow upon it. In this way, this plant can be integrated into the garden. Environmental Impact Of The Red Maple Tree Red Maple Tree is a necessary part of the food cycle as winter turns to spring, particularly for bumble bees. Because it flowers so early, it provides an exceptional source of pollen and nectar for hungry pollinators before almost any other plants bloom or produce leaves. These plants also help prevent soil erosion with their root systems, especially in wet climates.

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Sugar Maple Tree - TN Nursery

Sugar Maple Tree

Sugar Maple Tree is a large deciduous tree native to North America. It is prized for its vibrant fall foliage, distinctive five-lobed leaves, and the sap used to make maple syrup. The tree benefits landscaping endeavors, enriching outdoor spaces' aesthetics, ecological balance, and functional aspects. This majestic deciduous tree offers unique qualities that contribute to various dimensions of landscape design. If you have ever enjoyed syrup, you have the tree to thank. Of course, it is celebrated for more than just its ability to create sweet treats. It can also be used to add color to your property or a neighborhood as a whole. What Does Sugar Maple Tree Look Like As with most deciduous families, this one will grow to more than 100 feet tall in ideal conditions. However, it can grow to 150 feet in some instances. It also has a canopy of green leaves during the spring and summer and turns multiple colors in the fall. It also contains flowers and winged seeds that are used to create offspring. How Long Does It Take for Sugar Maple Tree to Mature They will typically take at least a decade to produce fruit, but it may only take a few years to produce flowers. In addition, they will grow relatively quickly, which is why they can be a great addition to private property or public parks. Sugar Maple Tree Root System Is Strong Like others, the Sugar Maple Tree will create a robust root system that can help stabilize soil or prevent erosion. Therefore, it can be an ideal choice in wet areas or on slopes where a landslide could quickly decimate a landscape. In addition to protecting your property, keeping erosion to a minimum can help keep others in your neighborhood or community safe.  Planting a Sugar Maple Tree on your property can provide birds and other animals with a place to live or food to survive. For instance, squirrels and other smaller creatures will eat the seeds, while deer may be interested in chewing on leaves. Some animals may be attracted to the foliage itself or the benefits it can provide other than being a food source for them.

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American Beech Tree - TN Nursery

American Beech Tree

American Beech trees are known for their smooth, silver-gray bark and glossy, dark green leaves in the summer, transforming into a breathtaking golden bronze or copper color in the fall. These majestic plants are native to many regions worldwide and have been cherished for their aesthetic, ecological, and practical benefits. Here are some reasons why these are an outstanding addition to landscaping: The American Beech Tree Has Striking Bark The bark of the American beech tree is smooth and silvery gray. They have dark green leaves that are light on the underside, three to four inches long, pointy and coarsely serrated, arranged alternately on stems. The spring blossoms are cigar-shaped and comprised of long, narrow buds that are copper in color. Little clusters of male and female blossoms appear on the plant in the spring, usually in April or May. Fall is when the female blooms bear triangular beechnuts. Why Choose The American Beech Tree The American Beech Tree is a tall, graceful tree native to eastern North America. In Canada, these species can be commonly found in the East and is an excellent option for park-like landscapes and huge residential gardens. This shade-loving tree is one of the very slow-growing trees that does not grow any more than 1-2 feet in height in a year. Though the tree is a slow-grower, it rewards patience with its longevity and majestic appearance, making it a must-have tree in your beautiful landscape. In addition to park-like landscapes, this tree is most commonly planted along sideways, driveways, and buildings as it provides shelter and shade during the day. If you buy an American beech tree and plant it in your garden, plant it in the shade where you have enough room to grow. Features of American Beech Tree The American Beech Tree features a unique smooth grey bark, dark green summer foliage, and golden bronze fall foliage, which gives it the majestic appearance it is admired for. When this legacy tree reaches maturity, it starts producing seeds, typically around 40 years of age. Otherwise, this long-lasting tree can live up to 300-400 years if not cut down before that. The tree produces sweet and hearty beech nuts, also known as beech mast, that provide nutritious food for birds, rodents, deer, squirrels, etc. The tree thrives in slightly acidic, deep, moist, well-drained soils. To avoid root rot, ensure the tree gets no more than 1 inch of water per week, and that water doesn’t accumulate around it. American Beech Tree Is Beautiful in Landscapes Indeed, the American beech tree for sale is a real landscaping showstopper. TN Nursery also has other favorite plants usually grown with Beech Trees, including sugar maple, American holly, and oaks.

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Mulberry Tree - TN Nursery

Mulberry Tree

The Mulberry Tree has lobed leaves, often found in various species such as white, red, or black mulberries. It produces sweet, berry-like fruits that vary in color, providing shade and a tasty harvest for many. The tree is a timeless and multifaceted addition to landscaping, bringing many benefits beyond its ornamental appeal. Its majestic stature and distinctive foliage make it an excellent choice for enhancing outdoor spaces, offering aesthetic and functional advantages. In terms of aesthetics, it boasts a unique and elegant appearance that can complement various landscaping styles. Its broad canopy and lush green leaves provide ample shade and create a tranquil ambiance, making it an inviting spot for relaxation, gatherings, and outdoor activities. The Benefits Of Planting Mulberry Tree Functionally, it offers numerous benefits. Its dense canopy provides adequate shade, helping to mitigate the harsh effects of sunlight and reducing temperatures in its vicinity. This feature creates a more comfortable outdoor environment and contributes to energy savings by lowering cooling demands for nearby buildings during hot seasons. Moreover, the Tree's roots help prevent soil erosion, stabilize the soil structure, and improve water retention, which is advantageous for controlling runoff and maintaining healthy soil conditions in landscaped areas. The tree also supports local wildlife by providing a valuable food source. Birds, such as robins and cedar waxwings, are particularly drawn to its fruit, enhancing biodiversity and creating a harmonious ecosystem within the landscape. Additionally, the Tree's leaves serve as food for certain caterpillars and insects, further contributing to the diversity of local fauna. In conclusion, its role in landscaping transcends mere aesthetics. Its stature, shade provision, and positive environmental impact make it a valuable asset to any outdoor space. Combining its ornamental appeal with its practical benefits, this Tree is a testament to nature's ability to enhance our surroundings' beauty and functionality. Improve Your Landscape With Mulberry Tree The presence of Mulberry Trees in your environment improves the look and feel of the area. A tree even gives you a lovely shade since it grows tall and has large spreading canopies. The tree grows to provide an excellent relaxing spot for the summer. The tree sheds off its leaves in colder seasons, allowing you to experience the little sun available. You will love the berries these trees produce as they are sweet and can be eaten straight out of being picked. The berries even improve the appearance of the tree. When ripe, mulberries are dark and juicy and give out a great flavor. Throughout the summer, you can enjoy these fruits and even use them to make jams and desserts. Unlike other trees, the mulberry grows fast and can produce fruits after only two years. The Fruit Of The Mulberry Tree Typically, different trees produce fruit after ten years or so. After its second year, your tree will keep increasing its fruit production and reach its maximum sometime in its tenth year. The trees are pretty hardy and can grow in poor conditions. The tree can tolerate many types of soils, environments, and weather conditions. Interestingly, deserts and the hot tropics are the only known challenging climates for the tree. They are usually capable of surviving arid seasons and can even tolerate the coldest of temperatures. Mulberry trees attract lots of animals and insects, and these can help beautify your property to a significant extent. Beautiful birds and insects perch on the tree to get to the berries. This is the reason why nature lovers appreciate this tree. If you own a farm or other plants, the tree can also distract animals from eating your food. The berry production of the trees is enough to feed the birds, insects, animals, and even you.

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weeping willow tree

Weeping Willow

Weeping Willow is a towering and graceful deciduous tree known for its long branches that sweep downward, creating an elegant appearance commonly found near water bodies. It is a stunning deciduous tree renowned for its graceful, drooping branches that form a cascading effect, making it an excellent addition to any landscape. The weeping willow is a stately tree that needs no introduction. This type of tree features cascading branches that give it its unique moniker. But despite this, there are plenty of reasons why you'd likely be quite content to plant one of these gorgeous trees in your yard. Let's look at some of the top benefits of these trees and why they are so popular.   Weeping Willow Appreciate Excessive Moisture While it's always possible to overwater any plant, these trees thrive in moister areas, making them the perfect plant to incorporate into swampier regions where you're having trouble growing some of your other favorite flowers. Better yet, they look stunning over a pond or small body of water, captivating passerby with their delicate yet powerful presence. The Weeping Willow Offers Sustenance For Local Wildlife The branches and leaves of these trees fall often, and it's good as they offer food for local wildlife. It's a significant bonus for anyone looking to create a natural space that benefits the environment. They get the free cleanup offered by small rodents and animals like deer, a show when they stop by to feed, and the animals get a quick meal whenever needed. The most significant benefit of these trees is the sheer amount of shaded space underneath them. If some plants thrive better in darker areas, this tree might be the perfect spot to position them. Of course, you could always enjoy the tree, sitting under it to read a book and enjoy a reprieve away from the summer sun. Enjoy Weeping Willows Dreamy Looks  Weeping Willow are among the few that do not explain why they enter. They have an almost dream-like appearance that quickly pulls you in, further enhanced by the yellow flowers that appear towards the end of winter and the beginning of spring. If you're looking for a tree that immediately pulls you in and enhances the look of your surroundings, this is the one.

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