Easy Fern Choices To Grow
Easy Ferns To Grow
Easy ferns to grow to create beautiful landscapes are favorites in both rural and urban settings. Their lush fronds and deep colors grace woodland gardens and backyard pathways with the soothing sense of a deep forest.
The lovely plants are prized for low maintenance as well as pest- and disease-resistance. Many varieties are as much at home inside the house as they are out in the yard. These three favorites are graceful examples of easy-to-grow ferns.
New York Fern
New York fern grows well in all types of gardens. Its pale yellow-green fronds are soft and finely textured. The sharp taper of each frond's base and tip gives it a delicate appearance.
Encouraging the hardy fern to spread brings visual interest to ordinary outdoor spaces. This versatile perennial is also an excellent choice for containers.
Hay Scented Fern
Hay scented fern lives up to its name. Its crushed fronds give off the fragrance of freshly mowed hay. With an average height of 2 feet and a spread of 3 to 7 feet, its blue-green foliage stays vibrant through the end of summer. By fall, its colors shift to soft yellows.
The fern is often planted as border edging, but it also works well as a luxurious ground cover. The perennial is both drought- and deer-resistant.
Lady Fern
Lady fern stands out as an elegant and colorful addition to the garden. Green, purple or red stalks feature vibrant feathery fronds. The first cold snap turns the lacy, bright green leaflets to a golden yellow.
This fern easily serves as inspiration for creating beautiful garden layouts as well as building lovely flower arrangements. The nutritious fiddleheads are edible and considered a nutritious ingredient in sautees, stir-fries and soups.