10 Best Trees for Shade | TN Nursery

10 Best Pleasing Trees for Shade to Enhance Your Outdoor Space

The beauty of a well-designed outdoor space lies in its harmonious balance between sunlight and shade. Shade-providing trees not only create a comfortable environment during hot summer days but also contribute to the landscape's aesthetic appeal. Whether you want to create a serene retreat or enhance your garden's visual allure, choosing the right shade of trees is essential. In this article, we'll explore the ten best pleasing trees for shade that can transform your outdoor area into a tranquil oasis.

Maple Trees (Acer spp.)

Maple trees are renowned for their vibrant foliage, which turns brilliant shades of red, orange, and yellow in the fall. Varieties such as the Sugar Maple (Acer saccharum) and Red Maple (Acer rubrum) provide ample shade while adding color to your landscape. Their dense canopies are excellent for cooling your outdoor space during warm months.

Oak Trees (Quercus spp.)

Oak trees are not only majestic in appearance but also great shade providers. With varieties like the Northern Red Oak (Quercus rubra) and Live Oak (Quercus virginiana), you can enjoy a stately canopy that offers respite from the sun's intensity. Oaks also support diverse ecosystems, attracting various wildlife species to your garden.

American Beech (Fagus grandifolia)

The American Beech is known for its lush green leaves that transition to golden bronze in autumn. It's an excellent choice for a large, shade-loving tree with a graceful presence. Its broad canopy offers substantial shade coverage, making it a favorite for many garden enthusiasts.

Birch Trees (Betula spp.)

Birch trees are celebrated for their distinctive white bark that provides visual interest year-round. Species like the River Birch (Betula nigra) and Paper Birch (Betula papyrifera) bring elegance and shade to your outdoor space. Their dappled shade allows filtered sunlight to pass through, creating a delightful play of light and shadow.

Eastern Redbud (Cercis canadensis)

The Eastern Redbud is a smaller tree that adds charm to any landscape. Its heart-shaped leaves emerge in spring with a purplish tint, turning green as the season progresses. This tree offers filtered shade, making it a great addition to smaller gardens or spaces where you want to balance light and shadow.

Tulip Tree (Liriodendron tulipifera)

The Tulip Tree boasts distinctive tulip-like flowers and vibrant green leaves. Its tall, straight trunk supports a canopy that casts ample shade. While it takes time to reach its full size, the Tulip Tree rewards patience with a commanding presence and cooling shade.

Japanese Zelkova (Zelkova serrata)

Ideal for urban environments, the Japanese Zelkova combines shade provision with a pleasing aesthetic. Its finely serrated leaves and elegant silhouette make it an attractive choice for modern landscapes. With its broad canopy, this tree offers excellent shade coverage, making it suitable for parks and spacious gardens.

London Plane Tree (Platanus × acerifolia)

The London Plane Tree is a hybrid species known for its ability to thrive in urban environments. Its mottled bark and large, hand-shaped leaves create a unique visual appeal. This tree's substantial canopy provides ample shade, making it a popular choice for city streets, plazas, and parks.

Sycamore Trees (Platanus occidentalis)

Sycamore trees are known for their distinctive peeling bark and large, palmate leaves. Their expansive canopy offers generous shade coverage, making them an excellent choice for more significant properties. Sycamores create a rustic and charming atmosphere, making them popular in rural and urban settings.

Black Walnut (Juglans nigra)

The Black Walnut tree is cherished for its shade, edible nuts, and valuable timber. Its compound leaves and distinctive nuts make it easily recognizable. While its shadow is not as dense as some other trees on this list, it still provides a pleasant environment for lounging beneath its branches.


Whether you're seeking a majestic canopy, dappled sunlight, or a mix of both, the ten trees listed above offer an array of options to suit your preferences and space constraints. By incorporating these pleasing shade trees into your landscape design, you can create a tranquil oasis that combines visual appeal with comfortable outdoor living. Remember to consider factors such as growth rate, size, and maintenance requirements when selecting, and enjoy the beauty and serenity these trees bring to your outdoor environment.

Nestled amidst nature's embrace, I envision the tranquil oasis as a harmonious blend of captivating visual allure and serene reprieve

As you enter this sanctuary, a gentle breeze carries the soothing scent of blooming flowers, inviting you to explore its picturesque beauty.

Lush foliage, meticulously curated, guides your gaze along winding pathways. Tall, graceful willows dip their fronds into a reflective pond, where koi fish glide beneath the shimmering surface. The sound of trickling water from a delicately designed fountain adds a musical rhythm to the air, a lullaby for the soul. Smooth pebbles in earthy hues create an enchanting mosaic, leading you toward secluded alcoves adorned with plump cushions, beckoning you to sit and absorb the serene ambiance.

Sunlight filters through the verdant canopy, dappling the ground with a gentle play of shadows. Soft, cool shades of green dominate the palette, evoking a sense of tranquility and renewal. Delicate butterflies and birds flit by, their graceful movements adding to the enchanting spectacle.

Blossoms of every hue burst forth in carefully curated patches, creating a symphony of colors dancing together perfectly. Roses, lavender, and jasmine release their delicate fragrances, infusing the air with a gentle, calming aroma. A delicate archway entwined with climbing vines presents a threshold to another oasis section, revealing a hidden sanctuary where yoga and meditation find their perfect haven.

At the heart of this oasis, a seating area carved from natural wood offers respite. Soft cushions adorned with intricate patterns of calming blues and soft whites beckon you to rest. A trellis overhead, decorated with fairy lights, creates an intimate canopy that glimmers as the sun dips below the horizon, transitioning the oasis into a realm of twilight magic.


In this tranquil oasis, visual splendor intertwines with a serene ambiance, creating a haven of respite from the world's demands

It's a place where every element is meticulously crafted to soothe the senses and restore the spirit. This sanctuary invites you to linger, rejuvenate, and find solace in nature's embrace.

Overcup Oak Tree - TN Nursery

Overcup Oak Tree

Overcup Oak Tree is a medium to large deciduous tree with distinctive acorns partially enclosed by a deep, warty cup. It is known for its tolerance to wet conditions and for providing valuable habitat for wildlife. It is a remarkable and helpful addition to any landscaping project, offering many benefits that enhance outdoor spaces' aesthetic and environmental aspects. Its distinctive characteristics and contributions make it a sought-after choice for various landscaping endeavors. The Overcup Oak Tree is named after the acorn it produces, which has a wooden case on top. It is a white type, meaning it will produce acorns faster than other versions of this item. Let's take a closer look at what this product looks like and the benefits of planting it on your property. The Overcup Oak Tree Has Male & Female Flowers This is classified as monecious as it can produce both male and female flowers simultaneously. Like other plants, it can grow to dozens of feet tall and develop a robust root system. The canopy contains rounded leaves instead of pointy, which is one of the easiest ways to identify this item in nature.  The Overcup Oak Tree Will Generate Strong Roots The primary benefit of buying these types is that they will develop a robust root system. This root system generally takes hold shortly after being planted into the ground. Therefore, you may notice reduced erosion and better soil quality within weeks or months of growing them. The best reason to buy this type of product is that the acorns can accomplish many different goals. For instance, if you're looking for wildlife to come back to your yard, the acorns will attract squirrels. The plant will attract birds and other animals that might shelter inside them. Finally, the acorns themselves can grow into seedlings if left alone. In many cases, the squirrels that eat them can also help to disperse them. Any acorns that aren't eaten will then be in a prime spot to grow. Overcup Oak Tree Are Strong  As the Overcup Oak Tree grows large and strong, you don't need many to reclaim your landscape. Within a few years, you should notice that your landscape is safe from erosion or extremely wet conditions. This is generally true even if you live on a slope or are otherwise in an area vulnerable to mudslides or other severe disasters.

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Tulip Tree - TN Nursery

Tulip Poplar Tree

The Tulip Poplar Tree is recognized for its distinctive tulip-shaped leaves, vibrant yellow-green flowers, and straight trunk, making it a valuable timber and ornamental plant. It is magnificent and versatile, with numerous landscaping benefits. Its striking appearance, rapid growth, and adaptability to different soil types make it a popular choice for homeowners, parks, and public spaces. One of its most noticeable benefits is its aesthetic appeal. Tulip Poplar trees, known as Liriodendron tulipifera, are among the tallest conifers in eastern North America. They can grow to a height of 192 feet. Interestingly, they typically grow limbs once they're at least 80 feet tall, which makes them one of the most valuable timber conifers in the world. The Poplar Tree In All Seasons  Although most grow their buds in the spring, these begin with a winter bud. Throughout the winter season, the buds are dark red. However, once the growing season returns, they'll slowly unfold until leaves are revealed. When fully grown, they are simple leaves that grow up to six inches and have four lobes. Additionally, they become a vibrant, bright green when seen from above. Meanwhile, their underside is a paler green with visible, downy veins. In the fall, these leaves turn a bright yellow that really stands out. The flowers are stunning and begin to unveil themselves during May. Each solitary flower begins as greenish-yellow, although they'll transform into yellowish-red as autumn approaches. Once again, they truly go out in style. Be sure to pay close attention to the multiple transformations they undergo as summer turns into fall. The Fruit, The Tulip Poplar Tree, Produces In September and October, the fruit will appear like many samaras. The wind quickly disperses these light brown, narrow cones and helps propagate the species. As a result, they do not provide a food source for wildlife, although they are home to 28 different species of moths. Tulip Poplar Tree Has A Huge Trunk Once the Tulip Poplar Tree is developed, it can have a trunk at least four to six feet wide! The bark is furrowed, brown, and bitter, though aromatic. When branchlets first begin to grow, they'll be reddish. Over time, these branchlets will turn dark gray before settling into a rich brown color. Planting one of them is a fantastic investment for future generations. After all, they'll still be growing in 200 years. Give them just 15 years, though, and you'll see them grow to 40 feet.

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Sycamore Tree - TN Nursery

Sycamore Tree

The majestic Sycamore tree, known scientifically as Platanus occidentalis, is an iconic and awe-inspiring presence in the natural landscape of North America. Standing as a testament to the time and enduring through the seasons, the trees symbolize resilience, grandeur, and natural beauty. Add Year-Round Interest to Your Yard with Sycamore Tree A sycamore tree can add year-round interest to your yard in several ways. Their distinctive bark peels off in sections, exposing a multi-hued pattern of brown, green, and white. No matter the season, this bark feature always turns heads. These trees have an exciting winter activity: they make seed balls. These globular clusters adorn the tree's barren branches with visual appeal and textural variety. As they age, their tall, pyramidal crowns change to rounded, irregular shapes supported by branches with vast diameters. Create Picturesque Silhouettes Against the Sky With Sycamore Tree These trees are perfect for making dramatic skyline silhouettes because of their distinctive branching structure and tall, upright growth habit. Their branches arch upward and outward, creating a unique, complex pattern that catches the eye as it meets the horizon. These lace-like silhouettes become even more artistic and dramatic during the winter after the leaves drop. Design Majestic Canopies and Structure With Sycamore Tree It is a good choice for creating natural canopies because of their erect, pyramidal crowns when young and rounded, uneven forms as they grow. They have many branches with a big diameter; however, the plant may seem unruly and ugly if the lowest branches are too close to the ground. Removing unnecessary branches from lower branches allows the tree to grow upward rather than outward. In the autumn, chlorophyll breakdown causes a chemical reaction that causes the leaves on Sycamore Trees to shift color. The leaves cease photosynthesis in response to the changing light and temperature patterns. This reduces or halts the production of chlorophyll, which makes the green hue fade and exposes other hues. As autumn approaches, the leaves' yellow carotenoids come into view, imparting their vibrant hues. In addition to color-changing leaves, these plants bloom colorful, small, spherical clusters of flowers in April and May. Some variants bloom flowers in their sixth to seventh year of growth. The male and female flowers are usually yellow or red.

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Black Walnut Tree - TN Nursery

Black Walnut

Black Walnut Trees are nut-producing plants with rich, dark-colored bark that adds a touch of elegance to the landscape, particularly during the winter when other trees may appear barren. They are majestic and valuable plants that offer numerous landscaping benefits. Their distinctive dark bark, large pinnate leaves, and nuts provide aesthetic appeal, shade, and ecological advantages, making them an excellent addition to any landscape. Why Choose The Black Walnut Tree  Black walnuts, also known as Juglans nigra, are native to the United States of America, and they are the second most grown walnut in North America after the English walnut. It contains a kernel, a palea that is a dry outer shell, and a hard outer coat or hull.  The hulls have antioxidant properties and are used in extracts and supplements for therapeutic purposes, such as clearing parasites or reducing inflammation. Tannins are abundant in black walnuts and can help combat pain, inflammation, and mucus discharge. They are widely used in recipes such as baked goods, pastries, and related food products.  Features of Black Walnut  Black walnut trees can reach up to 50 to 75 feet tall, and their giant crowns provide shade. They are suitable for landscaping.  These black walnut trees for sale bear edible seeds called nuts enclosed in a sturdy outside shell. These nuts are famous for their wholesome and natural taste. They are a delicious delicacy and a valuable source of food for wild animals such as squirrels and birds.  Black Walnut wood is very resistant, with a dark and uniform color and fine grain, making it especially suitable for furniture, cabinets, and other carving forms.  Black Walnut's Characteristics  The Black Walnut tree has characteristics such as a deep root system that inhibits soil erosion and influences the structure and health of the soil, thereby benefiting the ecosystem.  The black walnut tree is a food crop that produces nuts and houses birds, small mammals, and insects. The black walnut trees for sale at TN Nursery are the perfect addition to your landscape. Besides that, you can purchase black walnut trees from our top sellers, such as  Hickory Tree and Pecan Tree. They all have similar uses to the Black Walnut and can be a perfect addition to your garden.

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