Seasonal Interest with Native Plants

Gardening can be a four-season delight if you plan your landscape to include plants that add something to a dormant garden.  This is especially true for areas where snow and ice dominate the winter.

What Is Seasonal Interest?

Most people who garden are familiar with choosing a range of plants that flower so there is something showy and full of flowers from early spring to the first hard freeze.  Seasonal interest means choosing plants that will be interesting in the winter, even if the landscape is dormant. 

Keeping Things Interesting

Seasonal interest means adding shape, color, and texture to the landscape.  For example, an evergreen like American Holly will stand out against the snow and create seasonal interest in winter. 

Colorful Foliage

Many herbatious perennials have colorful foliage even in the winter.  Some perennials are evergreen, such as running cedar.  This perennial is actually a clubmoss and is a relative to ferns.  Running cedar grows about 5-10 inches tall and thrives as a ground cover in shade, so is often planted in a woodland garden.  Many deciduous trees have colorful fall foliage, such as the sugar mapleSweet Bay Magnolias are evergreens with broad, dark green leaves and creamy white blooms.  The flowers have a wonderful fragrance.  Sweet bay magnolias grow in swamps and open woodlands.  It grows 10-35 feet tall.

Persistent Seed Heads

Some plants hold on to their seedheads during the winter.  False indigo has large pea like seedpods that rattle in the wind.  Purple coneflower stems and seedheads last all winter, too.  Ornamental grasses often retain their seedheads and foliage all winter.  Another plant with persistent seedheads is the goldenrod.  The yellow flowers are spectacular in the spring and summer, while the seedheads feed birds and small mammals into the winter.

Interesting Forms

Some plants may not have any foliage but have interesting forms.  Witch hazel blooms in the late fall or winter and the branches and flowers are interesting to look at.  The foliage turns yellow, orange, and red in the fall before falling off.  The yellow flowers stay on the tree after the foliage falls. 

Persistent Berries And Fruit

Plants that have persistent berries give wildlife crucial calories during the cold of winter.  Elderberries keep their berries during the winter.  They can grow to 12 feet tall and have clusters of berries.  The berries are edible and are often used to make jams, jelly, and wine.

Red chokeberry also keeps its berries all winter.  It has white blooms in the spring and red berries in the fall that persist into the winter.  Red chokeberry plants grow to be up to 12 feet tall.  The dark green, glossy leaves turn a rich orange-red in the fall before falling off.  The bark comes off in strips during the winter and adds interest to the chokeberry.

Persimmon trees have fruit late into the fall and winter.  In fact, persimmons are so tart as to be inedible until after a frost, when they turn sweet and good to eat.  Deer love ripe persimmons.  Persimmon trees are often found on the edges of old fields, where they grow to about 15 feet tall.  In moist, rich soil, they can grow to be 100 feet tall.

Grasses And Sedges

Grasses and sedges add interesting textures to a winter garden.  Some have seedheads that persist into the winter, as well.  Purple love grass grows 8-18 inches tall.  In late summer, purple inflorescence grows on top of the grass.  It appears like a purple cloud above the foliage.  Eventually, this breaks off and forms purple tumbleweeds. 

Pennsylvania sedge is a grass-like clumping plant with a triangular stem.  A brown seedhead forms high up on the stem.  In the spring and summer, the foliage is green.  In the fall, it turns a sandy brown.  It grows 6-12 inches tall and is a nice groundcover.

Interesting Bark

Birches like river birch have bark that peels off during the winter.  This tree grows to 30-50 feet in moist areas.  The silvery white bark peels in the winter to reveal cinnamon colored bark underneath.

Red Osier Dogwood has conspicuous red twigs that really show up against snow.  This shrub grows 6-12 feet tall.  Creamy white blossoms are followed by white berries.  The green foliage is colorful in the fall before falling off and showing off the red bark.

We Can Help

TN Nursery staff can recommend many native plants that add winter interest to your garden.  Call us at 931.692.7325 to get the information you need to plan your garden for all four seasons.

American Holly - TN Nursery

American Holly

American Holly, with its vibrant red berries and emerald green leaves, remains visually pleasing throughout all seasons. It provides a splash of color during the colder months when many other plants have shed their foliage. The tree's dense and conical shape adds an element of elegance and structure to any landscape, making it an ideal focal point or anchor in garden designs. When choosing a tree that checks all the boxes, nothing can beat American Holly. American Holly is a slow-growing evergreen tree known for its dense foliage and year-round privacy barrier. American Holly Is A Evergreen This evergreen tree plays a massive role in purifying air when enhancing the overall air quality around your house. The dense foliage traps pollutants from the air and ensures fresh oxygen for you to breathe in. You will instantly breathe in fresh and pure air whenever you enter your garden, making it an ideal choice to plant in and around your yard. This dense foliage also creates a natural privacy screen between houses and roads, allowing you to enjoy your outdoor space more comfortably whenever you can. So, you can buy American holly online and turn your yard into a sanctuary for yourself and other species. Features of American Holly Plant The American Holly features glossy and spiky leaves and smooth gray-white bark that maintain their green foliage all seasons. During the winter, when the tree is covered with snow, you can enjoy delicious bright red berries that add color. This makes it a perfect tree during the holiday season with natural decoration. The American Holly Has Stunning Berries These berries are also a famous source for different wildlife and migrating birds during times of scarcity, ensuring they stay plump and happy even during chillier months. The dense foliage of the American Holly plant provides birds and small critters with much-needed shelter and nesting spots, resulting in a thriving mini ecosystem. TN Nursery features a range of other plants, shrubs, and trees that pair with the American Holly Tree. In addition to American holly plants for sale, the top three choices include White Pine, Green Giant Arborvitae, and a Cedar Tree.

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Running Cedar

Running Cedar

Running Cedar is a creeping, evergreen plant with needle-like leaves that resemble fern fronds. It is commonly found in moist woodlands and forests. It features leaves that look pretty similar to the boughs of the tree bearing its name. This evergreen plant can make quite an attractive addition to your home, but why might you want to grow it there? Beyond its striking looks, here are a few key reasons it adds value to any yard. Running Cedar Can Tell You More About Your Environment It is a fern-like plant that's said to be adept at pulling pollutants out of its surroundings, which can help you improve the overall health of other plants in the area and remove some of the airborne contaminants that might impact your well-being. However, it's worth noting that the most significant benefit is what the plant reveals. Because it removes toxins, changes in the plant's health could indicate issues with the soil or the air that even this hardy little plant can't handle by itself. Running Cedar Will Stick With You It takes time to grow, but keep that from fooling you into thinking it will easily be weakened by weather and other threats. This fern ally is pretty hardy, ensuring that it will be able to persist in your space even if it is presented with some climate changes or other changes that other plants in your yard might not be able to withstand. Running Cedar Defends Against Soil Erosion and Flooding Running Cedar creeps along your yard, but it's important to remember that this isn't a traditional moss. This vascular plant has root systems, allowing it to defend against soil erosion more effectively. Its love of moisture also means that it can protect against flooding and absorb more water when it appears. Running Cedar is small, but it spreads out, making it an excellent, lush green ground cover for any space in your yard. Unlike traditional moss, it also has the added benefit of the stately strobili, which reaches into the air to add volume and help the plant reproduce.

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Sugar Maple Tree - TN Nursery

Sugar Maple Tree

Sugar Maple Tree is a large deciduous tree native to North America. It is prized for its vibrant fall foliage, distinctive five-lobed leaves, and the sap used to make maple syrup. The tree benefits landscaping endeavors, enriching outdoor spaces' aesthetics, ecological balance, and functional aspects. This majestic deciduous tree offers unique qualities that contribute to various dimensions of landscape design. If you have ever enjoyed syrup, you have the tree to thank. Of course, it is celebrated for more than just its ability to create sweet treats. It can also be used to add color to your property or a neighborhood as a whole. What Does Sugar Maple Tree Look Like As with most deciduous families, this one will grow to more than 100 feet tall in ideal conditions. However, it can grow to 150 feet in some instances. It also has a canopy of green leaves during the spring and summer and turns multiple colors in the fall. It also contains flowers and winged seeds that are used to create offspring. How Long Does It Take for Sugar Maple Tree to Mature They will typically take at least a decade to produce fruit, but it may only take a few years to produce flowers. In addition, they will grow relatively quickly, which is why they can be a great addition to private property or public parks. Sugar Maple Tree Root System Is Strong Like others, the Sugar Maple Tree will create a robust root system that can help stabilize soil or prevent erosion. Therefore, it can be an ideal choice in wet areas or on slopes where a landslide could quickly decimate a landscape. In addition to protecting your property, keeping erosion to a minimum can help keep others in your neighborhood or community safe.  Planting a Sugar Maple Tree on your property can provide birds and other animals with a place to live or food to survive. For instance, squirrels and other smaller creatures will eat the seeds, while deer may be interested in chewing on leaves. Some animals may be attracted to the foliage itself or the benefits it can provide other than being a food source for them.

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Sweet Bay Magnolia - TN Nursery

Sweet Bay Magnolia

The Sweet Bay Magnolia is a medium-sized evergreen tree with highly fragrant white flowers and elliptical leaves, often found in wetlands and coastal areas. It is a versatile and visually appealing tree that offers a range of benefits when incorporated into landscaping projects. This magnolia species contributes to the aesthetic beauty, structure, and functionality of outdoor spaces with distinctive features and adaptability. One of the standout benefits of using it in landscaping is its graceful appearance. Sweet Bay Magnolia, also known as the "beaver tree," "castor-wood," and "swamp sassafras," is an ornamental, semi-evergreen plant known for its fragrant flowers, scarlet-red fruit, and lush foliage. Colonists introduced the plant into European gardens in the late 1600s, where it was welcomed with open arms. The Native Habitat Of Sweet Bay Magnolia Native to the eastern and southeastern Atlantic coasts of the United States, it grows naturally in swamps and shaded and open woodlands. This late-blooming tree flower from late April to July can bear fruit from July through October. The Appearance Of Sweet Bay Magnolia It can reach 10 to 35 feet tall, sometimes a 50-foot height in the deep South. Its compound, slender, upright trunks branch out horizontally and support shiny, three-to-six-inch-long oblong leaves that are dark green on top with silvery-white undersides. They contrast with the plant's creamy-white, cup-shaped blooms that scent the air with a delicate, sweet, lemony fragrance. Each solitary blossom has up to twelve petals and is two to three inches long. The flowers will open after dawn and close up at twilight, lasting two to three days. Fruits appear later as clusters of bright red seeds. Gardeners appreciate it for its ornamental appeal in a variety of landscape designs. It works well in extensive gardens and along woodland edges. The tree is adaptable enough to suit patios and borders where its aromatic fragrance can be appreciated. Wetter sites near ponds can also accommodate this plant nicely. Since the blooming season is relatively late, frost is rarely a concern. The Ecology Of Sweet Bay Magnolia Those who want to enhance biodiversity in their landscapes will find that Sweet Bay Magnolia makes a beautiful habitat for birds and small mammals. The tree's fruit attracts a variety of songbirds, woodpeckers, wild turkeys, bobwhite quail, and many more species. Many birds use the plant's leaves to construct their nests. Squirrels and chipmunks also find food and shelter in the magnolia's dense foliage, and deer browse its leaves and twigs yearly. If you're looking for a handsome plant that will bring aromatic beauty to your yard, it will surely bring pleasure for many seasons.

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Best Sellers

Coneflower Plant - TN Nursery

Coneflower Plant

The coneflower plant, or echinacea, is known for its distinctive daisy-like, purple flowers with a prominent cone-shaped center. These flowers attract pollinators and add color to gardens.  The Coneflower Plant Blooms Mid-Summer Coneflowers, which resemble daisies, typically bloom in the middle to end of summer. Certain types may begin blooming earlier or continue into the autumn. They are available in a rainbow of hues, from yellow to deep pink, and with both single and double blooms that are incredibly vibrant. Magnus Superior variants bloom from the end of spring until the end of summer with rosy-violet rays that can reach a diameter of seven inches. These plants respond exceptionally well to deadheading. They spread gracefully like wildflowers thanks to their abundant seed production and self-sowing capabilities. Their delicate branches and colorful flowers make them perfect for gardens, where they provide visual interest without drawing attention to themselves. This naturalizing effect makes the plant look better and works well to fill in gaps between flower beds. Add Uniqueness to Your Garden With It Because of their unusual shape and composition, cones are a great way to add variety to your landscape. Their unique cone shapes also make them eye-catching accents among other garden plants. They provide textural variety to a garden by growing erect, contrasting wonderfully with trailing or mounding plants. In expansion, they can adjust to a broad range of soil types and light levels, giving you more alternatives for planting them. Invite Pollinators to Your Yard With It Since Coneflower Plants produce both nectar and pollen, many pollinators rely on these flowers for sustenance. Each 250 to 500 blooms that make up its black, cone-shaped flower head serves as a little cup of nectar for the pollinators. Bees and hummingbirds are just a few of the pollinators that love it. This variant can grow up to three feet tall and typically blooms between the middle of summer and the beginning of September each year because they produce seeds and are a popular nectar source for birds. They are of the same genus as the daisy, which you could guess by looking at. They bear stunning purplish-pink petals and are naturally drought-tolerant. As a native plant, they provide professionals and gardening enthusiasts with a low-maintenance option for adding complexion to outdoor spaces. What Do They Look Like?  The Coneflower (also called Echinacea) may be well-known for its petals' deep to pastel purple tinge. However, a closer look will reveal one of the most intricate and alluring central disks of all flowering plants. This flower gets its name from this striking and unique central disk.  It has received this moniker thanks to the spiny central hub. The spines are spread out in an almost exact order of distance, giving the cone a symmetrical shape and order that is truly stunning when observed closely.  In full bloom, their petals may splay out parallel to the ground or stretch downward. This positioning puts the central cone on full display and accentuates its bulbous shape. The spines on the cone can adopt a rust, red, orange, or yellow pigmentation throughout the blooming season.  Of course, the petals are nothing to sneeze at. Being a daisy gendaisieshe, the petals are lance-shaped and can grow to about 1.5 inches long. The flower is mostly an intense purple, where it connects with the stem and washes out gradually towards the tip. In some lights, this creates a pastel effect that is perfect for pairing with other flowers without drawing too much attention.  The stem grows erect and can reach heights between 2 and 4 feet. This makes this plant a great contrast to creeping or bunching plants. The leaves are basal and arranged alternately. They are a deep, cool green reminiscent of forest floors.  What Should You Plant Coneflowers If their chromatic and structural traits aren't enough to entice you, check out some of the more practical benefits of adding this flower to your landscape:  Planting Options: They are very versatile when it comes to planting. Once established, they are highly adaptable and can live with varying degrees of light and soil types. So, no matter what soil you have or what kind of space you have to work with, you can still enjoy these flowers. They Attract Pollinators. Hummingbirds and bees love the pollen and nectar they produce. The cone can house 250-500 spines, which are filled with food for a wide variety of pollinators.  Easy to Maintain - While they will require regular watering after planting, they only need a little maintenance after they are established. They respond well to deadheading, which can also help control seeding if you want them to spread only a little. They can handle several types of soil as long as it is well-drained.  They're Drought Tolerant - Want to contribute to the palette of your garden without spending a fortune on water? The plant is drought-tolerant. Once the roots have been established, maintaining them takes very little water. They Come in a Variety of Colors-They come in a bouquet of colors, from the typical purplish-pink to yellow shades. This makes them a popular choice for gardeners who want their landscapes to explode with color while maintaining strong uniformity.  Frequently Asked  Are you ready to start planting them in your lawn or garden? The following answers to commonly asked questions may prepare you.  When Do They Bloom?  The blooming season for them is typically between mid-summer and later summer. Some variants can bloom into autumn.  Do They Like Sun or Shade?  Like most flowers in the daisy family, daisies love sunshine. Planting them in an area with at least six hours of direct sunlight daily would help.  Do They Come Back Every Year? They are perennials, which means they come back every year. This makes them a good choice if you want to add consistent color and variety to your outdoor spaces.  How Tall Are They?  They can stretch to 2-4 feet tall. The stem holds the flower clear above the basal leaves, allowing it to be the show's star, even on the shorter end.  How Do You Plant Them?  Start by digging a hole twice the width of the root ball's diameter. The root ball should be set to level with the soil line. To help retain moisture, add a small amount of compost and mulch to the plant site. After planting, they will need regular watering until the plant has established.  Will They Bloom Again If Deadheaded?  Coneflower respond well to deadheading. They will bloom again if you deadhead them. There are particular advantages to deadheading. Firstly, it will keep them from overtaking other plants in your garden (deadheading prevents seeding). Secondly, it may prolong the bloom time.  How Do You Deadhead A Coneflower It will help if you always deadhead (prune) yours with shears, as the stems can be very hardy and rugged to snap by hand. Deadhead after the flower has faded, cutting it down to a leaf close to new growth.  TN Nursery Provides Year-round Beauty for Your  Whether you want the whole gamut of colors or lush greenery to add to your garden, TN Nursery has you covered. We offer many ferns, flowers, plants, mosses, shrubs, perennials, vines, trees, and more. Your order is backed up by a full, year-long, 100% satisfaction guarantee. Our prime specimens make planting and maintaining easy and allow you to enjoy the fulfillment of gardening. Place an order now and beautify your outdoor spaces.

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Golden Rod - TN Nursery

Golden Rod

Golden Rod is a perennial wildflower in the Asteraceae family. Its striking clusters of bright yellow, tufted flowers on upright stems contrast against its slender green leaves. This plant is known for attracting pollinators to gardens and meadows. It is a delightful and beneficial plant with several advantages in landscaping projects. Golden Rod Has Sunny Flower Clusters  The bright and sunny blooms add a touch of warmth and joy to outdoor spaces. This plant is beautiful to pollinators, such as bees and butterflies. The nectar-rich flowers serve as a valuable food source for these beneficial insects, supporting pollination in the garden and contributing to the health and diversity of the ecosystem. By planting it in the landscape, gardeners can actively promote biodiversity and contribute to the conservation of pollinators. Moreover, it is well-suited for naturalistic or wildflower gardens. Its tall and airy growth habit allows it to blend seamlessly with other native plants and wildflowers, creating a natural and harmonious landscape. When planted in groups, it makes an eye-catching display that mimics the beauty of a meadow, attracting attention and admiration from garden visitors. This plant is relatively low-maintenance, making it practical for landscape designs that require less care. Once established, the plant is generally drought-tolerant and can withstand dry periods, reducing the need for frequent watering. Additionally, it is usually resistant to pests and diseases, reducing the need for chemical treatments and promoting a more eco-friendly and sustainable landscaping approach. In conclusion, it offers several benefits when landscaping projects. Its vibrant appearance, attractiveness to pollinators, suitability for naturalistic gardens, and low-maintenance requirements make it a valuable addition to parks and outdoor spaces. By incorporating it into landscape designs, enthusiasts can create visually enchanting and ecologically friendly landscapes that support pollinators and contribute to the overall beauty and health of the environment. Golden Rod, or Solidago, is a rich and captivating wildflower that graces the landscapes of North America, Europe, and Asia with its striking presence. This perennial herbaceous plant, often found in meadows, fields, and along roadsides, stands tall and proud, adding a touch of sunshine to its surroundings. With its slender stems reaching up to five feet, it boasts an elegant appearance that immediately catches the eye. Golden Rod Blooms From Summer To Fall The leaves are lance-shaped, alternating along the stem, and possess a rich green hue contrasting the yellow blooms. The blossoms typically emerge in late summer and early autumn and are the true showstoppers. Each plant bears clusters of bright, yellow, composite flowers that form plume-like inflorescences at the top of the stem. These striking blooms are composed of numerous tiny florets that create a stunning and intricate display of color, enticing pollinators such as butterflies and even hummingbirds. Its charm extends beyond its visual appeal. A gentle breeze often carries a sweet, honey-like fragrance from its flowers, filling the air with a delightful scent. This scent and the mesmerizing sight of bees buzzing busily among the blooms symbolize mid to late summer and early fall in many regions. Golden Rod Is A Nectar-Rich Plant In addition to its aesthetic and olfactory pleasures, it is vital in supporting local ecosystems. As a nectar-rich plant, it nourishes a wide variety of pollinators, contributing to the health of local bee populations and aiding in pollinating other plants. Moreover, its dense foliage offers shelter and habitat for numerous insects and small animals. Golden rod's ability to thrive in diverse environments, from open fields to woodlands, adds to its allure, making it a resilient and enduring symbol of beauty in the natural world. Whether observed in a wild meadow or cultivated in a garden, its yellow splendor continues to captivate and inspire those fortunate to encounter it.

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Witch Hazel Tree - TN Nursery

Witch Hazel

The Witch Hazel is a deciduous shrub known for its spidery, fragrant yellow to orange-red flowers that bloom in late winter to early spring, often before its leaves emerge. This makes it a unique and welcome sight in gardens. It is a versatile shrub that offers numerous landscaping benefits beyond its well-known medicinal uses. Native to North America and parts of Asia, these deciduous shrubs are prized for their unique appearance, vibrant foliage, and striking winter blooms. When incorporated into landscape designs, this plant can enhance outdoor spaces with a range of aesthetic and functional advantages. Witch Hazel adds Interest Throughout The Year Four-Season Interest: In late winter or early spring, the shrub bursts into bloom, displaying fragrant, spidery flowers in shades of yellow, orange, and red. This early flowering period provides a much-needed splash of color when most other plants are still dormant. Additionally, Autumn's foliage turns vibrant shades of yellow, orange, and red, creating a stunning autumnal display. Natural Privacy Screen: This shrub, with its dense branching and arching habit, can be an effective natural privacy screen. Planted strategically along property borders or in groupings, it can shield outdoor spaces from prying eyes and create a sense of seclusion. Pollinator-Friendly: The flowers are a valuable nectar source for early-emerging pollinators, such as bees and butterflies. By attracting these beneficial insects, this shrub contributes to the overall health and biodiversity of the landscape, promoting a balanced ecosystem. Tolerance to Shade: It thrives in partial shade to full sun, making it an excellent option for landscapes with varying light conditions. Its adaptability allows for planting in different locations, from under the canopy of more giant trees to sunnier spots in the garden. Erosion Control: The extensive root system helps stabilize the soil and prevent soil erosion, prevention on slopes, or areas prone to water runoff. Low Maintenance: Once established, this shrub is relatively low-maintenance. It is resistant to pests and diseases and requires minimal intervention. Wildlife Attraction: Apart from pollinators, this shrub attracts other wildlife, such as birds, which feed on the seeds and seek shelter within the shrub's branches. This feature contributes to the overall biodiversity and liveliness of the landscape. Winter Interest: Distinctive, ribbon-like flowers appear in winter, adding a unique touch to the landscape during an otherwise less colorful season. These spidery blooms can withstand light frosts, offering an enchanting sight in colder climates. Versatile Uses: Beyond standalone plantings, this shrub can be incorporated into mixed borders, woodland gardens, or naturalized areas. Its adaptability allows it to blend seamlessly with other plants and design elements. In conclusion, Witch Hazel is valuable to any landscape design, offering four-season interest, privacy screening, pollinator support, erosion control, and low maintenance. Its unique beauty and ecological contributions make it a sought-after shrub for enhancing outdoor spaces. By incorporating this shrub into landscaping plans, homeowners and landscape designers can create visually appealing and ecologically friendly gardens that stand out every season. Witch Hazel Has Bright Golden Blooms This green-leafed shrub blooms with bright yellow flowers between October and December. The ribbon-like yellow petals usually appear after the leaves have fallen but sometimes will appear while the oval-shaped yellow autumn leaves still cling to the branches. It also has fruits that will form from fertilized flowers. They first appear as green capsules but then turn brown over time. Its scientific name is because this shrub’s flowers, fruits, and leaves can all appear on its branches simultaneously. Hamamelis loosely translates as “together with fruit.” Its hardy nature makes it an easy-to-grow shrub. Because of this, it is trendy amongst gardeners as a shrub hedge or screen. Its fragrant flowers often lead to it being grown in an area where its pleasant scent is noticeable. It is usually the last bit of color in a garden due to its late bloom. Witch Hazel Thrives In Most U.S. Zones This shrub can be planted successfully in U.S.D.A. zones 3 to 9. It requires a lot of sunlight and does best in full sun or partial shade. Flowering will peak in full sun. It does well in moist, acidic soil and can handle heavy clay soil. The height increases by 13 to 24 inches yearly, giving it a slow to medium growth rate. If preferred, pruning can be done in early spring to keep the shrub from growing too large. This plant requires little maintenance to flourish and rarely has insect or disease problems. Witch hazel has a broad, rounded leaf arranged in an alternating pattern along the branches. The flowers are also noteworthy in appearance, with slender petals. Some bloom in spring while others counter that, and the plant can showcase its cycle between seeding and blooming, such as the snapping type with seeds that split in a manner that ejects the seeds to a sufficient distance of nearly 30 feet. The sunny yellow flowers of this shrub add a glow of happiness to yards and gardens. The delightful fragrance of those flowers creates an even more cheerful atmosphere. It is so easy to care for and an excellent fit for even the hands-off gardeners.

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Elderberry Bush - TN Nursery


The Elderberry bush is a medium-sized shrub with opposite compound leaves and clusters of tiny, creamy-white or pale pink flowers, followed by dark purple-black berries arranged in umbrella-like clusters. It is a versatile and beneficial plant used in landscaping. This deciduous shrub offers many advantages with its attractive foliage, beautiful blooms, and fruits. Elderberry Bush Can Look Like A Shrub Or A Tree Deciduous elderberry shrubs can range in size from little trees to shrubs with several trunks. One type has tiny white blooms with five lobes, five stamens, and a tri-style ovary. Another type is yellowish-white and has five flattened petals. They thrive in partially shaded, damp places like meadows, marshes, forest borders, ditches, thickets, and floodplains. Typically, the most fertile canes have developed lateral branches by the second year. After the fourth year of growth, you can trim off the older canes since they become much less productive. Increase Pollination With Elderberry Bush Elderberry Bushes are great pollinator magnets due to the abundance of nectar in their vast, flat, shallow blossoms. Moths, beetles, flies, butterflies, and beetles are some pollinating insects that visit these blooms. They continuously provide nectar and pollen for bees throughout the growing season. When planted in clusters around an orchard, they will attract more pollinators. Even though they produce fruit on their own, they often experience an increase in yield when cross-pollination occurs. Because of their thick growth and ability to produce new branches yearly from the base, they are excellent for screening off unwanted views. Furthermore, they can aggregate into thick masses, which makes them perfect for creating natural landscapes. Their dense foliage can also provide wind protection. Planting them along driveways or fence rows is an excellent way to enjoy their seclusion. Add Wildlife Nutrition With TN Nursery Plant Elderberry Bush Elderberry Bush provides unparalleled natural habitats and food sources. Their aromatic blossoms encourage pollinators like bees and butterflies to visit the garden, which is good for biodiversity. They are essential to a healthy ecosystem since they provide a source for birds and small animals like moose, foxes, bears, mice, and deer.

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Red Chokeberry - TN Nursery

Red Chokeberry

Red Chokeberry has clusters of delicate white to pinkish flowers that emerge in the spring and later give way to bright rose berries that persist through the winter, providing a pop of color during the colder months. This shrub's name is Red Chokeberry. Aronia comes from a Greek word for the shrub species that the plant's fruits resemble. Arbutifolia refers to the appearance of its leaves, similar to the foliage of the arbutus tree. The shrub's tart berries earned it its name. Red Chokeberry Is in Many Landscapes  The deciduous shrub graces many landscapes throughout North America with its distinct beauty. Often found in both dry and wet thickets, the shrub grows in a vase shape and can form dense colonies. The typical width of this plant is between 3 and 6 feet, and it reaches heights between 6 and 12 feet. Its ability to spread makes it a practical addition to low-lying areas and shorelines that need protection. However, its profound aesthetic attributes make it an ideal addition to any outdoor space. The Foliage And Flowers Of The Red Chokeberry  It makes captivating transformations during each season. As spring arrives, the plant produces delicate, silky flowers ranging from white to pink. Its leaves are a rich green color during the summer. Those leaves may turn a purple or reddish-orange hue throughout the autumn months. Also, its rose pear-shaped berries emerge in clusters during the fall, decorating the shrub with even more warmth. That warm-looking appearance remains even during the coldest winter months with the plant's reddish-colored branches. Its multi-stemmed structure adds to its visual appeal. Benefits of Red Chokeberry Since most birds do not eat the tart berries, people who plant Red Chokeberry often use them to make canned jams or jellies. People who enjoy watching bees and butterflies in spring and summer can attract them with the shrubs. Those who like fall's rich, dark colors can appreciate the plant's autumn look. Since the shrub has such a striking bark color, it also makes a good choice for people who enjoy winter gardens. It proves that nature can create a different level of beauty during each season. With its adaptability in many landscapes, the resilient shrub can create rows or accentuate other plants.

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Persimmon Tree - TN Nursery

Persimmon Tree Seedling

Persimmon trees produce reddish-brown, sweet, and astringent fruits, adding ornamental and edible value to landscapes. They are versatile and valuable additions to landscaping, offering a range of aesthetic, ecological, and functional benefits. Their unique characteristics make them a cherished choice among landscape architects and homeowners alike. Aesthetically, it brings beauty to any outdoor space. Its glossy green leaves that turn vibrant shades of orange and red in the fall provide a stunning display of seasonal foliage. The distinctive bark, featuring tessellated blocks that exude an attractive pattern, adds an interesting visual texture to the landscape year-round. They bloom with delicate, bell-shaped flowers during late spring and early summer, enhancing their appeal. Birds Love Persimmon The Tree Ecologically, it supports local wildlife, enhancing the area's biodiversity and promoting a healthy ecosystem. Additionally, it provides shelter and nesting sites for birds and small mammals, further contributing to the balance of local wildlife populations. Functionally, it offers practical advantages as well. Its shade canopy creates a cooling effect, making it an ideal shade type for patios, outdoor seating areas, and even residential buildings. This natural cooling property can help reduce energy consumption by providing relief from the sun's heat. The wood is also highly valued for woodworking due to its durability and attractive grain, making it a potential raw material for various projects. Furthermore, it is relatively low-maintenance, requiring minimal pruning and care once established. Its adaptability to various soil types and growing conditions makes it appealing as a landscaping choice. Whether used as a standalone specimen type or integrated into a larger landscape design, it brings its unique blend of visual allure, ecological contribution, and functional benefits. In conclusion, the plant stands as a testament to the many benefits it offers in landscaping beyond its ornamental value. From its striking aesthetics to its ecological support and functional advantages, it is a type that enhances the visual appeal of outdoor spaces and contributes to the broader health and sustainability of the environment.  Persimmon Tree Is Known For Its Fruit The Persimmon tree, scientifically known as Diospyros kaki, is a captivating and culturally significant type that has graced landscapes and provided nourishment for centuries. Native to China, this deciduous type is celebrated for its striking beauty, delicious fruits, and symbolic value.  With its elegant appearance, it typically stands between 20 and 30 feet tall. Its bark is dark gray and fissured, creating a visually appealing contrast with its glossy, elliptical foliage, which turns vibrant shades of orange, red, and purple during autumn. These autumnal transformations contribute to the plant's status as an ornamental gem in gardens and parks worldwide.  The Persimmon Tree Fruit Is Stunning  They are a wonder of nature, resembling tiny, round tomatoes. Depending on the type, they can range from golden yellow to deep orange when ripe. These fruits are prized for their sweet, honey-like flavor and smooth, custard-like texture. They are enjoyed fresh, dried, or used in various culinary delights, such as jams, pies, and salads.  Beyond its aesthetic and gastronomic attributes, the plant carries cultural significance. In many Asian cultures, it symbolizes good fortune, prosperity, and longevity. It is often featured in traditional art, literature, and festivals. In Japan, for instance, the plant is associated with the arrival of autumn and is a beloved motif in poetry and paintings.  In addition to its cultural significance, they play a role in environmental conservation. It provides shelter and sustenance for various wildlife, including birds and insects. The plant's deep roots significantly prevent soil erosion, rendering it a valuable inclusion in sustainable landscaping practices.  In conclusion, the Persimmon tree is a multifaceted wonder of nature. Its enchanting appearance, delectable fruits, cultural symbolism, and environmental benefits continue to be a beloved and cherished presence in gardens, orchards, and hearts worldwide.

Regular price From $22.99
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6 Pack - Purple Love Grass - TN Nursery

6 Pack - Purple Love Grass

Purple Love Grass is a versatile and visually appealing ornamental plant that has gained popularity in landscaping due to its unique attributes. Native to North America, this perennial is well-suited for various landscape designs and can provide numerous benefits when incorporated into gardens and outdoor spaces. SOLD IN 6-PACK CELL TRAYS Purple love grass is scientifically known as Eragrostis Spectabilis, although garden lovers commonly refer to it as a tumble plant. It is an ornamental plant native to eastern and central North America. This decorative plant is well-known and famous due to its use by Piet Oudolf and the Green Thumb Award it earned in 2013 from the Direct Gardening Association. Purple Love Grass Garden Designer Approved Eragrostis Spectabilis is loved and used by many professional gardeners. It was listed in Gardens Illustrated as a top 100 plant to have in your garden. It was also extensively used in Chicago's Lurie Garden and New York City's Highline. Purple Love Grass Is Known for Its Color Changes Eragrostis Spectabilis is known and revered for its seasonal color changes. In the spring, the blades have a blue-green hue. In the summer, this ornamental plant grows purple spikelets. When those spikelets mature, they fall off the plant and are blown away, which earned it the nickname tumble. In the fall, gardeners can watch the leaves develop a bronze-red hue. Purple Love Grass Is Stunning Planting In Mass  It can be used in various ways, including as ground cover or an accent. It can also be mass-planted or planted as a group. It typically attains a height and width of two feet. The blades grow up to 10 inches long and have a width of about a quarter inch. It pairs well with white wood aster, purple poppy mallow, Pennsylvania sedge, and spotted beebalm. If you're looking to make your home more environmentally friendly, planting it may help. Eragrostis Spectabilis can be used to control soil erosion, and it's considered water-wise, which means if you're planting a drought-tolerant yard, you could include tumble plants in your landscaping. It can also be used as a green or living roof. Purple Love Grass is a famous, hardy, and versatile ornamental plant. It makes a beautiful addition to any home garden or landscaping project, and it may even help you lower your carbon footprint.

Regular price From $59.99
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6 Pack -Pennsylvania Sedge Plugs - TN Nursery

6 Pack - Pennsylvania Sedge Plugs

Pennsylvania Sedge is a versatile, low-maintenance ground cover that transforms any space into a lush and enchanting haven. With its graceful appearance, adaptability, and numerous ecological benefits, it is an excellent choice for residential and commercial landscaping projects. Pennsylvania Sedge Is a Weeping Beauty It blooms from May to July each year. The blossoms usually feature white, green, or brown flowers. The grass can reach 20 inches tall and has a creeping growth habit with varying textures. Female spikes have lengthy, white, thread-like styles, while male spikes are about an inch long and have creamy-yellow stamens. The leaves stay pale green during spring, turning a golden-tan hue during fall. Use Pennsylvania Sedge For the Health of Your Soil Its horizontally spreading roots extend deep into the earth. This allows the roots to loosen compacted soil, improving its structure by increasing aeration and drainage. On slopes and other regions vulnerable to erosion, these roots also do an excellent job of retaining soil. As the plants mature and die back, the decaying leaves and broken roots provide organic material for the soil. This organic material stimulates microbial activity, increases soil moisture retention, and improves soil fertility. Because of its naturally low growth pattern, it forms thick clusters of leaves. And because these plants are thin and pliable, they spill over the sides of paths and flower beds with elegance. When used along edges and borders, this quality works well to create a weeping or cascading impression. Their evergreen leaves' year-round color and texture add color and vitality to borders and pathways. Their feathery-soft leaves have a thin, delicate texture contrasting with the border's other hardscape features and plants. This characteristic draws the eye and creates a sense of depth in landscaping and garden areas. Eliminate Weeds With Pennsylvania Sedge Shrubby is densely clustered, providing both cover and shade for the ground. This kind of dense growth can reduce the establishment and development of weeds by outcompeting them for nutrients, space, and sunshine. Many people use Pennsylvania Sedge to help with spring weed management and to keep annual weeds to a minimum in the winter.

Regular price From $76.99
Regular price Sale price $76.99
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River Birch Live Stakes - TN Nursery

River Birch Live Stakes

River Birch Live Stakes are young, rooted cuttings or branches of the trees (Betula nigra) used for streambank and erosion control, known for their rapid growth and ability to stabilize soil along waterways. If you have a property close to a riverbed or other body of water, river birch live stakes can help. They take a short time to grow, are easy to collect, and can protect your land against erosion or a reduction in soil quality in a relatively short period. A stake is little more than a branch or root cut from its parent tree. Stakes are often cultivated during the winter when the tree is dormant and planted directly on the side of a riverbed or other body of water. After planting, they will grow into a new tree. Benefits of Using River Birch Live Stakes Using it can be beneficial for several reasons, including being easy to obtain and plant. In addition, they tend to start guarding against erosion and other soil issues as soon as they are planted. Of course, it may take a few months before the root system can fully establish itself in a given area. Finally, as it is a natural resource, you won't have to use chemicals, machines, or anything else that might pollute to save or reclaim a landscape. The Growth Of River Birch Live Stakes  The tree can grow up to 70 feet tall and 60 feet wide to have a relatively robust root system underneath it. Those roots will collect excess water, which helps to prevent erosion on sloped surfaces. It generally takes two or three years to produce what are referred to as nutlets, the seeds that also allow the tree to propagate. Attract Wildlife to Your Property With River Birch Live Stakes By keeping a landscape viable, River Birch Live Stakes can be used to attract wildlife back to your property. A variety of birds, squirrels, and other creatures will use the tree for shelter and as a source of food. Fortunately, the tree is unlikely to be damaged by pests, so you'll have it on your property for decades.

Regular price From $120.99
Regular price Sale price From $120.99
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Red Osier Dogwood - TN Nursery

Red Osier Dogwood

One of the benefits of Red Osier Dogwood is its stems. These brilliant red branches stand out against the white backdrop of snow, creating a visually appealing contrast that adds interest to the landscape. Additionally, the shrub's deciduous foliage turns a rich burgundy in the fall, contributing to the seasonal variety and enhancing the overall appeal of the landscape. Red osier dogwood, sometimes called red twig rather than osier, is a deciduous shrub that stands out for its distinct coloring, prominent size, and much more. If you're looking to vary the look of your space and incorporate something different that stands out among some of your other plants, this is a beautiful choice. Here's how this shrub can elevate your garden to the next level. Red Osier Dogwood Adds Color Throughout the Year It is a uniquely colorful shrub with something to offer your garden throughout the year. In the early summer, small bunches of white flowers bloom and add a touch of delicate beauty to your space. After blooming, this shrub produces white berries and leaves that start to turn with the seasons. When everything falls off the shrub, it reveals the vibrant crimson branches underneath, providing color throughout the year. Red Osier Dogwood Attracts Rare Wildlife and Pollinators  Both the flowers and the berries of this shrub serve as food sources for butterfly larvae, songbirds, and bees. Not only will these be a joy to see flittering and floating about your garden, but they also pollinate the flowers of this shrub and surrounding plants. There are some areas of our yard where we need help growing most plants. But is that an issue with this shrub? It actually loves moisture, making it more well-suited for areas of your property where other things may not take. Better yet, it proliferates and is relatively hardy. These shrubs can reach a towering six to nine feet tall and wide, so they'll make themselves known once they've established themselves in your yard. Red Osier Dogwood Helps With Soil Erosion Red Osier Dogwood spreads fast, which can be beneficial if you're growing it in areas where the spreading root systems can take hold and reduce the soil erosion your space would otherwise encounter. If you're tired of looking at roots, these shrubs may also reduce the amount of weed growth in the area. It's a bonus as you see beautiful shrubs yearly and benefit from weedless, healthy soil.

Regular price From $29.99
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