White Dogwood Tree - Cornus Florida
The White Dogwood Tree is a beautiful, small deciduous type native to eastern North America. It is admired for its elegant, four-petaled snowy or pinkish-snowy flowers and distinctive branching pattern, often seen in spring gardens and landscapes.
They grow between 15 and 25 feet tall and have a magnificent spread of 20 to 25 feet. It grows at about 1 or 2 feet per year and usually blooms between the ages of 5 and 7.
Although the brilliant snowy blooms look like flowers, they're a particular form of leaf called bracts. Bracts look like petals and surround the actual flowers, which occupy the same space in the center of the bracts that the stamina does in a regular flower. The effect is breathtaking during the late spring and early summer when the snowy, petal-like bracts scintillate in the sunshine. The central flowers can be either yellow, snowy, or pink, and the multicolored effect is dazzling.
The Leaves Of The White Dogwood Tree
The regular leaves of this plant are bright green ovals that are a lighter green on the bottom. The leaves get lighter overall as the year progresses, being nearly pastel by the time they fall off during the autumn. The slow morphing of the leaves' color is one of the charming qualities of this plant, which can be a perfectly balanced focal point in any garden.
The Berries Of White Dogwood Tree
Berries form during the late summer, and the bracts gradually darken to purple as the season turns to fall. This plant is a shining example of a time-lapse color change. At the same time, this plant produces red and snowy drupes, a specific kind of berry made up of clumps of smaller items called carpels. This gives both sorts of berries a pleasing, distinctive appearance on stems about 3 inches long.
Support Pollinators With This Stunning Native
In addition to the more common species of pollinators, such as honey bees and butterflies, this White Dogwood Tree supports a specific species of andrena mining bee that only gets its pollen from them. Additionally, when they fall off, both the bracts and the leaves break down very quickly, making this gorgeous plant suitable for the soil of the whole garden. These plants will also help gardeners stave off soil erosion, so it's a good-looking plant that'll be a terrific focal point and a hardy sentry that protects the garden's soil.
What are the characteristics of them?
It produces white flowers in the spring and red berries in the fall. They mostly grow 20-30 feet in height and have a more round crown, so they can be used as a garden and landscape type.
Do they have a fragrance?
Their flowers have a characterizing sweet smell, but this smell is not very strong. In gardens and parks they are cherished largely for their visual appeal.
What is the lifespan of them?
According to experts, they have a lifespan of between 70 and 80 years, provided they grow in the right environment. If well taken care of, with proper drainage and good sunlight they should be able to last longer than is normally expected.
What is the best climate to grow them in?
They like the loamy but well-drained and non-irrigated soil that is a little acidic and semi-shade to full sun. These seeds come from the eastern part of the United States and thrive best where there is a moderate amount of rainfall. But they can be grown in vertical environments too.
What is it used for?
They are mostly grown for their beauty; their flowers and their fall colors are fantastic. For example, their dense wood has also been used throughout history in the making of things such as tool handles and small items of woodwork.