Get Rid of Fire Ants Without Chemicals

Knowing how to eliminate fire ants in your garden is essential because they always seek solid food for their larvae. There are numerous ways to learn how to get rid of fire ants. Fire ants do not eat solid food, but they return any solid food to the mound, where larvae eat and liquefy the remains of adult ants. Because fire ants are always looking for new foods, learning how to get rid of fire ants is necessary. Fire ants not only pose harm to your garden, but their presence poses an annoyance to gardeners and families. Fire ants thrive primarily in warmer climates, and because they are so numerous across the United States, many do not know how to get rid of fire ants.

Lay Out Bait For The Fire Ants

The first step in learning how to get rid of fire ants is to buy bait and lay it around the garden. You can find any ant bait at your local hardware or grocery shop. Tread carefully since ant bait can seep underground and possibly infect the roots. To learn how to get rid of ants naturally, look for boric acid in grocery stores, usually sold under Borax, and mix it with organic sugar. Place in a bowl and sprinkle around the garden. The sugar will attract the ants, while the acidity from the boric acid will kill any larvae and adults that consume the concoction. They do not like primrose and coneflower.

Tobacco Tea Will Get Rid Of Fire Ants

The ants will return the bait to the colony, destroying the mound from within. To destroy the mound from the outside, boil a pot of water and pour it over an ant mound. Another alternative to getting rid of fire ants is making tobacco tea. Dip any snuff of tobacco in water and let it sit overnight. The water will absorb the tobacco properties. Get rid of the tobacco and pour the liquid over an ant mound.

To finish the job, sprinkle baby powder over the ant mound to keep ants away. The powder will dry out the mount, making it hard for larvae and ants to make a good home. To ensure ants never return, lay some spearmint around your garden since the aroma repels ants. For high infestations, laying spearmint in concentrated areas will turn ants away from any garden.

Look For The Mounds Of The Fire Ants

If you want to learn how to get rid of fire ants, you have to look for mounds on the side of lawns, and if you see a line of fire ants, follow the trail and see if it leads to an amount of mound you may have missed. When learning how to get rid of ants, it is always best to use natural methods since you do not want harmful chemicals on your plants. Ants are intelligent creatures with a complex network and social structure, but they are aggressive when it comes to biting and can quickly destroy a garden.

Showy Primrose - TN Nursery

Showy Pink Primrose

Showy Pink Primrose - Oenothera speciosa The Showy Pink Primrose is a unique garden perennial treasure. The plant's blooms start opening up and displaying in the afternoon. This makes it a highly sought-after and prized plant that many homeowners want in their flowering beds and gardens. Showy Pink Primrose Is a Favorite Perennial also commonly referred to as the evening type, pink ladies' is a perennial flower known for its delicate rosey hues and finely textured petals. If you are looking to add some soft color to your garden, this is an excellent flower to plant. Details of the Showy Pink Primrose Plant It adds a soft elegance to outdoor spaces. The middle of the pedals are typically white but gradually turn into a coral rosey towards the edges of the petals. Occasionally, the color can intensify to a dark. From afar, petals' white and rosey colors can look almost purplish. They develop long throats and stamens stretching from the flower's center. The buds nod to give the flower a lazy, practically laidback appeal. The central part of the flower, starting at the stamen, has a contrasting yellow coloration. Still, these colors are never jostling busily for position. Instead, the pastel profile of the tinges complements each other very well. In a garden, the plant works well against dark green backdrops or as accent pieces to flowers with brighter colors. It typically grows upright and can reach heights of two feet off the soil line. Occasionally, the plant can sprawl out to provide more ground coverage. Each flower produces four solitary petals joined at the plant's axils. They are finely textured with wavy edges, reminiscent of fine paper mache. The petals are very dainty, keeping with the frilly, playful theme of the understated colors. Don't get the wrong impression, though. The plant is quite hardy, even as the petals look tender. The plant produces a sturdy stem with stout, lance-shaped green leaves. The plant leaves can grow to about 4 inches long. In the autumn, you may notice that some green leaves tan reddish. The flowers themselves can reach about 1.5 to 2 inches in diameter. Advantages of This Perennial Aside from their soft elegance, they can be put to advantageous use in your outdoor areas.  This flower is sometimes called an evening flower because it blooms at night in most Northern climates. Around dusk, it emits a floral fragrance that is as irresistible to the nose as its beauty is to the eyes. The plant is famous for landscapers and home gardeners who want to cover unpopulated open areas. It colonizes (spreads) very quickly in most solid conditions so long as it isn't too loamy, sandy, or rocky. So, if you have a bare section of your yard that can use some natural color, this is a great option. While they prefer moderately moist soil, they can thrive in dry soil as long as it is well-drained. They are also surprisingly drought—and heat-resistant. Most people find that once the plant is firmly established, it is very durable, which makes it an attractive, low-maintenance option.  It Attracts Birds  They produce nectars attracting lilting songbirds to your garden and outdoor areas. And you don't have to worry about deer eating these flowers because it is highly deer-resistant. It's a Great Autumn Flower - It is an excellent solution to maintain upbeat colors well into the fall months. In most climates, the plant prefers cooler temperatures. This means that they are likely to bloom through October. This is also a great flower to add to your garden if most of your current flowers typically bloom in the summer. This way, you can have vibrant colors all year round. F.A.Q.s  How Do You Take Care of this plant They should be planted in dry to moist, well-drained soil in a spot with lots of full sun. During the first growing season, it's best to give them regular water, which you can then taper off once it is established. Deadheading it is not necessary, but you can safely remove old blossoms as they appear. Is It A Perennial Yes. Its a native plant originating in the Southern US and spreading to the Midwest and parts of Northern Mexico. Its perennial nature makes it ideal for people with little gardening experience. Do they Bloom All Summer In most conditions, the blooms go dormant in the summer as it prefers cooler temperatures. Again, this makes it a good choice for maintaining color in your garden during autumn. However, some gardeners have avoided the plants summer dormancy by simply not watering it too often in the spring. It is a simple and effective way to add subdued yet attractive color to your garden and outdoor areas. Here at T.N. Nursery, we can provide quality plants with robust root systems that are ready to plant immediately. It Has Stunning Blooms The delicate, charming rose blossoms are adorned with green foliage that accents the plant nicely. The blooms grow in clusters with five petals and can range from a pal roseto to deeper shades of rose, depending on the soil's pH. It Is A Desirable Plant They offer a delicate ruffled edge on the blooms and reach an average height of nearly 20 inches at maturity, making it a highly desirable plant for landscaping. It accents borders, containers, or rock gardens very well and has a mild and sweet fragrance. They Last From Spring Till Fall Being a Spring and Fall bloomer also makes this a beautiful plant for those who enjoy blooms in both seasons and those who want a plant with a long blooming period. How do I care for one They require indirect sunlight and free-draining but moisture-retentive soil. It needs to be watered often, however it should not be waterlogged so as to encourage its growth. Add a layer of much to help retain moisture and protect the roots during winter. When do they bloom It is a spring flowering plant, commonly beginning in March or April. The flowers last for several weeks and their bright colors can help to revitalize your garden after winter. Can they be grown in containers They are excellent for planting in pots and containers, thereby suitable for the patio, balcony, or even a front porch garden. Just make sure this pot has a drain hole and should be provided with proper light and water to grow properly. Are they easy to grow Showy Pink primrose is not demanding and may be grown by even the most inexperienced gardener. Given proper attention, they will grow well and bloom year after year; they, therefore, complement any garden landscape.

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Yellow Coneflower - TN Nursery

Yellow Coneflower

Yellow Coneflower - Echinacea Paradoxa Yellow Coneflower is a native perennial wildflower with striking, golden daisy-like flowers and a central cone. It attracts pollinators and adds bright color to prairies and gardens. It is a delightful addition to any landscape and offers numerous attributes that make it popular among gardeners. These plants, which also produce achenes fruit, can grow up to three feet tall and have rough stems and leaves. A single flowerhead grows on an unbranched stem from the plant's base leaves. Each flower can have up to 13 drooping golden petals that are 1½–3½ inches long and have notched ends. As they dry, the fruits within their bur-like dome-shaped heads become black. Enjoy a Long Blooming Period With The Yellow Coneflower  A long flowering season is excellent for coordinating plant combinations and flower arrangements. It blooms for one to two months, beginning early and ending in late summer. As the blooming season progresses, the plant's cone-shaped green core eventually becomes a deep purple or brown. Remember that most of these flowers will fully bloom in their second or third year of growth. These plants' fruit usually develops in late summer or fall. The achenes can display four little teeth at their tips, giving them an oblong-angular form. Lure Pollinators And Birds With Yellow Coneflower These plants are a great addition to any garden since they draw pollinators and birds. Birds love the seeds from the flower's cone-shaped core, and bees and butterflies also visit the blossom. From a design perspective, the cone-shaped seed heads with their sharp points make them a one-of-a-kind architectural feature. Create Beautiful Textured Gardens With This Perennial The textured leaves of this plant, also known as perennial black-eyed Susans, provide movement and contrast to any garden. These plants stand out because of their large, glossy leaves resembling cabbage leaves. You can use the textured foliage to increase the visual appeal of your yard. Their greenery is an excellent addition to naturalized areas, rain gardens, and gardens. What is It They are a beautiful perennial plant that has golden petals and a large visible center cone. It is loved by gardeners because it has perky flowers that brighten up gardens or any part of the outdoor space. Where Can They Grow They are adaptable to various growing conditions ranging from full sun to fully shaded areas. They are resistant to dry spells, which makes them suitable for any landscape.  Are They Easy to Maintain They are low-maintenance plants. After they have set, they need little attention and are resistant to pests and diseases, which makes them suitable for growing by beginner gardeners.  Do They Attract Wildlife These flowers are a favorite for pollinators such as bees and butterflies. Their seeds are a source of food for various birds, thus making your garden quite lively.  How Long Do They Bloom  Flowering occurs from early summer to late fall and that is why the Yellow coneflowers are known to have a long blooming period. This extended display ensures your garden stays colorful for many months.

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