Wild Ginger Is a Low Growing Perennial Herb
Wild Ginger, in Latin known as Asarum genus of Wild Ginger.Its spread includes the moist forests of North America to Brazil. Species grow in East Asia, like Japan, China, and Vietnam, and one European species, A. europaeum. The Canadian wild ginger species goes by the name snakeroot.
There is another genus, Saruman, with one species of wild ginger, S. henry.
They are from the Aristolochiaceae family. In gardening, they create ample ground coverage and work well all year. This perennial favorite also has culinary applications.
Wild Ginger is an adequate Ground Cover
The wild ginger plant grows at higher altitudes and stays green. They grow from six to ten inches tall. The spread of each plant is from 12 inches to 24 inches, and they reproduce themselves with rhizomes.
Asarum canadense has a flower at the base which is hidden from view
The leaves are bright green and shaped like kidneys. Its flowers will develop at the ground level. Blooms grow in colors such as yellow, white, and darker hues such as purple, black and brown.
Wild ginger grows in northern parts like Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Montana, and British Columbia. Its habitat is the understory of conifer forests. The plant reproduces with rhizomes. This means that one plant clones itself to create a mat that the rhizome connects.
The root of this plant is consumable, and it is used all over the world for a variety of symptoms and conditions. Its taste is similar to tropical ginger but not as strong.
Cultivation of Wild Ginger
Cultivating wild ginger has been done for centuries. First, it is dug up and harvested. It is dried after being harvested and made into a powder. One use of ginger could be a topical application on infections. It is also ingested for infections. Wild ginger also is used for internal ailments such as indigestion and other stomach problems.
Be careful before ingesting ginger, and be sure to consult with a physician before doing so.
Wild Ginger Growing
Wild ginger grows in climates between zones 4 to 8. The best soil for it is woodland soils that are moist and fertile and with little disruption. When planting, they make excellent groundcovers for border walkways. After being established, they are hardy and do not require any special. These perennial plants return year after year. In the early spring, gardeners can divide the clumps. They can grow very well in shady areas, and many add them as ground-covering plants in shade gardens to add vibrant green foliage to otherwise bare areas.
Some gardeners and horticulturists use wild ginger as decorative plants. Some grow showy foliage. Others have impressive and vibrant flowers.