Nurturing Biodiversity With Rare Wildlife Gems

Purple Love Grass: A Vibrant Haven for Rare Grassland Species

Purple Love Grass, with its airy purple-tinged tufts, is a native grass that can transform any garden into a colorful spectacle. It thrives in poor, dry soils, and its resilience makes it perfect for low-maintenance landscapes. Beyond its beauty, Purple Love Grass is a magnet for rare wildlife seeking such specialized habitats. Among the species it attracts are the Regal Fritillary butterfly, an endangered grassland species known for its striking orange and black pattern. The delicate Prairie Mole Cricket, one of the most enormous crickets in North America, finds shelter in the dense foliage of this grass, making a home among the roots. The Henslow's Sparrow, a shy prairie bird, also frequents gardens where Purple Love Grass flourishes, searching for food and nesting materials. In addition, the Frosted Elfin butterfly, another rare find, uses the grass as a nectar source during its fleeting life cycle. Grassland sparrows, such as the Grasshopper Sparrow, which is struggling due to habitat loss, also appear. Lastly, the rare Short-eared Owl can be found hunting in fields where Purple Love Grass grows, particularly in regions where traditional grasslands have dwindled.

Outsidepride 500 Seeds Perennial Eragrostis Spectabilis Ornamental Love  Grass Seed for Planting

Pennsylvania Sedge: A Rare Refuge for Woodland Creatures

Pennsylvania Sedge is an ideal ground cover for shaded areas, offering a delicate appearance with soft, bright green foliage. Though unassuming in appearance, this sedge plays a vital role in supporting rare woodland wildlife, particularly those who thrive in forest understories. One such species is the Red-shouldered Hawk, which often nests in wooded areas and hunts for small mammals that find refuge among the sedge. The Eastern Box Turtle, a species of concern in many places, often hides in the cool, moist spaces beneath the Pennsylvania Sedge, seeking shelter from the heat and predators. The delicate Appalachian Azure butterfly, an uncommon species dependent on native sedges and woodland wildflowers, is another rare guest in gardens featuring this plant. The Wood Thrush, whose melodious song is a hallmark of eastern woodlands, uses the sedge for foraging insects, making it a welcome addition for bird lovers. The rare Spotted Salamander, known for its elusive habits, is also drawn to the moist conditions provided by Pennsylvania Sedge, where it lays eggs during the rainy season. Additionally, the Northern Flying Squirrel, a nocturnal creature, often uses the dense cover of the sedge as it forages for food under the protective canopy of trees.

#1 Grass Sedge Pennsylvania

Gayfeather Liatris: A Beacon for Rare Prairie Pollinators

Gayfeather Liatris is a striking perennial with tall, spiky blooms of vibrant purple, making it a show-stopper in any garden. However, beyond its aesthetic appeal, this plant is a vital resource for rare pollinators that rely on native prairie plants. One of the most fascinating species attracted to the nectar-rich spikes of the Gayfeather Liatris is the Rusty Patched Bumblebee, critically endangered due to habitat loss. The regal Monarch butterfly, now facing population declines, also heavily relies on this plant as a nectar source during its migration. The Karner Blue butterfly is another rare pollinator that finds refuge in gardens featuring Gayfeather Liatris. These small and delicate species have become endangered in many of its range. The plant also supports the uncommon Leonard's Skipper butterfly, known for its rapid and darting flight patterns. The endangered American Burying Beetle, a species that plays a crucial role in decomposing animal matter, finds a sanctuary in fields of Gayfeather Liatris, using the plant as a place to hunt for prey. Additionally, the Dakota Skipper, a small prairie butterfly with dwindling populations, can often be spotted fluttering around the vibrant blooms, seeking sustenance.

Gayfeather (Blazing Star)

Bulrush: The Wetland's Answer to Rare Aquatic Wildlife

Bulrush, a tall and hardy wetland plant, may not be the first choice for traditional gardens, but it is essential for those looking to cultivate a native pond or wetland habitat. Its thick, cylindrical stems are excellent for stabilizing pond edges and providing cover for rare wetland wildlife. One species that benefits from Bulrush habitats is the King Rail, an elusive marsh bird rarely seen due to its preference for dense wetland vegetation. Another rare inhabitant is the River Otter, which often uses the shelter provided by Bulrush stands to hunt for aquatic prey. The endangered Northern Cricket Frog also makes its home in Bulrush-dominated wetlands, relying on the plant's thick stems to provide refuge from predators. The rare American Bittern, a secretive heron-like bird, camouflages within the Bulrush as it waits patiently for fish and insects. Bulrush is also a favored haunt of the Spotted Turtle, a species of concern in many regions due to habitat destruction. Finally, the rare Black Rail, a diminutive bird often heard more than seen, depends on undisturbed Bulrush habitats to breed and nest successfully.

MN Native Hardstem Bulrush Plants | Natural Shore Technologies

By incorporating these plants into a garden, you not only add aesthetic value but also create critical habitats for some of the rarest and most vulnerable wildlife species. From grassland birds and butterflies to elusive wetland creatures, these plants play a pivotal role in preserving biodiversity, offering a sanctuary for species that are otherwise struggling to find homes in an increasingly developed world.

6 Pack - Purple Love Grass - TN Nursery

6 Pack - Purple Love Grass

Purple Love Grass is a versatile and visually appealing ornamental plant that has gained popularity in landscaping due to its unique attributes. Native to North America, this perennial is well-suited for various landscape designs and can provide numerous benefits when incorporated into gardens and outdoor spaces. SOLD IN 6-PACK CELL TRAYS Purple love grass is scientifically known as Eragrostis Spectabilis, although garden lovers commonly refer to it as a tumble plant. It is an ornamental plant native to eastern and central North America. This decorative plant is well-known and famous due to its use by Piet Oudolf and the Green Thumb Award it earned in 2013 from the Direct Gardening Association. Purple Love Grass Garden Designer Approved Eragrostis Spectabilis is loved and used by many professional gardeners. It was listed in Gardens Illustrated as a top 100 plant to have in your garden. It was also extensively used in Chicago's Lurie Garden and New York City's Highline. Purple Love Grass Is Known for Its Color Changes Eragrostis Spectabilis is known and revered for its seasonal color changes. In the spring, the blades have a blue-green hue. In the summer, this ornamental plant grows purple spikelets. When those spikelets mature, they fall off the plant and are blown away, which earned it the nickname tumble. In the fall, gardeners can watch the leaves develop a bronze-red hue. Purple Love Grass Is Stunning Planting In Mass  It can be used in various ways, including as ground cover or an accent. It can also be mass-planted or planted as a group. It typically attains a height and width of two feet. The blades grow up to 10 inches long and have a width of about a quarter inch. It pairs well with white wood aster, purple poppy mallow, Pennsylvania sedge, and spotted beebalm. If you're looking to make your home more environmentally friendly, planting it may help. Eragrostis Spectabilis can be used to control soil erosion, and it's considered water-wise, which means if you're planting a drought-tolerant yard, you could include tumble plants in your landscaping. It can also be used as a green or living roof. Purple Love Grass is a famous, hardy, and versatile ornamental plant. It makes a beautiful addition to any home garden or landscaping project, and it may even help you lower your carbon footprint.

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6 Pack -Pennsylvania Sedge Plugs - TN Nursery

6 Pack - Pennsylvania Sedge Plugs

Pennsylvania Sedge is a versatile, low-maintenance ground cover that transforms any space into a lush and enchanting haven. With its graceful appearance, adaptability, and numerous ecological benefits, it is an excellent choice for residential and commercial landscaping projects. Pennsylvania Sedge Is a Weeping Beauty It blooms from May to July each year. The blossoms usually feature white, green, or brown flowers. The grass can reach 20 inches tall and has a creeping growth habit with varying textures. Female spikes have lengthy, white, thread-like styles, while male spikes are about an inch long and have creamy-yellow stamens. The leaves stay pale green during spring, turning a golden-tan hue during fall. Use Pennsylvania Sedge For the Health of Your Soil Its horizontally spreading roots extend deep into the earth. This allows the roots to loosen compacted soil, improving its structure by increasing aeration and drainage. On slopes and other regions vulnerable to erosion, these roots also do an excellent job of retaining soil. As the plants mature and die back, the decaying leaves and broken roots provide organic material for the soil. This organic material stimulates microbial activity, increases soil moisture retention, and improves soil fertility. Because of its naturally low growth pattern, it forms thick clusters of leaves. And because these plants are thin and pliable, they spill over the sides of paths and flower beds with elegance. When used along edges and borders, this quality works well to create a weeping or cascading impression. Their evergreen leaves' year-round color and texture add color and vitality to borders and pathways. Their feathery-soft leaves have a thin, delicate texture contrasting with the border's other hardscape features and plants. This characteristic draws the eye and creates a sense of depth in landscaping and garden areas. Eliminate Weeds With Pennsylvania Sedge Shrubby is densely clustered, providing both cover and shade for the ground. This kind of dense growth can reduce the establishment and development of weeds by outcompeting them for nutrients, space, and sunshine. Many people use Pennsylvania Sedge to help with spring weed management and to keep annual weeds to a minimum in the winter.

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6 Pack - Gayfeather Liatris - TN Nursery

6 Pack - Gayfeather Liatris

Gayfeather Liatris plants typically produce tall spikes of purple or white flowers that bloom from top to bottom. These flowers are densely packed along the spike, creating a striking visual display in gardens and natural landscapes. Sold In 6 Pack Cell Trays If you're looking for a unique flowering plant that will add depth and height to your gardens, gayfeather liatris may help you fulfill your landscaping dreams. It is also known as dense blazing star and button snakeroot. To botanists, it's known as Spicata. It is native to eastern North America, where it can be found growing next to tall grasses and wildflowers. It is part of the aster family and one of 40 plant species. Gayfeather Liatris Characteristics It can grow to a height of up to four feet and a width of up to one foot. It spouts long, cone—or brush-shaped pink to purple blooms that blossom from summer to late fall and make excellent cuttings for bouquets. The plant's leaves average 16 inches in length and resemble grass or feathers. Gardeners will especially enjoy the leaves throughout the fall because they tend to keep their color and shape late into the season. Add Vertical Accents with Gayfeather Liatris It is prized for its ability to add vertical accents to gardens. This wildflower looks best in front of other perennials and ornamental grasses, where it can add color and height. Gardeners may also prefer to use it along the borders of their property or to add visual interest to the edges of sidewalks and driveways. If you love bird or butterfly watching, this flowering perennial would make a great addition to your yard. It attracts birds, butterflies, bumble bees, and honey bees. It's beautiful to monarch butterflies, silver-spotted skippers, and painted ladies. Hummingbirds have even been known to frequent dense blazing stars because they produce a lot of nectar. Best Gardens to Plant Gayfeather Liatris Dense Gayfeather Liatris can be found naturally in meadows and prairies throughout eastern North America. Gardeners can enjoy planting it in cottage, English, butterfly, and even rain gardens. They pair well with beardtongue, beebalm, blue fescue, common Bluestar, and false blue indigo. It makes a beautiful addition to many different types of flower and butterfly gardens. It's also perfect for planting in areas that are being rewilded, naturalized, or xeriscaped.

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6 Pack - Bulrush Plugs - TN Nursery


Bulrush offers a range of benefits when integrated into landscaping projects. These versatile plants, commonly found near water bodies, bring a distinct and natural charm to outdoor spaces while serving functional and ecological roles. Enjoy Color-Changing Foliage Of Bulrush Plugs Bulrush plugs have long, floppy, dark green stems that are triangular. The spongy stems support spikey blossoms that occasionally sag and reach just below the stem's tip. Each flower spike usually produces anywhere from 50 to 100 blooms that range from 1.5 to 4.5 inches in length each spring. The leaf blades' characteristic "V" shape gives them a sheath-like appearance as they round the lengthy stem. Depending on the kind, flowers can be any yellow, red, or brown shade. The most color change tends to occur towards the end of fall. Create Dramatic Silhouettes With Bulrush The upright growth of their long, thin stems makes them a dramatic vertical feature in any setting. Their tall stalks provide a striking visual contrast when seen against a water background. The foliage is verdant and showy in the spring and summer, with large spikes of flowers. It can take on a golden or brown hue in the fall, creating a cozy background. The plugs form striking silhouettes against the sky, particularly at dawn or sunset. Bulrush Can Get Up To 10 Feet Tall Their delicate texture produces lots of textural contrast when combined with the robust leaves of broad-leaved plants. They also pair well with the fluffy plumes of ornamental grasses. Their tall, thin stems and growth patterns give their surroundings a sense of height and depth. They can get up to 10 feet tall. Bulrush has deep root systems that help keep soil in place. This is especially beneficial in areas with freshly exposed soil and sloped banks. Many people use them for wetland reclamation projects. These plants act as wind barriers when grown in clusters or rows, further helping with erosion control. These wind barriers can also double as natural privacy screens. Another way that they improve soil vitality is by absorbing harmful metals and bacteria. This reduces water pollution, making the soil healthier and less likely to erode.

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