Simple Water Gardens for Your Home

Wednesday, September 14

Water gardens can be fun and functional

Water gardens are some of the most beautiful decorations. The gentle sound of the running water and the beautiful looks of its water plants. 

This makes having a water garden a must have for those who love the look of water plants.

Water gardens have been around since early Chinese and Persia history. They have been used as decorations ever since. But until the industrial era, the water was not circulated and was brought in by a diverted stream and then back out thru a diverted stream. But with the introduction of the water pump, ponds can be placed anywhere.

Often the pond pump habitat is filled with fish such as Koi and goldfish. Water gardens can be quite the thing to look at especially if you have the money to add the beautiful plants and lighting to compliment it. But getting a water garden isn’t cheap. It is advised only to be done by professionals because they can make a water garden look its best. But if you want to do it yourself here is some instructions:

Supplies needed:

A large sheet of pond liner that is twice the size of your ponds length and width.


A pond pump (must be for the size of your water garden)

Pipes and equipment for including a small waterfall if you wish to.

Animals and plants.

First, the area was you want to have your water garden must be defined. This includes measuring the area, deciding how deep, and measuring all heights and widths.

You must now dig out your hole and form it like you want the pond to be shaped like.

A store run must be done to gather the supplies needed.

Cut and shape the pond liner to fit in the pond hole with about 2 feet hanging off the sides. Place the liner in a pond. Now any equipment such as pipes should be installed.

Add rocks to the edges of the overhanging pond liner. Also, add rocks inside if you would like too. Insert pond pump and connect all hoses and pipes.

Fill With water. Now add the plants and animals to your pond. Place plants in a place where they best suite you and the lighting.

Enjoy the fruits of your labor!

Source to Buy Plants for your Water Garden

10 Water Garden Plants - TN Nursery

10 Water Garden Plants

Cardinal Flower - TN Nursery

Cardinal Flower

lily pads - TN Nursery

Water Lily

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