10 Steps to Forest Gardening

What It Is

Forest gardening is a sustainable food production system based on ecosystems, forests, and woodlands.

It is a low-maintenance system in which trees, plants, and herbs grow together, so they necessarily take care of themselves.

As a human pursuit, forest gardening is a growing system focusing on herbs, fruit, nut trees, and perennial vegetables with sufficient yields that are immediately useful for human consumption.

Forest gardening uses a technique that involves planting different but complementary plant species close together to control pests while providing a safe harbor for beneficial wildlife. This system also aids in pollination, efficiently maximizes the use of space, and increases sustainable crop output.

History of Forest Gardening

Forest gardening is nothing new, though the term wasn’t coined until 1980. The concept dates back to a prehistoric person’s desire to create a suitable survival environment by using trees, plants, and vines that could be useful and protect these while riding the atmosphere of those plant species of no value. The purpose was to select sustainable plant life and work them into the garden food source while eliminating poor choices. Early men didn’t overthink the process. It was an instinct and a necessity for survival to eradicate undesirable plant life and promote the growth of those plants that produced immediate sustenance. Except for introducing modern mechanical tools, the process behind forest gardening hasn’t undergone significant change.

Basic Concept of Forest Gardening

In the 1980s, the pioneer of forest gardening developed a laser system based on the designs of nature. This 7-layer system forms the basis of forest farming practices today. The layers consist of a canopy of fruit trees that provide sustenance and offer the appropriate shade for crops grown beneath this protective coverage. Beneath this canopy are six more layers, including a lower layer of nut-bearing trees, a layer of fruit-bearing shrubs, a layer of herbs and perennial vegetables, a layer of root plants, and a layer of ground cover plants, and a vertical layer of vine plants. The structure of these layers produces an ecological balance in which all of the trees and plants within this system work symbiotically to ensure healthy mutual benefits. Once in place, this sustainable system requires little interference from man.

Some of the best crops for forest gardening systems include various fruits (black raspberry, blackberry, huckleberry), leeks, a variety of nuts, syrups, herbs, and medicinal plants like ginseng and black cohosh. These are just a few examples. Carrots, cabbage, and food plants that are hardy and can survive colder months can all be viable choices.

Source of Information on Forest Gardening


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Black Raspberry - TN Nursery

Black Raspberry

The Black Raspberry plant has dark berries and distinctive foliage that provide a visually striking contrast to other plants, enhancing the overall aesthetics of the landscape. Black raspberries (Rubus occidentalis) offer a variety of benefits when integrated into landscaping projects. These versatile plants blend aesthetic appeal, ecological contributions, and practical uses in outdoor spaces. Why Choose Black Raspberry Plants Black Raspberries (Rubus occidentalis), more famously called the “king of berries,” are sweet and highly nutritious berries native to North America. Famous for their intense sweet, tart taste, high nutritional value, and dark hue, these berries are a separate kind in the group of raspberries. Interestingly, black raspberry plants contain higher antioxidants, including anthocyanins and other elements that make them suitable for health. Apart from their use in food preparation, black raspberry plants are valued by gardeners because they are easily manageable and ornamental, and they are ideal for planting in both domestic and commercial landscapes. Features of Black Raspberry Compared to other berries, black raspberries possess a slightly sour taste. Their firm but fleshy appearance makes them suitable for fresh consumption and preparing jams, jellies, desserts, and smoothies. Black raspberries contain high antioxidants, dietary fiber, vitamins C and K, and minerals such as manganese. Black raspberry plants are attractive, with green leaves that turn red in the fall. For this reason, they are perfect for growing in any garden or landscape setting. Black Raspberries Growth These plants grow to 3 to 5 feet and are not very difficult to tame. They prefer well-drained soil and moderate watering, making them suitable for planting in different regions. These plants are also prolific, yielding berries from mid-summer to early fall. This makes them a worthwhile pursuit for home gardening enthusiasts and commercial growers. Black raspberry plants for sale at TN Nursery are available for those who wish to grow these nutritious berries in their gardens. Buy black raspberry plants now and experience the many benefits they offer regarding gardening and consumption. For a better experience, you can pair these plants with our top 3 other best sellers, including Dewberry plants, Elderberry Bush, and Mulberry Trees, to turn your garden into a mini farmer’s market.

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Blackberry Plant - TN Nursery

Blackberry Plant

Blackberry plants can be a great addition to any garden or yard. But while many may focus on fruit trees, fruit shrubs are worth considering, too. One fruit shrub that can grow just about anywhere in the plant. Why Choose Blackberry Plants Blackberries (Rubus allegheniensis) are the most popular and beginner-friendly small fruit plants to grow in your garden. Over 2,000 varieties of blackberry plants, including hybrids, can be found across Europe, Asia, North America, and South America. However, most are native to North America, making them a popular addition to any home garden. Many people like to add blackberries to everything, from jams to cakes and cocktails to even savory dishes. This is one of the reasons you should have a few plants in your garden so you can quickly pick fresh blackberries and turn them into your favorite dish. While the blackberry plant is relatively more straightforward to cultivate, growing and picking the delicious fruit may require a little effort. But some large varieties do not have thorns, and with proper pruning, you can quickly grow and harvest the fruit. So, whether you have been gardening for years or just starting, buy a blackberry bush and grow a vigorous plant that produces plenty of delicious blackberries. Features of Blackberry Plant Blackberry plants prefer to grow in sunny, sheltered spots with well-drained, fertile soil. Avoid low-lying areas and always plant them in sunny and airy spots. Planting Blackberry Plant When planting, maintain a distance of at least 3 feet between the plants so they can grow and spread freely. Also, water the plants regularly, especially during dry spells. The plant grows the best when pruned after each fruiting season. This encourages new growth, and you can enjoy delicious fruit every year. When it comes to choosing the best small fruit plant for your home garden, black berry plants for sale from TN Nursery are the best choice. You might want to add Red Chokeberry, Black Raspberry, and Wild Strawberry Plant along with blackberries plants for sale to have a variety of berries to enjoy daily.

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Black Walnut Tree - TN Nursery

Black Walnut

Black Walnut Trees are nut-producing plants with rich, dark-colored bark that adds a touch of elegance to the landscape, particularly during the winter when other trees may appear barren. They are majestic and valuable plants that offer numerous landscaping benefits. Their distinctive dark bark, large pinnate leaves, and nuts provide aesthetic appeal, shade, and ecological advantages, making them an excellent addition to any landscape. Why Choose The Black Walnut Tree  Black walnuts, also known as Juglans nigra, are native to the United States of America, and they are the second most grown walnut in North America after the English walnut. It contains a kernel, a palea that is a dry outer shell, and a hard outer coat or hull.  The hulls have antioxidant properties and are used in extracts and supplements for therapeutic purposes, such as clearing parasites or reducing inflammation. Tannins are abundant in black walnuts and can help combat pain, inflammation, and mucus discharge. They are widely used in recipes such as baked goods, pastries, and related food products.  Features of Black Walnut  Black walnut trees can reach up to 50 to 75 feet tall, and their giant crowns provide shade. They are suitable for landscaping.  These black walnut trees for sale bear edible seeds called nuts enclosed in a sturdy outside shell. These nuts are famous for their wholesome and natural taste. They are a delicious delicacy and a valuable source of food for wild animals such as squirrels and birds.  Black Walnut wood is very resistant, with a dark and uniform color and fine grain, making it especially suitable for furniture, cabinets, and other carving forms.  Black Walnut's Characteristics  The Black Walnut tree has characteristics such as a deep root system that inhibits soil erosion and influences the structure and health of the soil, thereby benefiting the ecosystem.  The black walnut tree is a food crop that produces nuts and houses birds, small mammals, and insects. The black walnut trees for sale at TN Nursery are the perfect addition to your landscape. Besides that, you can purchase black walnut trees from our top sellers, such as  Hickory Tree and Pecan Tree. They all have similar uses to the Black Walnut and can be a perfect addition to your garden.

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Black Cohosh - TN Nursery

Black Cohosh

Black Cohosh features large, dark green, and deeply divided leaves, adding elegance to any garden or landscape. The architectural quality of the foliage provides a dramatic backdrop for other flowering plants and serves as a focal point in shady areas. This native perennial plant has several pleasing attributes when incorporated into landscaping designs. This hardy and versatile plant is a buttercup family (Ranunculaceae) member, known for its unique foliage, vibrant flower spikes, and ecological benefits. Why Choose Black Cohosh Black Cohosh, sometimes called black snakeroot or fairy candle, is a perennial plant in North America. Initially utilized by Native American tribes as herbal medicine, black cohosh has been discovered for its various health benefits, especially for women. It is commonly used to treat conditions related to the menopause period, including hot flushing, night sweating, and mood swings.  Furthermore, it has been used to enhance hormonal system stability and alleviate symptoms associated with menstruation. The plant is erect and thin-stemmed, growing white flower spikes on the top. It blooms in the latter half of spring to early summer. Its green foliage makes it excellent for gardens and natural settings. Moreover, black cohosh plants for sale supplements and extracts are available in health stores and on the internet, which will be helpful to those who prefer natural remedies. Features of Black Cohosh Plant The Black Cohosh plant has an erect appearance and contains thin stems that can grow up to 2 meters tall. These stems are crowned with white flower spikes, which bloom during late spring to early summer, enhancing the overall aesthetics of the garden. Black Cohosh can be quickly grown in woodland with deep, fertile, and well-drained soil. It grows best in partial shade, which makes it ideal for shaded garden areas. Besides helping with menopausal symptoms, black cohosh plants for sale are thought to contain anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects. The black cohosh plant has traditionally been used to cure rheumatism, arthritis, and muscle aches. Black Cohosh contributes to ecological systems by supporting pollinators like bees and butterflies. This plant also provides habitat to some butterfly species, enhancing species diversity. To beautify your garden, get the medicinal Black Cohosh from T.N. Nursery. Use our other popular herbal remedies, such as Evening Primrose, Jacobs Ladder, and Baneberry Doll's Eye, for a beautiful and healthy garden. 

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