Moving Toward Sustainability

You can Take a Step Toward Sustainability

Sustainability is something that you can start accomplishing today. It is a worthwhile goal that will produce benefits for you and those around you. These benefits will be like ripples on a pond that move outward and help more and more people. The benefits of sustainability will impact the entire planet as others join in.

Sustainability is measurable in three ways: social, economic, and environmental. An action or activity is sustainable if it provides benefits in each of these three areas.

Things that offer benefits in two areas are good, but the action needs to impact all three pillars positively.

Everyone can do things that are sustainable by changing their behavior. These changes can start small and build on bigger things. An example of a minor action is volunteering at an organization like Second Harvest or other local food banks. These organizations positively impact the social structure when individuals use their time and energy to help others. It builds a connection between two people who did not connect before. Volunteering at a food bank helps the environment because food that would otherwise end up in a landfill feeds someone. That food helps nourish a person who would be hungry if it had not found its way to their plate. Volunteering helps the economy because a child with proper nutrition is healthier. They do better at school and learn more.

This example demonstrates how a sustainable activity produces more sustainable operations. The person who volunteers at a food bank learns it is an excellent experience and volunteers again, maybe bringing someone else with them the second time. Less food going into landfills means that we need fewer landfills. Landfill areas, such as wildlife or public parks, are used for other purposes. Giving kids proper nutrition has excellent long-term benefits because they grow up to be productive members of society. They can help others instead of needing help themselves.

There are significant steps some people can take to promote sustainability. Probably the most significant step is to begin living off the grid. At a minimum, this means living without a connection to a commercial electricity supply. That involves learning and planning, and there are resources on the internet that can show how it is doable.

Living without electricity is sustainable because it positively impacts each of the three pillars. It helps society because it shows others that it is doable. It helps the economy because the price decreases as you use less electricity, making it more affordable for other people still on the grid. And it helps the environment because it means less energy production is needed. The output of power is the most prominent source of greenhouse gases in the economy today.

Take a giant step you can toward sustainability today. You will be surprised at the benefits it produces.

Source of Information on Sustainability

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