5 Top Gardening Articles | TN Nursery

Staying Green In a Red Economy

In an ailing economy, the first expense that is often cut from any budget is extra spending. Unfortunately, hobbies fit into the "extra spending" category. Hobbies are important because they provide outlets for our daily routines. We can lose ourselves in our hobbies and relieve our stress, making them beneficial to our physical and mental well-being. So, although cutting them out of a budget might help the pocketbook, it doesn't help us to be healthy, whole beings. For gardeners, cutting budgets means walking by that rare peach astilbe that would correctly set off your peonies and fill in space in your cottage garden. Finding affordable plants can be a challenge. So what's a gardener to do? Don't throw in your spade just yet.

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With a bit of know-how, you can find some fantastic deals and get your hands back in the dirt. One of the oldest tricks in the book on saving money is buying wholesale. When you cut out the middleman, you cut out additional costs and get a healthier specimen in the case of plants. A great way to do this is through online garden centers. You can quickly peruse their stock while you save money, time, and gas. Keep an eye out for sales and clearance pages on nursery sites--new deals always sprout up. Another trick to finding affordable plants is waiting for out-of-season stock to "ripen." For thrifty gardeners, the anticipated season is out-of-season.

In the grand scheme of your garden, what does it matter if you plant that astilbe a few weeks later than you could have? If you practice a little patience, you can afford that specimen you desire instead of settling for something else or having to pass it up altogether. Gardeners will tell you that part of having a green thumb includes the innate ability to bring an almost-dead plant back to life. All gardeners have their saved-plant stories, akin to fishermen's tales. Instead of waiting for that luck next find, you can seek out struggling plants that can be purchased at fractions of their original price.

Check clearance sections for plants that, if given a little love, will love you back. It's a great way to feel even better about your purchase. Of course, there's always the point that if you are planting and raising your food-producing plants and trees, you will reap what you sow by saving money every time you harvest your produce and skip the supermarket. Fruit trees and shrubs are low maintenance and pay for themselves in a short time. It's the closest thing you will find to owning a money tree in your backyard. So if gardening is your hobby, you're in luck. In a tight economy, gardening can be a useful hobby for the pocketbook in the long run. Finding affordable plants is just a matter of thinking outside the planter box.

Buy Plants Wholesale To Save A Bundle

Buying plants should be an easy thing to do. However, there are many secrets that you might not know. For example, did you know you can buy plants wholesale and save money? Many people do not think about buying plants in bulk. Doing so can save you time and money. There are so many reasons why this is a great idea. First, it is a fact that plants look better in groups. It is also thought that plants grow better in groups. Buying plants in bulk allows the growers and suppliers to give you a better price and make a profit. The more you p, the thicker the discount they can give you.

When you get your plants in a bundle, you are saving the grower time and yourself money. The plant seller or grower does not have to worry about the care of the plants once you buy them, so they can save costs and are happy to sell them to you. That is a win-win situation for both you and the grower. When you buy plants wholesale, you get a lower price for the same great plants that other people pay top dollar for. What you do with the plants may help the grower or plant seller give you a deeper discount.

If they know that they will sell you more plants, they might be happier to offer you a higher discount based on the number of plants you buy and use. Think about it this way; the grower makes money when they sell the plants. The more they sell, the more money they make, just like any other product. When they have to hold on to the plants, they have to raise their cost of doing business. It costs them more to water and care for the plants. In many cases, it is easier to sell them in bulk and offer a reasonable discount to people who want to buy the plants in a bundle.

If you are worried that you can not use as many plants as the wholesaler wants to sell you, there are still many options. You could call on your friends and offer them some plants at a reasonable price or a business such as a landscaper who could use the plants in their business. Another way to use the plants is to sell them at a discount to a local market. The market will use them to make their office, store, or business look fantastic. That will help you meet your minimum requirement. Plants are something that everyone can use, and buying all kinds of plants in bulk is a great way to create a pleasant situation for both the buyer and seller of these plants. Next time you have to buy plants, ask for a bulk discount and see what happens.

Spirea Shrubs

These shrubs are evergreen shrubs that have abundant, small flowers in the spring and summer. When you choose these Spirea Shrubs with many species, you should consider the flower color to fit your landscaping. These white flowers blossom in the late spring when this scrub reaches a mature state. This scrub reaches a width of three to five feet as it grows. The white flowers are part of this plant as it grows four to five feet tall and blooms early in the spring. You see the flowers in late spring; These shrubs produce small white, double flowers in mid-spring. They are a heavily scented plant that thrives in the full sun.

Spirea shrubs cascade over the azalea, and this bush is fast growing. The best time to prune the spirea is in the late spring, after the blooms have faded. When you prune this tree, you use a handheld pruner as the results are a wispy appearance. These are very popular, and they come in wide different varieties. You need to choose which spirea you want that will best with your landscape, and then you need to get busy and plant it.

Along with your foundation, these scrubs will be planted. They are easy to grow, and it is the pink spiraea, as it is a close relative of the baby's breath—the delicate flower blooms in the summer and fall. Two spires produce pink blossoms, and both of this spirea multiply. This reason is why they are considered invasive plants because they rule out any other plants. When you believe this plant for your garden, regular pruning is necessary. You should trim the branch to about six inches with your pruning shears. It would be best to prune your trees in winter or early spring, which is called renovation pruning. Your spirea will grow back very quickly because it is a hardy cultivator and difficult to harm the plant. These plants are well-liked, and they are available in many colors.

The most popular flower is the pink spiraea, but you need to pick the right one. It is an excellent plant when you plant these all together. Vegetation does not do well in moist soil as this does well in the sun. They will tolerate partial shade, but the flowers will not be significant. Prune your pink flowering tree to form a shrub as it looks to enhance your garden. They are a lovely scrub as this offers a very visual effect. Until the ground freezes, you need to maintain the soil; you should feed it every spring. You should prune it if it becomes damaged, dead, or diseased, and you should prune this tree after it has bloomed. This shrub is perfect for planting, but it does well when a low-maintenance plant is needed.

The Beauty of Azaleas

The Azalea family is the way to go if you are looking for a beautiful addition to your garden full of life and color. With bright and vibrant colors, these flowering shrubs turn the outside of your home into a masterpiece. There are various types of Azaleas, so it won't be hard to find the flowering shrub that is right for you. The most common are Evergreen Azaleas, Deciduous Azaleas, and Rhododendron Azaleas. Evergreen Azaleas grow to their mature height at around 2-3 inches in length with small leaves in size. Deciduous Azaleas grow around the same length as the Evergreens, but instead of lower leaves, the Deciduous Azaleas have larger leaves shed in the wintertime.

Rhododendron Azaleas are beautiful and unique-looking flowering shrubs that bloom in all areas of the world. In the Northern hemisphere, they thrive in the spring, and in the Southern hemisphere, they bloom in the fall. The flowers on these beautiful shrubs usually last for several weeks. Rhododendron Azaleas are shade tolerant, and these shrubs prefer to live near trees. These flowering shrubs vary in size from a small bush to an occasional large tree. Rhododendron calendulaceum, also known as the Flame Azalea, is Rhododendron, located mainly in the Appalachian Mountains in eastern America. These shrubs can grow anywhere from New York to Georgia.

The Flame Azalea at mature height grows to be 120-450 centimeters in height. The length of the leaves grows to be 3-7 centimeters long and is slightly dull green. As for the flowers that the Flame Azalea produces, they become 4-5 centimeters long at mature length. The colors of these magnificent flowers are most commonly bright orange color, but they can also be found in white, peach, orange, yellow, or red.

Rhododendron calendulaceum typically blooms in April and May in mid-elevation areas, but these shrubs don't bloom until June or July in the mountains. Rhododendron' Kobai' Azaleas are beautiful shrubs that everyone can enjoy.

These white and pink-flowered shrubs produce evergreen foliage and turn green in the fall. These shrubs require part shade and sun, making them very versatile. They are generally easy to care for and don't need any hard labored treatment to produce their beautiful white and pink flowers.

The water amount for these flowering shrubs is average, as is the growth rate. These flowering shrubs primarily grow in time zones 7-9 and require soil that drains well; when it comes time to pick your next flowering shrub to really "wow" your neighbors, be sure to pick from the wide variety of great Azaleas that are offered.

B&B Shrubs

Creating the perfect landscape requires careful consideration and planning. While there are many plants and shrubs to include in any yard, flowering shrubs seem to be the ones that gardeners love best. They can add a splash of color to a landscape and make it attractive for those who may stop to look. These shrubs make excellent barriers and can add privacy to any area.

The Rhododendron is a favorite flowering shrub because of its abundant flowers and pleasant smell. It has countless varieties and growing sizes from which to choose. The Rhododendron also provides showy blossoms from spring to early summer as a flat-leaf evergreen.

It adores areas that get partial sun and are shielded from the damaging wind. The forsythia bush is by far the most commonly seen flowering shrub. This beloved shrub is an official floral herald of spring. Its golden, bell-shaped flowers are a popular choice and are usually easy to maintain for most soils and types of sun exposures. It comes in dwarfed varieties or variations that get as large as a small tree.

Using native shrubs is a wise decision for any landscape. These shrubs grow wild in a person's area and are perfect for adding to a garden. To find flowering shrubs that are indigenous to a city, homeowners may talk with a reputable local nursery or the county extension agency. Likewise, gardeners can get advice about shrubs that may not grow well in their area. Another choice shrub is the beautiful Rose of Sharon.

These plants are commonly used for privacy because of their extreme height. They create a substantial barrier that can give a yard the seclusion it needs. Willows are also grown to provide natural privacy fences and for their pleasing colors. These shrubs can rise as high as twenty feet tall.

Because of their flaming-red hue, they can give year-round color that is needed when the cold of winter has most things in hibernation. Like the burning bush, the smoke tree is an excellent choice for any landscape. It gets its name because it looks like puffs of smoke when gazing from a distance.

This hardy plant is a warm plant and an excellent selection for full autumn colors. It has a vibrant red leaf with a purple hint of color that eventually turns to a fiery orange. Who wouldn't want this fantastic shrub in their yard with all the vibrant colors? The beauty of shrubs can be just what any garden needs.

Gardeners usually consider foliage and bloom color when mixing them with their gardening scheme of all the varieties of flowering shrubs to choose from. Evergreens are a popular option because they provide fresh green throughout the seasons. These hearty bushes can take most climates and look beautiful anytime. The decision depends on one's growing region, how much sun or shade is in an area, moisture, and soil conditions. Flowering shrubs easily create the backdrop for an exciting and successful lawn and garden.

Buy all your planting needs at TN Nursery. 

Spigelia Indian Pink

Spigelia Indian Pink

Pink Spirea - TN Nursery

Pink Spiraea

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