Choosing the Best Trees for Your Landscape

Which Trees Will Best Benefit Your Landscape Goals?

Residential and commercial property owners often prioritize flowering plants and shrubs in their landscape design. While these assets deliver aesthetic and environmental value, trees may make a better starting point. If you think about it logically, oaks, maples, and fast-growing trees typically occupy the most space. If you were building a house in Tennessee, wouldn’t you begin with the foundation and erect the exterior walls before installing curtains?

A well-crafted landscape concept starts with its most significant asset — trees — and builds on that foundation. As a plant nursery with a complete inventory of flowering perennials, ornamental shrubs, and trees, we’d like to share ways your landscape can benefit from building around or strategically inserting trees.

How to Select Trees for Your TN Landscape

Property owners should consider their desired benefits before choosing a tree. The trees at our nursery all deliver landscaping benefits, but you should narrow down which best serves your needs.

Are you interested in adding shade to a specific area?

Do you want a flowering tree to add seasonal color?

Would the colorful foliage of maple and oak trees serve your landscape well?

Would a large shade tree enhance your leisure use of the grounds?

Are fruit and nut trees appealing as a homegrown food resource?

Does it make sense to plant fast-growing trees to provide privacy from neighbors?

Remember that the answers to these questions help clarify your landscaping goals. However, other factors must be considered before selecting the right trees for your landscape. For instance, the landscaping design must account for factors such as soil type, access to water, and proximity to septic fields and wells. With all the elements highlighted, you can select trees that seamlessly meet goals and flourish.

Strategies to Maximize Landscaping Benefits of Trees

It proves helpful in separate tree landscaping into two strategies: standalone and groupings. Including hardwoods, ornamentals, or fast-growing trees in a landscape allows property owners to define, separate, or enhance the grounds in wide-reaching ways. The following design ideas highlight the flexible benefits of landscaping with trees.

Standalone Trees: Home and commercial property owners routinely plant flowering trees in front yards. This strategy creates the curbside appeal that typically improves property value. The same standalone assets in backyards make your leisure experience more aesthetically pleasing.

Rows: Property owners generally enjoy a better return on investment by planting fast-growing trees along property lines. This strategy defines the perimeter and separates your land from abutters. Fast-growing trees do not fall into decay and won’t require costly replacement.

Enclosing Designs: Planting flowering or mid-sized trees around the sides of a patio makes the hardscape feel like a fresh-air room. This design increases the feeling of privacy and coziness in your backyard.

Avenue of Trees: Many communities manicure eye-catching trees along roads and walkways to create ambiance. Although these open spaces typically employ large trees, homeowners can utilize this strategy on a smaller scale by planting dwarf trees or low-growing ornamentals.

One of the more popular landscaping designs layers the plant life. This plan often includes ground covers that transition from perennial flowers to shrubs. In the backdrop, trees provide the height that brings it all together. Landscaping professionals may advise property owners to employ red maple trees to paint the background or weeping willows that deliver low-hanging greenery. The wide range of trees that succeed in TN can make these design ideas a reality.

What are the Best Landscaping Trees in TN?

The best landscaping tree for your needs will succeed under the soil and climate conditions while delivering the desired benefits. Many landowners quickly discover that a wide selection of trees at our TN nursery will thrive on your property. The colorful leaves, seasonal blooms, and ability to provide shade make choosing landscaping trees much like picking out candy in a sweet shop. Consider what the following trees bring to the table.

Maple Trees: This class of trees includes varieties with eye-catching red leaves. Maple trees offer substantial shade and rank among the most colorful in terms of fall foliage. They can mature to 120 feet high and 50 feet wide while ranking among the fast-growing trees.

Willow Trees: They are perhaps the most sought-after shade trees. They usually thrive near ponds, rivers, and streams. Although they mature to only about 40-70 feet, their width nearly equals their height.

Dogwood Trees: This lovely flowering tree remains one of the most desirable standalone options. They typically mature to only 25 feet or less. Other low-height landscaping possibilities include Crepe Myrtle Plants that bloom for 60-120 days and mature to 20-30 feet.

Pine trees: Pines usually prevail along a property line. These fast-growing trees remain a cost-effective way to integrate a privacy element and serve as windbreaks.

Oak Trees: This species enjoys more flexibility than many people realize. Southern Red Oak trees rival the color of Red Maples during fall. Maturing upwards of 80 feet with a 60—to 70-foot spread, they deliver tremendous shade benefits. The acorns also serve as a wildlife food resource.

The landscaping possibilities appear endless when considering the varieties that thrive in this region. Other items to consider when deciding may include how quickly a tree grows, seasonal blooms, and how it fits into an existing landscape.

weeping willow tree

Weeping Willow

Weeping Willow: Salix babylonica The Weeping Willow (Salix babylonica) is an ancient tree of the senses admired for its thin, slender limbs and glossy leaves. This tree grows rapidly and is ideal for creating an idyllic garden or making a statement in any landscape. Planting and Maintenance of Weeping Willow Trees These fast-growing trees are easy to plant and grow, making them ideal for beginners and experienced gardeners. They like a well-drained, wet environment and can live in full sun or partial shade. Place the root ball in a hole twice its size, plant the tree, and fill it with soil and water. Once planted, they require very little care other than watering when the weather is dry and occasional pruning to shape or remove dead branches. Seasonal Beauty and Color Changes Of The Weeping Willow They are visually stimulating year-round. The delicate yellow-green flowers bloom in the spring. During the summer, the tree’s graceful, sloping canopy is lined with glossy green leaves, providing cool shade. The leaves turn golden-yellow in the fall and fall slowly off, keeping the classy branching design on display all winter. Shape and Longevity The tree is renowned for its familiar cascading form, with limbs falling straight to the ground. They develop quickly, growing to 30-50 feet high and equally wide. If treated well, these trees will survive for many decades as a beloved landscape addition. Life History of Salix babylonica Trees  TN Nursery grows all types of trees, including the weeping willow, and transports them as fresh, ready-to-plant plants. These trees grow quickly, providing fast-growing trees, stunning beauty year-round and a permanent, quiet presence in your landscape. Add one to your garden today for grace and peace!

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Twilight Crepe Myrtle - TN Nursery

Purple Crepe Myrtle

Purple Crepe Myrtle - Lagerstroemia indica  Red Crepe Myrtle, or Lagerstroemia indica, is known for its stunning dark foliage and purple to lavender flowers, which add a striking contrast to garden landscapes. It is a popular choice in landscaping due to its numerous benefits and aesthetic appeal. This deciduous shrub, renowned for its stunning flowers and vibrant foliage, brings a range of advantages to outdoor spaces. Also known as Lagerstroemia indica, this tree has gorgeous purple flowers. Its distinctive trunk makes it easy to use as a living fence for your yard. Purple Crepe Myrtle Is a Medium-Sized Shrub The highlight of this 20-foot-tall tree is its flowers. They stay in bloom for longer than most other trees, which makes them a favorite of those who adore floral accents in their yard. They have crimped petals, and each panicle grows to approximately 3 1/2 inches. Each flower is attached to five others, thereby creating six parts. Purple Crepe Myrtle Has a Long Bloom Season The flowers typically last from July through September. After which, brown dehiscent fruits appear in a six-valved capsule. Once a capsule falls to the ground, it splits open to help more trees grow. The bark of these trees exfoliates to reveal multiple shades of gray and brown. When you combine this with the rarity of how long they bloom, you have an eye-catching tree that draws people's attention. The leaves can grow in three patterns: whorls, alternate or opposite. Either way, they grow in groups of three. In autumn, the leaves will change to a stunningly brilliant red. By then, the flowers are gone, leaving only the fall leaves to brighten your yard. Fortunately, the entire process starts again in the spring, so you'll enjoy gorgeous purple or red colors throughout the year. Attract Pollinators Another good reason to consider planting them is that they provide the perfect natural habitat for wrens and songbirds. Therefore, if you've ever wanted to experience a nest up close, this tree will make your wish come true. Twilight Crepe Myrtle also provides any lawn with a lot of vertical interest, which gives it fantastic curb appeal. The best presentation is typically in a triangular pattern with three trees, which takes advantage of the tree's rather unusual shape. Rather than having one simple trunk, they spread out into many branches from a low-lying, close to the ground level, creating even more visual appeal.  

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Pecan Tree - TN Nursery

Pecan Tree

Pecan Tree - Carya Illinoinensis Pecan trees are large, deciduous plants with pinnately compound leaves. They produce a sweet, edible nut known for its rich flavor and use in culinary applications. Incorporating them into landscaping offers many benefits beyond their delicious nuts. Native to the southern part of the United States, this plant is a species of hickory. Known as Carya illinoinensis, it is cultivated for culinary and ornamental reasons. Once the leaves appear, they look beautiful and sway in the wind. Enjoy a Perfect Lawn With The Pecan Tree Thanks to its size, this plant is ideal for your lawn. Because of its impressive stature, college campuses and city parks often use this plant. After it reaches its full height, it can be 60 to 100 feet tall. Its canopy can extend 40 to 80 feet. As a member of the hickory family, this plant is a popular choice for building wood furniture. Discover The Pecan Tree With Gorgeous Green Leaves This deciduous plant grows pinnate leaflets with bunches of 9 to 17 leaves. These leaves are a vibrant green, so you can easily see them from a distance. While it can grow 100 feet tall in its lifetime, it will generally take a sapling ten years to reach 16 feet tall. Because of this, you should not expect to have a full-sized plant immediately. It will be about as tall as a large shrub for the first few years. They Offer Perfect Shade When designing your garden, setting aside areas for relaxing and enjoying a break from the sun is a good idea. Thanks to its size and dense leaves, this plant is perfect for providing shade in your backyard or lawn. Once you plant it, you can enjoy shade for many years. This plant can live for up to 300 years in the right circumstances. Like other plants in the hickory genus, the Pecan Tree produces a nut-like drupe. You will initially see a fruit growing that is surrounded by a husk. The center of the fruit contains a single pit. The husks are essentially the flower’s exocarp tissue. Meanwhile, the husk has a green-gold color with a brassy veneer. Each one is elliptical or oval. Once the husk reaches maturity, it changes from green to brown. Where is the best place to plant them? They can only be grown in areas that receive full sun and soil with good drainage and fertility. They require ample room in which to expand; plant them 30-50 feet away from structures or other gigantic types.  How tall do they grow?  They are capable of attaining a size of 70 to 100 feet tall and with a spread of 40 to 75 feet. Thanks to their considerable proportions, these can be used to create landscaping that will offer shade for gardens or orchards.  Do they grow fast?  They have an average growth speed and reach 1 to 2 feet in height per year. It requires several years to start bearing nuts, but once established, they offer lifelong yields thus worthy to be cultivated.  What is the best climate for them?  Organically grown ones grow in areas with a long growing span and those that have many sunny days in a year or regions within the USDA zones 6-9. They need a hot summer for nuts set and formation and a cool winter for good rest.  What is the lifespan of them?  They have a very long life expectancy, with the age ranging from 100 to 300 years in case it is well taken care of. Their long lifespan and efficiency make them a valuable part of any farm or garden.

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Green Giant Arborvitae

Green Giant Arborvitae

Green Giant Arborvitae - Standishii x Plicata Green Giant Arborvitae is a fast-growing evergreen tree with vibrant, emerald-green foliage, a tall, columnar shape, and dense branching. It is a popular choice for privacy screens and windbreaks in landscaping. It is a highly advantageous and versatile evergreen tree widely used in landscaping. Belonging to the Cupressaceae family, this tree offers many benefits, making it an excellent choice for various outdoor spaces. It gets its name from its vast size. They can expand as towering as 60 feet with a diameter of 18 or more feet. These massive trees are part of the Cupressaceae or cypress family. Their scientific name is Thuja standishii x plicata. Although, that's often shorted to just the Thuja. This evergreen started in 1967 when a single tree made its way to the U.S. National Arboretum from Denmark. Recognizing the positive landscaping qualities of this evergreen, propagations were sent out. Today, it's known for its ability to adapt to numerous climates. The Green Giant Arborvitae Is A Hybrid The Thuja standishii x plicata is a hybrid tree. It was created in Denmark in 1937, using the Thuja Plicate or Western Red Cedar and the Thuja Standishii or Japanese type. While it was being sent out from the U.S. National Arboretum, The massive evergreen was confused with the T. Occidentalis Giganteoides. Luckily, three botanists from the New York Botanic Garden, USNA, and Holden Arboretum uncovered the tree's true roots. Once its true roots were known, it was given its current name to delineate it from other similar evergreen trees. Green Giant Arborvitae Is A Fast Grower  The Thuja standishii x plicata has a fast growth rate of three to five feet per year. At thirty years old, it averages 30 feet in height and can continue to grow up to 60 feet. It's characterized by its cone shape and the uniform appearance of its foliage. It Does Well In Parks  Due to its massive size, this tree does well in large yards and parks where Leyland Cypress may not be desirable. Benefits of the Thuja Standishii X Plicata The Thuja standishii x plicata keeps its color all year, even through winter. Gardeners with large yards can plant these evergreens to create natural privacy barriers. These trees attract deer who forage for food, and birds tend to make their nests in them. It Make Great Privacy Screens Gardeners and landscapers love the Green Giant Arborvitae for its rapid growth and ability to create privacy screens. These trees work best for more significant properties.  

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