Growing Watermelon Year-Round

If you’re a watermelon fan and an avid gardener, you should try growing a watermelon patch.

Many gardeners do not grow a watermelon patch because it takes up a lot of yard space, but if you have some extra time and a broader landscape, it may be just the thing for you.

You should note that a watermelon patch should be grown in an enclosed area and away from the front yard since you don’t want thieves, both human and animal, messing with your watermelon garden.

A watermelon patch also needs plenty of space, so be sure to make plenty of room in your garden. As with any vegetable or fruit, the soil should contain the proper ingredients: nitrogen, potassium, and phosphorus. Check with your local nursery for the exact proportion of necessary ingredients for growing a healthy watermelon patch.

It will be your choice whether or not you want to buy a melon starter plant from your local nursery or to grow your melons from the ground up with seeds—place them in an area that will get at least six hours of sunlight daily. Leave the soil for around 2-3 days and sprinkle mulch around the soil bed to prevent weeds from intruding and choking your melon patch.

Mulch is also a good thing to use because it traps heat and retains moisture for your plants. Make sure to plant in soil that is at least 65 degrees in temperature. Watermelons thrive in warmer climates, so be sure to get started after winter has passed, preferably early spring, so your melons will get plenty of sunshine throughout the spring and summer.

Pull back any mulch and place the seeds a couple of inches in the ground. If using a starter plant, then separate at least two inches apart from one another. Use discretion in dividing watermelon plants as they grow; you want them to get plenty of room. Water every three days, but do not overwater since your melon patch requires little water. Since each melon stores the right amount of water inside the meat, you do not need water. While your melons are growing, look for weeds and pests.

For weed treatment, use organic pesticides when treating or preventing weed infestation. Natural weed killer is always a good alternative since you do not want harmful chemicals on your plants. Observe tiny insects and fungal growth. Watermelons are fresh for harvesting in a month. To test for full ripening, knock on a melon, and if a dull sound echoes back, they are ready to be pulled from the garden.

If you notice any signs of wilting, be sure to water extra. Prune your plants regularly to maintain proper shape, preventing melon plants from crossing each other’s path. Because melons grow lush with leaves and vines, it is always essential to maintain a clean melon patch as your plants are growing.

Source of Information on Growing your Watermelon Patch


Chicory Plant - TN Nursery


Chicory - Cichorium Intybus The chicory plant's vibrant blue flowers attract bees, butterflies, and other beneficial insects, fostering biodiversity and supporting the local ecosystem. As pollinators visit, the plant blooms; they also pollinate nearby plants, enhancing the overall fertility and productivity of the landscape.  This perennial is known as the "blue daisy" for its attractive round blue flowers with a petal and sepal pattern similar to daisies. The plant is also known to have white or pink blooms, but these examples are rare.  Early Morning Hour Blooms Chicory blooms from daybreak until noon, an odd feature of this plant that explains its popularity in native beds and flower gardens. It grows to 5 feet tall but is most commonly about 2 feet tall. When grown close together, the light blue flowers form a canopy, creating a pleasing focal point in any garden. Being blue, these flowers mesh well with other blue varieties, such as California bluebells or Northern Blue Flags. Because blue daisies are lighter, you can ring them around any flowers of darker blue to create a visual transition to flowers of other colors.  These flowers have different leaves depending on their age. In their first season, leaves form at the base of the stems. These attractive, curly leaves can grow about a foot long and create a separate focal point for the blue flowers.  During their second or following season, the leaves are smaller and grow further up the stems. Unlike many other plants, blue daisies lack petioles, so the leaves seem to clasp the stem lovingly, which creates a sweet effect. Bloom Cycle The flowers of this plant only last one day, but the plant grows new flowers every day throughout the spring and summer. The flower buds generally open at or shortly after dawn, and by sunset, the flowers are closing again as new ones prepare to open the next day. It's possible to take time-lapse photos or videos of these flowers and see them "wink" throughout the day. This charming phenomenon is not unique to blue daisies but is particularly noteworthy among these flowers.  Even though Its blooms only last a day or so each, they are still an essential nectar source for pollinators like the bumblebee and certain butterfly species. Generally, these insects will flock to a cluster of blue daisies in the early afternoon. These plants are pretty hardy, too, so in addition to being good-looking, they prevent soil leaching and erosion and contribute to the health of any garden. Characteristics of the Perennial It is an ephemeral plant with glossy blue flowers. It is mainly used as an ornamental plant, adapting to almost any soil and looking beautiful and pretty in gardens. It doesn't require much care to grow and can be grown quickly. It likes full sun and is adaptable to most soil types. Regularly water the plant, but don't overwater it because it is drought tolerant.  This plant grows easily in pots. The pot must be drained and able to take the taproot growth. The plant flowers in mid-to-late summer and produces vibrant blue flowers. Depending on the climate, it may take 3-4 months from seed to flower.  Blue Chicory flowers pollinate with bees, butterflies, and other insects. It is good for encouraging biological diversity in one's garden and for protecting native species.

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Jack In The Pulpit - TN Nursery

Jack In The Pulpit

Jack In The Pulpit - Arisaema Triphyllum Jack In The Pulpit is a woodland perennial known for its distinctive, hood-like spathe that covers a spiky, upright structure called the spadix. It features two or three large leaves and is typically found in shaded, damp environments. It is also known as the "Indian turnip," is an unusual spring wildflower with striped, hooded green blooms. This eye-catching plant makes a beautiful and unique addition to shady gardens. Habitat Of Jack in the Pulpit It is a native plant in moist woodlands, oak-hickory forests, and tree-filled swamps in eastern and central North America. This perennial can live 25 years or more and spread and colonize over time. Appearance Of Jack In The Pulpit As individuals grow, they will sprout one or two leaves, each of which splits into three leaflets that spread out from their stalks. The plants can rise to a height of one to three feet. Their characteristic bloom appears on a separate stalk between April and June. Its spathe, or "pulpit," is a green hooded cylindrical structure with a maroon-to-brown striped interior surrounding and concealing its spadix, or "Jack." When you look inside the spathe, you can see tiny greenish-purple flowers at its base. After they bloom, they go dormant or become hermaphroditic. In late summer, usually during August and early September, a cylindrical cluster of bright red berries will form on the pollinated flower stalk. They Are Shade Loving Perennials  When adding it to your landscape, it helps to plant it in a setting that will mimic its natural habitat, like a woodland garden or boggy area. When conditions are right, it will naturalize and form small colonies. It significantly impacts when planted in clusters and surrounded by ferns, wildflowers, and hostas. When it goes dormant in the summer, you can fill the bare soil surrounding it with annuals like impatiens. Red berries on your plants in late summer may attract birds and small mammals to your garden. Thrushes and wild turkeys will eat the plant's fruits, which have a tomato-like consistency. If you want to add a unique flower to your garden that will be a conversation starter, consider planting them. These classic wildflowers will add a touch of mystery to your landscape and delight your eyes for years to come. This plant flourishes in moist, rich, draining soils in shaded places. It's a great addition to any woodland garden in which the conditions of having dappled sunlight, as it would do in the wild, can be reproduced.  They are curious because they can turn from having male to female flowers on growth. This magnificent attribute attracts gardeners and outdoors people.  After they're planted, Jack-in-the-Pulpits don't require any care and only need watering in periods of dry weather. They are also resistant to most common insects.

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Blue Flag Iris - TN Nursery

Blue Flag Iris

Blue Flag Iris: Iris Versicolor Blue Flag Iris has blue, nectar-rich blooms that are beautiful to various pollinators, including bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds. It is a stunning and versatile plant with numerous landscaping benefits. This lovely perennial herbaceous plant is native to North America. It is native to the northeastern region of the United States and the Canadian provinces. Its striking blue flower, often deepening to indigo and violet, grows to a height of roughly three feet. Sepals are the parts of the flower surrounding the bud as it develops. The petals are the "flowering part" of the whole flower. In many cases regarding other flowers, the sepals are green and leafy, but when it comes to this plant, they are the same color as the flowers, which forms almost a scintillating effect as the plant blooms from May through July. It is perennial, meaning they'll liven up their garden with magnificent flowers yearly. Blue Flag Iris's Foliage  The plant's leaves resemble swords. They grow in attractive clumps beneath the soaring blue-and-violet flowers. The eye-catching combination of light green swords and sumptuous, 4-inch flowers is a terrific way to draw someone's eye to the center of a garden. Blue Flag Iris Loves Water Because they're hardy plants that thrive near water, in the crepuscular times before people start their day, the beautiful flowers will shimmer in the bright sun when covered with dew. The colors of the plant comprise the bottom of the spectrum, so they complement the refracted colors of the dewdrops and are genuinely a sublime sight to behold. Environmentally Sound As Well As Beautiful While gazing lovingly at these sensational flowers, gardeners will also notice bees and multicolored hummingbirds flitting between the blooming buds all spring and summer. These lovely and lively flowers are healthy for all plants in the garden and sublime viewing. An Excellent Perennial For Wetlands It also sports yellow "accessories" throughout June and July. Inside the petals, the yellow patch and spreading veins contrast the deep blue and violet of the sepals and petals. That means the plant is a good-looking flower that "plays nice with others" of the same color and flower shape in any garden. What makes It Unique The plant is celebrated for gorgeous, showy blue to purple flowers with intricate veining. It grows in wetlands, beautifies gardens, and is also an embodiment of resilience and elegance.  How do I care for the Blue Flag Iris This perennial needs moist to wet soil and full to partial sun. Once planted, it is effortless to maintain, which makes it perfect for all, whether a professional horticulturist or an amateur gardener.  It can be cultivated in containers if there is a constant supply of moisture and adequate drainage. This makes it perfect for use in small gardens, patios, or balcony areas.  It usually flowers in late spring to early summer. The flowers of this plant are conspicuous and a nice indication of more favorable weather, not to mention they do add a pop of color to a garden.  Blue Flag Iris is a favorite of numerous pollinators, such as bees and butterflies. It also has valuable habitat uses in wetlands and aids toward a better ecosystem.

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