Ground covers and vines provide multiple functional benefits for your landscape and add a unique aesthetic value.
Barren patches can be enveloped with ground cover, bringing a coat of greenery to the landscape. We offer lovely grape vines!
A variety of colors, textures, and heights, along with foliage and flowers of a ground cover bed, enhances any garden's visual beauty.
Suppose your landscape is in an area where grasses typically do not thrive. In that case, you may get in touch with an excellent wholesale nursery company to check out specific ground covers that can grow in such conditions. Periwinkles and dead nettle, for instance, can prosper in shady areas under trees. In areas with steep banks where lawn mowing becomes a challenge, you can grow beautiful junipers or daylilies. These can grow densely enough to prevent soil erosion. Regarding appearance, some of them are similar to vines because they grow both vertically and horizontally. Drab-looking tree trunks, old falls, or fences can be blended into the green ambiance of the area with vines.
Vines with glorious flowers, foliage, or fruit add a touch of exquisite beauty to your landscape. An innovative way to use vines is to create sun shades on a porch with a string trellis over a vine cover. Check out TN Nursery's Native Trellis Climbing Favorites
You can pin perennial vines such as climbing hydrangea against an empty wall. First, the hydrangea may shoot in any direction, so it is better to guide it in the desired direction at the outset. The climbing hydrangea can quickly scale the walls and tree trunks as it grows.
Vines can also help provide cover for any backyard fixtures that are spoiling the garden's beauty. They can act as a screen against the garage to enhance the view, make a hidden alcove for garbage bins, or cover a barren tree trunk. Old stumps can be turned into garden pillars, and You can turn dead trees into a mass of greens.
You can also use ground covers effectively to beautify your landscape. The good idea is to plant ground cover in the soil pockets between the roots of a tree. These pockets can be used to plant exotic and beautiful ground covers such as American or European gingers, golden stars, and epimedium. Ground covers that thrive in shady areas of your landscape include periwinkles, Virginia creepers, Boston Ivy, Lily of the Valley, Wintercreeper, wild ginger, dead nettle, and sweet woodruff.
Some ground covers such as periwinkle and pachysandra can be rooted simply by providing cover to the barren parts of the stem with soil and supplying them with moisture. Some ground covers, such as the Wintercreeper, can be difficult to root. In such cases, you can take out a piece of the bark from the base of the stem and treat the bare portion with rooting hormone before covering the stem with soil.