Rock Ideas for Your Garden | TN Nursery

Suitable plants can transform a rock garden and make it more picturesque.

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There is a wide variety of plants, grasses, shrubs, and sedges that can be grown in rocky terrain. If you choose the plants wisely, they will blend in well with the landscape.

The ideal plants for rock gardens are clump-forming plants or the ones that spread. Ornamental grasses can also add a lot of texture and movement to the entire garden. Perennial plants are quite popular in rock gardens; however, you can grow some great annuals.

Some of the grasses and plants that thrive well in rock gardens are—

Blue Fescue—Blue fescue is an ornamental grass with long and narrow bluish-green leaves. It is a dense, tuft-forming grass that is great for edging. Blue fescue is perennial and can grow up to 3-4 feet.

Aubretia—Aubretia is a hardy plant that produces beautiful purple-colored flowers during the spring season. They cover the area in a striking purple carpet of flowers. You can grow them on slopes or banks.

Groundcover Sedum—Groundcovers are great for rock gardens as they grow and cover the area densely. Groundcover sedum is a creeping plant that produces tiny pink to white colored flowers during summer. Planted in a healthy, drained area with ample sunlight.

Irish Moss—Irish moss is bright green and produces tiny white flowers. Their striking resemblance to moss makes people think that it is moss. This plant can grow in the narrowest of cracks and crevices, which makes it ideal for planting between stepping stones, cracks, and pathways.

Rock Jasmine—Rock Jasmine is a low-growing alpine plant that is good for rock gardens. It produces tiny pinkish white colored flowers that are so dense that they sometimes cover the foliage. Planted in crevices between stones, rock clefts, and even rock walls.

Creeping Broom—Creeping broom is a low-growing groundcover that produces tiny yellow-colored flowers when in bloom. It is an excellent ground cover for sunny spots in your rock garden.

Source to Buy a Variety of Suitable Plants to Transform your Rock Garden


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