Shade Perennials

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49 Products
Jack In The Pulpit

Jack In The Pulpit

Jack In The Pulpit is a woodland perennial known for its distinctive, hood-like spathe that covers a spiky, upright structure called the spadix. It features two or three large leaves and is typically found in shaded, damp environments. Jack in the Pulpit (Ariseama triphyllum), known as the "Indian turnip," is an unusual spring wildflower with striped, hooded green blooms. This eye-catching plant makes a beautiful and unique addition to shady gardens. Habitat Of Jack in the Pulpit It is a native plant in moist woodlands, oak-hickory forests, and tree-filled swamps in eastern and central North America. This perennial can live 25 years or more and spread and colonize over time. Appearance Of Jack In The Pulpit As individuals grow, they will sprout one or two leaves, each of which splits into three leaflets that spread out from their stalks. The plants can rise to a height of one to three feet. Their characteristic bloom appears on a separate stalk between April and June. Its spathe, or "pulpit," is a green hooded cylindrical structure with a maroon-to-brown striped interior surrounding and concealing its spadix, or "Jack." When you look inside the spathe, you can see tiny greenish-purple flowers at its base. After they bloom, they go dormant or become hermaphroditic. In late summer, usually during August and early September, a cylindrical cluster of bright red berries will form on the pollinated flower stalk. When adding Jack In The Pulpit to your landscape, it helps to plant it in a setting that will mimic its natural habitat, like a woodland garden or boggy area. When conditions are right, it will naturalize and form small colonies. It significantly impacts when planted in clusters and surrounded by ferns, wildflowers, and hostas. When it goes dormant in the summer, you can fill the bare soil surrounding it with annuals like impatiens. Red berries on your plants in late summer may attract birds and small mammals to your garden. Thrushes and wild turkeys will eat the plant's fruits, which have a tomato-like consistency. Jack In The Pulpit Is A Unique Flower  If you want to add a unique flower to your garden that will be a conversation starter, consider planting them. These classic wildflowers will add a touch of mystery to your landscape and delight your eyes for years to come.

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Hostas are shade-loving perennials known for their large, heart-shaped, and often variegated leaves and spikes of bell-shaped flowers, making them popular choices for garden borders and landscaping in low-light areas. They are renowned for their lush foliage and graceful appearance, which offer many benefits when incorporated into landscaping designs. These versatile perennials have gained popularity for their ability to enhance outdoor spaces with their aesthetic appeal, adaptability, and ease of maintenance. Hosta is an attractive herbaceous plant that can grow up to 4 feet in height, although a height of 18 inches is more common. There are several species of them, each with slight differences in leaf color. Each species has a different bloom, making exceptional focal points in any garden. Hosta Has Stunning Leaves The type seen most commonly in the United States is the "Keepsake." The charming green leaves ringed with yellow accents are popular because of their hardiness in different climates and the beautiful vistas they create in a garden. Sometimes, the lighter color rings are shades of white rather than yellow, but they don't lose any eye-catching effects. They have leaves of a single color, usually dark green. All their leaves are sturdy and ribbed, even if they're longer and tapered rather than cheerfully oval. Most versions have pretty purple or white flowers that bloom in the early summer through the beginning of fall. The flower buds form in the middle of spring and are generally the same color as the flowers. Even when they're just budding, they are beautiful plants that complement everything else in the garden. Once the buds bloom, the flowers form trumpet, bell, or elongated pendulous shapes. Only one version of these flowers has a strong scent, called the "August Lily." It's a shy flower, blooming in the evening and closing up again by morning, so it'll brighten up any garden when the sun goes down. Hosta Does Great With Other Plants When they are surrounded by flowers of similar colors, such as California bluebells for the species with violet flowers or tuberose for the white-flowered species, it creates a breathtaking effect. Alternating the various species in concentric rings would increase their appeal and let them truly shine. This Hosta Is Good for Pollinators Hosta blooms are essential for pollinators, such as bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds. The flowers provide nectar, and the leaves collect dew in the mornings, allowing these little creatures to drink while visiting the garden.

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Jacobs Ladder

Jacobs Ladder

Jacobs Ladder is a perennial wildflower with pinnate leaves and delicate, bell-shaped, blue to purple flowers arranged along its arching stems, adding grace to shady garden settings. It is a charming and distinctive perennial plant that offers many benefits when incorporated into landscaping designs. With its delicate clusters of bell-shaped flowers and elegant fern-like foliage, it brings a touch of enchantment and versatility to outdoor spaces.   Jacobs Ladder is officially known as Polemonium reptans or simply Polemonium. It's part of the Polemoniaceae or Phlox family and is sometimes called the American Greek valerian, stairway to heaven, sweet root, and abscess root. Many of its names reference the arrangement of the flowers, which can look like stairs or a ladder. The name is also a reference to a biblical story in the book of Genesis where one of the characters, Jacob, has a dream about a stairway to heaven. The Polemonium is a herbaceous perennial that is native to North America. Jacobs Ladder Has Stunning Blooms  It is known for its bell-shaped blue or purple-colored flowers. The flowers usually grow to a height of about three-fourths of an inch and have five stamens. The plant tends to grow low to the ground, only reaching heights and widths of about one to two feet. This wildflower is known for its compounding leaves, meaning many leaves grow from one stem. Jacobs Ladder Brightness Up Landscapes  It accompanies trees and shrubs and can brighten up woodland and shade gardens, especially in the spring when its flowers bloom. They also perform well in perennial borders where many other plants are taller than the stairway to heaven. Jacobs Ladder Does Great Near Other Plants It can be planted next to different trees, shrubs, and flowers. Some beneficial companion plants include hostas, lady ferns, lungwort, foam flowers, and coral bells. It also thrives next to spring beauties, Virginia water leaves, and oriental poppies. Jacobs Ladder makes a great addition to flower and pollinator gardens. The bell-shaped flowers typically attract a wide variety of bees, butterflies, and birds, especially hummingbirds. These wildflowers can add color to many different types of outdoor gardens. Apartment and condo gardeners can enjoy planting it in pots or containers for balcony gardening or as an indoor plant to add color and life to their inside spaces.

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Wisteria Vine

Wisteria Vine

The Wisteria Vine is a highly fragrant woody trailing plant known for its cascading clusters of fragrant, pea-like flowers in lavender colors, often grown on pergolas, trellises, and arbors for its ornamental. They are renowned for their stunning beauty and hold great value in landscaping due to their numerous attributes. The Stunning flowers of The Wisteria Vine This beautiful Wisteria Sinensis is a vine-covered in pale purple flowers and bright green leaves. Its stems create woody plants that can either twist together to create a trunk-like appearance or elongate to twine around supports. The plant can expand up to 20 to 35 feet in length, and it can support multiple plants that branch out from the central stem. Wisteria Vine is a highly fragrant woody plant known for its cascading clusters of lavender-colored, pea-like flowers. It is often grown on pergolas, trellises, and arbors. The characteristic flowers of this plant dangle in long strings of blossoms all over the plant. Clusters around 12 inches hang off the plant and hold rows of small, regularly spaced blooms. Individual flowers feature a large petal at the top and two smaller petals cupped together around a center with yellow-green stamens. Flower petals can be all shades of purple and white, and some may have a bluish or pinkish tint. It's common for the flower clusters to have a pleasant, ombre appearance, with flowers at the tip of the cluster being a much darker shade of purple. Wisteria Vine Is Flexible  Since this plant's flexibility can twist into many shapes, it's a highly versatile landscaping option. Some people prefer to keep their plant as a tree or bush. It can be a charming accent that produces clusters of fragrant flowers wherever you place it. You can also set this plant near a supportive trellis or wall if you want a genuinely eye-catching landscaping structure. Especially when planted in bunches, you can create stunning arcs, tunnels, ceilings, and walls of beautiful purple flowers. Wisteria Vine Has Stunning Foliage Wisteria Vine usually blooms around early May before the plant has even started to sprout leaves. After having a lush coat of nothing but purple blossoms for a while, the plant begins to produce small, lime-green leaves that blend beautifully with the flowers. The flowers leave in summer, and the leaves gradually darken to a rich, emerald green. Once the weather cools, the leaves turn a brilliant yellow before falling away to reveal the fascinating twists and loops of the underlying branches.

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Dutchman's Breeches

Dutchman's Breeches

Dutchman's Breeches is a spring wildflower with distinctive gray-green, finely divided leaves and unique, drooping clusters of white, pantaloon-shaped flowers resembling miniature hanging pants. It is a captivating and delicate spring ephemeral plant that offers several benefits when incorporated into the landscaping. Native to North America, it is a member of the poppy family and can be found growing in rich, moist woodlands, making it an ideal addition to woodland-themed gardens or naturalized landscapes. Dutchman's Breeches Blooms March-April  Dutchman's Breeches (Dicentra cucullaria), also known as "Little Blue Staggers," is a white woodland flower that blooms from March to April. This spring ephemeral is also a perennial native to eastern North America. It also grows naturally in the Pacific Northwest. Dicentra cucullaria is often found in the eastern and Pacific Northwestern woodlands of the United States. The flower grows naturally in the wild on forest floors under dappled sunlight, on moist rocky slopes, and along stream banks. After their blooming cycle ends, the flowers go dormant, and their leaves and stems fall to the ground to make way for summer flowers. Dutchman's Breeches Appearance Dutchman's Breeches range from 6" to 12" tall and bloom for about two weeks. Their creamy white or pinkish flowers resemble pairs of old-fashioned Dutch pantaloons hanging upside-down from a clothesline. Each blossom's outer petals form a puffy 'V' shape that converges in a yellow-tipped base. The plant's feathery compound leaves look like fern fronds, changing color from gray-green to pale yellow before disappearing for the rest of the year. Dutchman's Breeches Is Stunning In Landscapes  Little Blue Staggers makes an attractive addition to many landscapes. The plant is especially well-suited to wildflower and woodland gardens and works well in areas shaded by mature trees. Its beautiful flowers, with their delicate and cheeky blossoms, will surely draw attention to your spring greenery. They should be planted in the fall. They grow from bulb-like underground plant structures called corms, which can multiply underground. Mature corms can be divided and transplanted to propagate new plants. It offers nectar to bumblebees, cuckoo bees, and other bees that feed through the plant's perforations as they pollinate the flowers. Ants also help propagate the plant by carrying its seeds into new territory. If you want to add beauty and a touch of humor to your garden, consider planting a few near your trees. These flowers are a sure way to welcome the first flush of spring.

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Goldenseal Plant

Goldenseal Plant

The Goldenseal Plant is a woodland perennial herb with distinctive lobed leaves and small, greenish-white flowers that give way to bright red berries. It is valued for its properties and has several advantages in landscaping projects. This perennial belongs to the Ranunculaceae family and is renowned for its medicinal properties and striking appearance. The Goldenseal Plant is popular with gardeners for its foliage and flowers. Its botanical name is Hydrastis Canadensis, but it's also called Yellowroot, orangeroot, yellow eye, ground raspberry, and yellow puccoon. It's native to North America and can be found across Vermont into Georgia and as far southwest as Arkansas. It's also grown in the Blue Ridge Mountains. Hydrastis Canadensis is part of the buttercup or Ranunculaceae family, and it gets many of its names from its yellow or golden rhizomes and pale yellow sap. Unique Characteristics of Goldenseal Plant It reaches a height between six and 20 inches. It's characterized by its tiny white flowers that are comprised of stamens and pistols rather than petals. The flowers typically bloom in May and are framed by two leaves with three to seven lobes. The Hydrastis Canadensis is categorized as a perennial herb that develops small, red berry-like fruit. In nature, it's typically found in wooded forests, along hillsides, and in valleys. Attract Birds and Bees with Goldenseal Plant Birdwatchers and individuals looking to create gardens that benefit insects will appreciate it. Hydrastis Canadensis primarily attracts birds, squirrels, and bees, especially honey bees. Squirrels, birds, and other small animals love to eat the berries and seeds that form in late summer. It thrives in shady areas. Gardeners will have the best success planting it around and under trees and large shrubs in shadier areas of their yards. It also works well in herb and flower gardens. Where To Plant Goldenseal Plant Gardeners prefer to plant Hydrastis Canadensis around sugar maple trees, walnut trees, oaks, basswood, white ash, and poplars because it grows well in places without direct sunlight. Additionally, it does well near trout lilies, bloodroot, mayapples, and spring beauties. Goldenseal Plant offers many benefits to home gardeners. It's beloved for its white flowers, yearly blossoming, and ability to grow in areas where other flowers may fail to thrive, like under large shade trees. Hydrastis Canadensis also does well in flower gardens and birdwatching gardens.

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Blue Vervain

Blue Vervain

The sky-blue flowers bloom throughout the summer, adding color to any outdoor space. Its slender, lance-shaped leaves and overall graceful growth habit enhance its visual appeal. As a result, it can be used as a focal point in flowerbeds or as an attractive backdrop for other plants, creating a captivating display in gardens. Blue Vervain Reaches Up To 5 Feet Tall Blue Vervain has rough hairs and branching, and four-angled stems of the tall, leggy perennial wildflower known as blue vervains give them an exquisite look. They typically bloom each year from June to October. The first to bloom are those at the flower's base. The flowers open and ascend the stems with pointy tips and coarsely serrated edges. They resemble candelabras (chandeliers) because of all the flower spikes that form on top. They grow up to five feet tall. Blue Vervain Adds Structure and Texture It features a bushy growth habit and dense foliage, making it ideal for adding structure to your yard. Its bushy appearance makes yards look fuller. The lance-shaped leaves come from their stems in alternating patterns, creating a textural contrast with other plants. The tiny, brightly colored blossoms enhance the aesthetic and architectural appeal of gardens and landscaping. Blue Vervain blooms boast a variety of colors, ranging from blue to deep purple to light lavender. On rare occasions, the flowers are white. The blooms have five joined petals at the base that create a small tube and are around 1/4 inch wide. A little stem supports the thin, lance-oblong leaves that grow up to seven inches long and one inch wide. These leaves have a pointy tip, coarsely serrated margins, and a broad base. The slightly hairy stems can be either green or reddish. Blue Vervain Has Purple & Blue Blooms They have bright blue-purple flowers containing a lot of nectar and pollen, which attract butterflies and other pollinators, such as bees and hummingbirds. Both the Verbena moth and the Common Buckeye butterfly lay their eggs on blue vervains. These plants usually attract the most pollinators during late summer and fall. Because few other plants bloom simultaneously, they attract many late-flying pollinators, which is good for the environment because it increases biodiversity.

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Yellow Trillium

Yellow Trillium

Yellow Trillium is a showy spring-blooming wildflower with golden, three-petaled flowers and mottled leaves, typically found in woodlands and forests. They are an excellent choice for landscaping due to their numerous positive attributes. These beautiful native North American wildflowers possess unique characteristics that can enhance any garden or outdoor space. From their striking appearance to their role in promoting biodiversity, they offer various benefits for landscape design. Yellow Trillium, also known as Trillium luteum, is a member of the lily family. They bloom between April and May and produce a faint scent of lemon. Due to their growing pattern, these gorgeous flowers can be planted next to other perennials that bloom in mid to late summer. The Stunning Leaves Of The Yellow Trillium Each of these plants has three leaves, and they range in appearance from dark green to light green. Additionally, they may have a few hints of silver, which gives them an extra pop of color. Over time, these herbaceous perennials can grow up to 16 inches tall. You'll see yours grow and expand, but you can divide them during the summer. One trimerous flower sticks up out of the trio of leaves surrounding it. In keeping with the pattern of its leaves, the flower has three petals, three carpels, three stamens, and three sepals. Interestingly, these flowers do not have stalks, but they do have erect petals. Once their flowering season ends, these plants will dormant in the summertime. However, they'll exit dormancy for the late winter season. One Yellow Trillium Gives You Many They are self-seeders, so once you've planted the first one, you'll typically see others rise. They rely on ants to help them spread their seeds. Each new flower will grow beautifully from the plant's center and stick straight into the air. Meanwhile, the leaves grow outward and may slightly swoop toward the ground. The mottled leaves can vary in intensity, with some being primarily green while a light gray shade almost entirely covers others. They provide the perfect backdrop for these stunning light gold flowers. Yellow Trillium Can Be Planted Anywhere Although Yellow Trillium can be planted anywhere, they have a unique natural habitat. They typically grow around the Great Smoky Mountains, where they help bring light and beauty to the area. What's truly unusual, though, is how many will naturally arise in Gatlinburg, Tennessee. It's unknown why they flock to this specific city, but it certainly provides a bright point of interest for those living there.

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English Ivy

English Ivy

English Ivy is a low-growing ground cover plant; it has glossy, heart-shaped leaves and produces small, inconspicuous brownish-purple flowers nestled among its dense, carpet-like foliage. It is a fantastic and versatile plant with several landscaping benefits. This evergreen vine is native to Europe and Western Asia and is widely embraced for its aesthetic appeal, adaptability, and practical applications. English Ivy is a woody evergreen perennial vine and foliage plant proliferating on vertical surfaces like trees, walls, fences, and trellises. The ancient Greeks believed the plant was sacred to the god Dionysus, and pagan druids revered it as a symbol of the divine feminine. In classical Latin, “hedera” refers to the ability to grasp, which is in keeping with the vine’s nature. English Ivy Loves Shade Native to Europe, Scandinavia, and parts of Russia, the Hedera helix is nearly ubiquitous in Britain and is naturalized and prolific in many regions of the United States. In the wild, the plant grows under, on trees, and up the sides of rocky cliffs, favoring moist, shady areas out of the sun. Mature Hedera helix vines typically grow up to 80 feet tall and span a three- to five-foot width. Their climbing stems bear young, five-lobed leaves, while their fertile stems bear adult, spade-shaped leaves. These deep-green leaves can vary in size between two and four inches long. The top of the plant will often develop clusters of small, greenish-yellow flowers that bloom from late summer until late autumn. These nectar-rich blossoms will eventually yield a crop of small purple-black to orange-yellow berries that persist into winter. English Ivy Kills Weeds Its bright green foliage can add all-season color to any landscape and beautify forlorn spaces. Its vines can be trained to climb many stable vertical surfaces or grown as a ground cover to suppress weeds. Since Hedera helix proliferates, it can make a good screen on a fence or trellis. When carefully grown on exterior building walls, it can protect their surfaces from exposure to bad weather and help regulate the temperature. Within the United States, Hedera helix can provide food and habitat for wildlife. Butterflies and moths eat their leaves, bees feed on their flowers’ nectar, and birds eat their berries in winter. The foliage often shelters insects and small animals and sometimes attracts nearby deer. English Ivy Is An Evergreen Hedera helix is a beautiful evergreen vine with a rich history. When you plant it in your garden, you can enjoy its charming English ivy character all year.

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Running Cedar

Running Cedar

Running Cedar is a creeping, evergreen plant with needle-like leaves that resemble fern fronds. It is commonly found in moist woodlands and forests. It features leaves that look pretty similar to the boughs of the tree bearing its name. This evergreen plant can make quite an attractive addition to your home, but why might you want to grow it there? Beyond its striking looks, here are a few key reasons it adds value to any yard. Running Cedar Can Tell You More About Your Environment It is a fern-like plant that's said to be adept at pulling pollutants out of its surroundings, which can help you improve the overall health of other plants in the area and remove some of the airborne contaminants that might impact your well-being. However, it's worth noting that the most significant benefit is what the plant reveals. Because it removes toxins, changes in the plant's health could indicate issues with the soil or the air that even this hardy little plant can't handle by itself. Running Cedar Will Stick With You It takes time to grow, but keep that from fooling you into thinking it will easily be weakened by weather and other threats. This fern ally is pretty hardy, ensuring that it will be able to persist in your space even if it is presented with some climate changes or other changes that other plants in your yard might not be able to withstand. Running Cedar Defends Against Soil Erosion and Flooding Running Cedar creeps along your yard, but it's important to remember that this isn't a traditional moss. This vascular plant has root systems, allowing it to defend against soil erosion more effectively. Its love of moisture also means that it can protect against flooding and absorb more water when it appears. Running Cedar is small, but it spreads out, making it an excellent, lush green ground cover for any space in your yard. Unlike traditional moss, it also has the added benefit of the stately strobili, which reaches into the air to add volume and help the plant reproduce.

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Mayapple is a woodland perennial plant with distinctive, umbrella-like leaves and a single nodding white flower beneath its foliage. When pollinated, it produces small, edible fruit commonly found in shady forest environments. It is a fascinating native plant in North America with various landscaping benefits. Its unique appearance and adaptability can contribute to outdoor spaces' aesthetic and ecological aspects. Mayapple Has Stunning Drooping Blooms Mayapples yield drooping blooms ranging from white to rose throughout spring. Their leaves are broad and umbrella-shaped, with only one blossom per leaf axil. The flowers grow up to three inches wide. Each flower boasts white filaments, anywhere from six to nine waxy petals, double the number of stamens, six green petals, and yellow anthers. Because they are transient spring plants, they are only in bloom temporarily. Upon opening, the flower releases its petals. These plants can rise to a foot and a half tall. They produce a golden-colored fruit in late May. The fruit ripens in August. Provide a Haven for Pollinators With Mayapple It is easy to spot for pollinators because of its large, prominent blossoms. Its display of six to nine perfectly arranged petals adds to its attractiveness. This, combined with their abundance of pollen, makes them a haven for pollinators like bees and beetles. Their early spring blooming schedule coincides nicely with the pollinating needs of many early-emerging pollinators. Make Your Yard Healthier With Mayapple As a perennial, they improve the yard's health and biodiversity yearly. These plants have a natural look that adds shade and moisture to your yard or garden. Their roots can draw water up from deeper soil levels, which helps keep the topsoil from drying out too much. Their leaves unfold and swell when the weather gets warmer, transforming into pleated spirals adorned with delicate hair around their edges. These leaves transform into intricately lobed structures resembling umbrellas, functioning as efficient machines for photosynthesis.  Mayapple grows fast and in dense clusters, helping them outcompete many weed species by limiting their access to sunlight, water, and nutrients. Their extensively spreading roots add to their ability to restrict weed growth, and their allelopathic effects inhibit weed germination by acting as a natural herbicide. Once their leaves fall off, they decay and release vital nutrients into the soil, making it healthier and hindering weed growth.

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Fan Clubmoss

Fan Clubmoss

Fan Clubmoss is a low-growing, evergreen plant with densely packed, needle-like leaves that form a distinctive, fan-like appearance and often cover forest floors. It is a unique and versatile plant with various landscaping benefits. Its unusual appearance and adaptability make it a popular choice for enhancing the aesthetics and functionality of outdoor spaces. Unlike its name may suggest, it is not a true moss but a primitive vascular plant belonging to the Lycopodiaceae family. Fan clubmoss called running cedar or ground pine, looks like a low-growth coniferous plant. However, it is a clubmoss, which is related to ferns. This non-flowering perennial plant was once commonly found across the eastern portion of North America. However, deforestation has dramatically reduced its presence in the wild. Because of its many notable attributes, this plant is an ideal choice to consider adding to your yard. Fan Clubmoss Looks Like Mini Pine Trees This fascinating plant typically grows up to 10 inches tall and a foot wide in ideal conditions. Its pine-looking branches are out, creating a stunning design up close. From farther away, the ground appears to be blanketed in green. Often, the plant has a dark green base that fades to a yellowish-green hue toward the tips of its leaves, creating a lovely effect. Some people trim the plants into a topiary design to add an ornamental touch to their yard. Weed Control With Fan Clubmoss This plant is commonly used for ground cover as it proliferates and stays close to the ground. Because the plants can grow densely together, they can block out sunlight from reaching any vegetation attempting to grow underneath it for optimized weed control. This is a highly adaptable plant that can be incorporated in numerous environments. Generally, it will dry out in drought conditions but return with moisture. At one time, when the plant thrived in its native habitat, this plant was harvested in the wild and used for winter holiday decorations. With the plant growing in your yard, you can easily snip off a few sprigs to dress up your space with a natural touch. The evergreen leaves can also be added to your home decor throughout the rest of the year, such as in a floral vase for a boost of greenery. Minimize Erosion With Fan Clubmoss Fan Clubmoss can absorb considerable water, which is beneficial during heavy rainstorms. It can hold ten times its weight in moisture, offering natural protection in areas prone to erosion.

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Vinca Minor

Vinca Minor

The Vinca Minor has lush and evergreen foliage and delicate blue or white flowers, making it a popular choice for various outdoor spaces. While its benefits extend beyond its use in herbalism, let's explore its landscaping advantages. Vinca Minor, also called creeping myrtle, lesser periwinkle, or just myrtle, is a perennial beauty that instills a fetching charm in gardens, landscapes, and even potted plants. Vinca Minor Has Deep Emerald Green Foliage The leaves are a deep shade of rich emerald green, and most have a glossy, polished, or shiny appearance. They are typically oval-shaped with smooth edges, a thick texture, and prominent veins. Some species are varied. The plants can be erect or trailing. Leaves occur in pairs along the height of the stem, making the plant look lush and thick. The plant is graced with trailing stems and adorned with clusters of small blooms in white or in a pale, pastel purple-blue color that many people associate with serenity. This plant is active year-round. Delicate little flowers appear early in spring and continue to bloom throughout spring and summer. Against a strikingly verdant backdrop provided by the rich green leaves, the clusters of blossoms are displayed to the best advantage. Creeping myrtles may look delicate. Nevertheless, they are hardy plants that tolerate harsh conditions gracefully. As perennial evergreen plants, they remain bright green throughout the winter. The Ground Cover Characteristics Of Vinca Minor This plant reaches only six inches when upright. However, the roots continue to grow underground every year, eventually becoming quite long. Although this plant has a medium growth rate, the roots can form a trailing mat, prostrate mat, or mounding mat. The stems like to get tangled up with each other, and as they do, they produce a thick mat of greenery that thrives all year. Vinca Minor Looks Great In Hanging Baskets Vinca Minor works well as trailers in large hanging baskets and tall pots. They provide superior coverage for hilly areas and can even be used in landscaping designs where you want subtle pops of color added to your existing ground-cover greenery. They have other uses as well. They have long been used in folk medicine to treat heart, nervous system, and GI tract conditions. The herb is thought to improve cognition and brain health.

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Showy Pink Primrose

Showy Pink Primrose

The Showy Pink Primrose is a unique garden perennial treasure. The plant's blooms start opening up and displaying in the afternoon. This makes it a highly sought-after and prized plant that many homeowners want in their flowering beds and gardens. Showy Pink Primrose Is a Flower Garden Pastel Blooming Favorite Perennial  The Showy Pink Primrose—also commonly referred to as the evening primrose, pink ladies' primrose, pink evening primrose, or Mexican primrose—is a perennial flower known for its delicate pink hues and finely textured petals. If you are looking to add some soft color to your garden, this is an excellent flower to plant.  Details of the Showy Pink Primrose Plant What Does Pink Showy Primrose Look Like? Pink Showy Primrose adds a soft elegance to outdoor spaces. The middle of the pedals are typically white but gradually turn into a coral pink towards the edges of the petals. Occasionally, the color can intensify to a dark pink. From afar, petals' white and pink colors can look almost purplish. The Pink Showy Primrose develops long throats and stamens stretching from the flower's center. The buds nod to give the flower a lazy, practically laidback appeal. The central part of the flower, starting at the stamen, has a contrasting yellow coloration. Still, these colors are never jostling busily for position.  Instead, the pastel profile of the tinges complements each other very well. In a garden, the plant works well against dark green backdrops or as accent pieces to flowers with brighter colors. It typically grows upright and can reach heights of two feet off the soil line. Occasionally, the plant can sprawl out to provide more ground coverage. Each flower produces four solitary petals joined at the plant's axils. They are finely textured with wavy edges, reminiscent of fine paper mache.  The petals are very dainty, keeping with the frilly, playful theme of the understated colors. Don't get the wrong impression, though. The plant is quite hardy, even as the Pink Showy Primrose petals look tender. The plant produces a sturdy stem with stout, lance-shaped green leaves. The plant leaves can grow to about 4 inches long. In the autumn, you may notice that some green leaves tan reddish. The flowers themselves can reach about 1.5 to 2 inches in diameter.  Advantages of Showy Pink Primrose  Aside from their soft elegance, the Pink Showy Primrose can be put to advantageous use in your outdoor areas.  This flower is sometimes called an evening primrose because it blooms at night in most Northern climates. Around dusk, it emits a floral fragrance that is as irresistible to the nose as its beauty is to the eyes.  The plant is famous for landscapers and home gardeners who want to cover unpopulated open areas. It colonizes (spreads) very quickly in most solid conditions so long as it isn't too loamy, sandy, or rocky. So, if you have a bare section of your yard that can use some natural color, primrose is a great option.  Hardy Plants - Despite the elegant appearance of their flowers, the Showy Pink Primrose is very Hardy  While they prefer moderately moist soil, they can thrive in dry soil as long as it is well-drained. They are also surprisingly drought—and heat-resistant. Most people find that once the plant is firmly established, it is very durable, which makes it an attractive, low-maintenance option.  It Attracts Birds   The Pink Showy Primrose produces nectars attracting lilting songbirds to your garden and outdoor areas. And you don't have to worry about deer eating these flowers because the Pink Showy Primrose is highly deer-resistant. It's a Great Autumn Flower - The Pink Showy Primrose is an excellent solution to maintain upbeat colors well into the fall months. In most climates, the Pink Showy Primrose prefers cooler temperatures. This means that they are likely to bloom through October. This is also a great flower to add to your garden if most of your current flowers typically bloom in the summer. This way, you can have vibrant colors all year round. Showy Pink  Primrose F.A.Q.s Does the Showy Pink Primrose adequately tantalize them? If so, take a look at some vital information about this flower.  How Do You Take Care of Pink Showy Primrose? The Pink Showy Primrose should be planted in dry to moist, well-drained soil in a spot with lots of full sun. During the first growing season, it's best to give the Pink Showy Primrose regular water, which you can then taper off once it is established. Deadheading the Pink Showy Primrose is not necessary, but you can safely remove old blossoms as they appear. Is Pink Showy Primrose A Perennial? Yes. The Pink Showy Primrose is a native plant originating in the Southern US and spreading to the Midwest and parts of Northern Mexico. Its perennial nature makes it ideal for people with little gardening experience. Does Pink Showy Primrose Bloom All Summer? In most conditions, the blooms go dormant in the summer as it prefers cooler temperatures. Again, this makes it a good choice for maintaining color in your garden during autumn. However, some gardeners have avoided the Primrose's summer dormancy by simply not watering it too often in the spring. Add Graceful Color to Your Garden The Pink Showy Primrose is a simple and effective way to add subdued yet attractive color to your garden and outdoor areas. Here at T.N. Nursery, we can provide quality plants with robust root systems ready to plant immediately. Pair the Pink Showy Primrose with the Yellow Primrose for an irresistible tandem of exploding color. Place your order and have your plants delivered right to your door! Pink Evening Primrose Has Stunning Blooms The delicate, charming pink blossoms are adorned with green foliage that accents the plant nicely. The blooms grow in clusters with five petals and can range from a pal pink to deeper shades of pink, depending on the soil's pH. Pink Evening Primrose Is A Desirable Plant Pink Evening Primrose offers a delicate ruffled edge on the blooms and reaches an average height of nearly 20 inches at maturity, making it a highly desirable plant for landscaping. It accents borders, containers, or rock gardens very well and has a mild and sweet fragrance. Pink Evening Primrose Last From Spring Till Fall Being a Spring and Fall bloomer also makes this a beautiful plant for those who enjoy blooms in both seasons and those who want a plant with a long blooming period.

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Anemone Plant

Anemone Plant

The Anemone plant is a delicate, spring-blooming perennial wildflower with fern-like leaves and small, white to pinkish flowers, often found in woodland settings. The, also known as Rue Meadow-rue or Early Meadow-rue, is a delicate and charming native perennial in North America that offers many benefits when used in landscaping. Its dainty appearance, adaptability, and unique attributes make it a desirable addition to various outdoor spaces. Anemones are perennial wildflowers with the most colorful and poppy-like flowers, making them an excellent choice for long-lasting cut-flower arrangements. These flowers bloom in early spring in various colors, including red-blue, pink, violet, and white, depending on the species and type of the plant. Since anemone plants are early spring bloomers, they attract different pollinators and provide nectar for them to thrive and pollinate other plants, promoting biodiversity. Anemone Plant Is A Great Ground-Cover However, choosing between the smaller and taller varieties of anemone plants depends on your garden's purpose. For instance, a smaller variety makes an excellent ground cover, while the taller ones are preferred for mass plantings and borders. Whatever you choose, both varieties are beautiful and long-lasting for your cut flower display.  Anemones are a perfect addition to gardeners looking for low-maintenance and long-lasting flower displays. Buy anemone plants from TN Nursery today and turn your bare garden into a place where you can spend most of your time. Features of Anemone Plant Once established, Anemones are straightforward to care for and do not need steady care and attention to grow. However, you do have to water them regularly at the beginning. Anemone Plant Can Reach 4 Feet Tall Fully matured Anemone plants are about 1-4 feet in height and 1-3 feet in width, with a tiny root ball, so they are a preferred choice for ground cover. Anemones prefer to grow in moist and fully-drained soil in partially shaded, and full-sun gardens. They typically start growing within 3-4 months of planting and flower for 3 to 6 weeks. You can get anemone plants for sale from TN Nursery. The best way to create a calm and serene outdoor space filled with vibrant blooms is by pairing them with other similar wildflowers like Bee Balm, Coneflower, and Black-Eyed Susan.

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Golden Rod

Golden Rod

Golden Rod is a perennial wildflower in the Asteraceae family. Its striking clusters of bright yellow, tufted flowers on upright stems contrast against its slender green leaves. This plant is known for attracting pollinators to gardens and meadows. It is a delightful and beneficial plant with several advantages in landscaping projects. Golden Rod Has Sunny Flower Clusters  The bright and sunny blooms add a touch of warmth and joy to outdoor spaces. This plant is beautiful to pollinators, such as bees and butterflies. The nectar-rich flowers serve as a valuable food source for these beneficial insects, supporting pollination in the garden and contributing to the health and diversity of the ecosystem. By planting it in the landscape, gardeners can actively promote biodiversity and contribute to the conservation of pollinators. Moreover, it is well-suited for naturalistic or wildflower gardens. Its tall and airy growth habit allows it to blend seamlessly with other native plants and wildflowers, creating a natural and harmonious landscape. When planted in groups, it makes an eye-catching display that mimics the beauty of a meadow, attracting attention and admiration from garden visitors. This plant is relatively low-maintenance, making it practical for landscape designs that require less care. Once established, the plant is generally drought-tolerant and can withstand dry periods, reducing the need for frequent watering. Additionally, it is usually resistant to pests and diseases, reducing the need for chemical treatments and promoting a more eco-friendly and sustainable landscaping approach. In conclusion, it offers several benefits when landscaping projects. Its vibrant appearance, attractiveness to pollinators, suitability for naturalistic gardens, and low-maintenance requirements make it a valuable addition to parks and outdoor spaces. By incorporating it into landscape designs, enthusiasts can create visually enchanting and ecologically friendly landscapes that support pollinators and contribute to the overall beauty and health of the environment. Golden Rod, or Solidago, is a rich and captivating wildflower that graces the landscapes of North America, Europe, and Asia with its striking presence. This perennial herbaceous plant, often found in meadows, fields, and along roadsides, stands tall and proud, adding a touch of sunshine to its surroundings. With its slender stems reaching up to five feet, it boasts an elegant appearance that immediately catches the eye. Golden Rod Blooms From Summer To Fall The leaves are lance-shaped, alternating along the stem, and possess a rich green hue contrasting the yellow blooms. The blossoms typically emerge in late summer and early autumn and are the true showstoppers. Each plant bears clusters of bright, yellow, composite flowers that form plume-like inflorescences at the top of the stem. These striking blooms are composed of numerous tiny florets that create a stunning and intricate display of color, enticing pollinators such as butterflies and even hummingbirds. Its charm extends beyond its visual appeal. A gentle breeze often carries a sweet, honey-like fragrance from its flowers, filling the air with a delightful scent. This scent and the mesmerizing sight of bees buzzing busily among the blooms symbolize mid to late summer and early fall in many regions. Golden Rod Is A Nectar-Rich Plant In addition to its aesthetic and olfactory pleasures, it is vital in supporting local ecosystems. As a nectar-rich plant, it nourishes a wide variety of pollinators, contributing to the health of local bee populations and aiding in pollinating other plants. Moreover, its dense foliage offers shelter and habitat for numerous insects and small animals. Golden rod's ability to thrive in diverse environments, from open fields to woodlands, adds to its allure, making it a resilient and enduring symbol of beauty in the natural world. Whether observed in a wild meadow or cultivated in a garden, its yellow splendor continues to captivate and inspire those fortunate to encounter it.

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How can I prevent pests from damaging my plants?

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