10 To do list for your Fall Gardening

Fall brings glorious color and paints the entire landscape with unexpected but delightful hues.

It is the time of the season when most of the trees and plants change color and shed a lot of leaves.

The Autumn season brings with it a series of tasks that are very important for a thriving garden. You can engage yourselves in several activities that help in maintaining your garden. Some of the tasks for the autumn season are—

Planting Bulbs

— Autumn possibly is the best time to plant bulbs, and they will bloom vigorously next year. Tulips, Daffodils, Snowdrops, and other spring bulbs can be planted for a colorful spring.

Clean and Gather Dried Leaves

—Clean the garden and gather dried leaves and spent flowers. It helps in maintaining hygienic and clean conditions for the plants. Fungi and bacteria can spread from infected leaves, so getting rid of the damaged plants and leaves is advisable.

Composting Leaves

—Don't just get rid of dried leaves that you have collected. They can make good compost, so you can bury them for composting so that they can be consumed later to improve the soil quality.


—Autumn is also the perfect time when you can divide and plant many shrubs and plants. Hardwood rose cuttings, hedges, and other cuttings can be planted during this season. Bare roots can also be planted during this season.


—Cover the soil around your plants with mulch to protect them from winter damage. Hay, straw, wood chips, etc., can be used for mulching. It will help maintain the soil's temperature and prevent it from getting moist.


—Prune your shrubs, plants, and hedges to get rid of dead leaves, twigs, and branches. Pruning will also help the shrubs and hedges get back in shape.

Attracting Birds

—Many different birds can be attracted to your garden during this time of the year. Please do not get rid of all the spent flowers and seeds as the birds feed on them. Cheerful and chirping birds will add to the beauty of your garden, so you can make efforts to attract them.

Planting vegetables

—Many vegetables can be planted during this season. You can plant Cabbage, Cauliflower, Swiss Chard, Spinach, Turnips, Beets, Radish, etc.

These are some of the fall gardening activities that can keep you occupied during this season. You can find bare root stock, bulbs, and many other vegetables for planting from a nursery. So, grab your tools and enjoy the pleasures of gardening…

For all your fall planting, visit TN Nursery


Red Maple Tree - TN Nursery

Red Maple Tree

Red Maple trees are native to North America and are known for their striking spring scarlet flowers, brilliant fall foliage, and distinctive twigs and leaf stems. They are versatile and aesthetically pleasing choices for landscaping and offer various benefits that enhance outdoor spaces. With their striking foliage, adaptable nature, and environmental contributions, red maple trees have become popular residential and commercial landscaping options.  Regarding gardens, the Red Maple Tree is a particular case because it often exceeds 100 feet in height. Its imposing nature and brilliantly colored foliage during the spring and fall make it a breathtaking sight in any garden. It is a focal point because it will dominate any garden landscape. The Flowers Of The Red Maple Tree Comes When It's 8 Years Old This plant will produce blooms when it is roughly eight years old. When the flowers emerge from them, they are tiny and scarlet, giving this maple its name. Interestingly, these pretty little flowers appear as early as December each year so that they will add splashes of crimson to the winter landscape in the garden. The male and female flowers are each a different shade, adding to the color palette of this stately plant. The flowers of this plant fade by the end of May, but the plant still looks like it's got flowers in bloom after pollination of the flowers. After the flowers fall away, beautiful samaras form in clusters throughout the summer, contrasting with the leaves. The Leaves Of The Red Maple Tree The leaves are lush and verdant, and they have one of the most famous shapes of any leaf in the plant kingdom. However, as the leaves turn colors in the autumn, they're not just one color. Gorgeous streaks of orange and yellow form throughout them, creating an almost kaleidoscopic effect as the eyes take in the majesty of the plant. Because this plant has so many colors, it goes well with many perennials of different shades, accentuating the colors of the other plants in the garden and vice versa. Because it is such a large plant for any garden, it's just right as a host for epiphytic plants to grow upon it. In this way, this plant can be integrated into the garden. Environmental Impact Of The Red Maple Tree Red Maple Tree is a necessary part of the food cycle as winter turns to spring, particularly for bumble bees. Because it flowers so early, it provides an exceptional source of pollen and nectar for hungry pollinators before almost any other plants bloom or produce leaves. These plants also help prevent soil erosion with their root systems, especially in wet climates.

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Burning Bush - TN Nursery

Burning Bush

Burning Bush leaves turn a brilliant shade of fiery red in autumn, adding a splash of color and drama to the landscape. This seasonal transformation makes it an excellent focal point or accent plant in any garden or backyard, providing a captivating view as the weather turns cooler. It is a versatile and visually striking shrub with numerous landscaping benefits. Its unique characteristics and adaptability make it popular among gardeners and landscape designers. It is named after its bright red fall colors, which make for an incredible display. This large, rounded shrub has become ubiquitous in American gardens, forests, and landscaping. Typically planted in spring, it grows somewhat slowly, but if correctly cared for, it can last for many decades.  Where Does Burning Bush Grow Officially designated as Euonymus alatus, they are native to northeastern Asia, specifically Russia, China, Japan, and Korea. It was initially introduced in the United States and Canada for display and has remained popular ever since. They thrive best in forests or thickets, where they can receive a good balance between sunlight, shade, and somewhat moist conditions. It can grow well in many soil types and, therefore, can adapt well to different kinds of woodlands. Today, people commonly plant them alongside fences, roadsides, commercial plazas, and the borders of forests. They can grow from ten to twenty feet tall and equally wide. The stems of this shrub have four ‘wings,’ from which the distinctive deep red leaves grow. Each leaf can grow up to three inches long and one inch wide. When the blooms in the late spring to early summer, you’ll notice the green-looking flower. By late summer to early fall, the fruits manifest as red, round berries enclosed in an orange or yellow capsule. Why Do Gardeners Like Burning Bush Gardeners mainly like the Burning Bush's bold and sprightly bright red appearance. Beyond that, it’s a very adaptable shrub that does well in only moderately moist soil and with partial shade from the sun. It will need weekly pruning to help ensure it remains a manageable size. By the fall, the brilliant red display of the shrub will be at its brightest and most alluring, which is precisely what people who plant this shrub look forward to the most. Burning Bush Blooms A Yellow-Green Bloom They bloom each year from late May through June. The blooms feature small flowers that are usually a yellow-green color. The dense, green foliage of the bushes often obscures the appearance of these flowers. During spring, the leaves become blue and bright red in the fall. From July through October, the flowers mature, turning into small red fruits. The leaves produce a green-brown hue during the winter. The bushes can reach up to 20 feet and be just as wide. Most have multiple corky-textured stems and branches and four ridges resembling square corners. Because of their attractive foliage and spherical shape, they make great focal points in yards and gardens. Their bright crimson leaves and berries add lots of vibrancy to outdoor areas in spring and summer. You can plant a single bush to stand alone or several together to create more extensive decorative accents. They feature a dense, bushy growth habit, making them ideal for creating neat, defined borders and edges. Because of their broad shape, the bushes are suitable for planting in containers around flowerbeds. You can easily prune them to keep the desired border size and shape. Because drought-tolerant, you can even use them in areas with limited soil moisture. Burning Bush Has thick foliage that creates natural privacy. They can create a tall barrier to block views from nearby houses. Their dense foliage remains all year, giving you year-round privacy. These bushes usually grow about a foot each year. Because of how quickly they grow, they are handy for bridging spaces between flower beds, increasing the seclusion they provide. They are easy to shape to the height and density you wish to attain your desired privacy.

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Forsythia - TN Nursery


Forsythia has vibrant yellow, bell-shaped flowers that bloom profusely in early spring before their green leaves emerge, creating a striking burst of color in gardens and landscapes. It is a deciduous shrub widely appreciated for its abundant and vibrant yellow flowers that herald the arrival of spring. It offers numerous landscaping benefits, making it a popular choice for gardens and outdoor spaces. One of the primary advantages of incorporating it into landscaping is its early-blooming nature.  The Golden Color Forsythia Forsythia is unparalleled in filling yards with a profusion of golden colors. Their early-season blossoming is so abundant that it covers landscapes in a kaleidoscope of yellow hues, signaling the arrival of spring. Pollinators that emerge during the first signs of spring rely on the nectar produced by these blooms. Seeing these colorful, bell-shaped blossoms arranged so closely together along the stems is breathtaking. They can reach eight to ten feet in height and ten to 12 feet in width. Their bark is rough and gray-brown. They can be erect, rounded, mounded, or arching. Their branches can be straight or curved. You can plant them as focal pieces or in mass groups. Yellow To Purple Foliage With The Forsythia In addition to their showy yellow blossoms, they alter their leaves with the seasons. The leaves transition from green to yellow to purple depending on the time of year. They stay primarily green during the summer and transition from yellow to deep purple hues throughout late autumn, right before falling to the ground. These plants go dormant in the winter. They, particularly the more significant types, are shrubs that proliferate, often reaching a height of two feet in only 12 months. Because they grow fast, they can quickly fill empty spaces in gardens and landscaping. Their fast growth also makes them work well as natural privacy screens. You can even grow them as hedges and borders for gardens and driveways. Their rapid growth also increases their resilience to environmental stresses. Design a Border With Forsythia In addition to their use as natural hedges and borders, forsythias provide a great deal of creative flexibility in design. Planting them side by side along a garden path will cause them to grow inward, creating a natural archway. Some people use them to create focal points. Others use them to help with soil stabilization on sloped banks because of their deep, complex root systems that retain topsoil.

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