Attract Hummingbirds - 7 Plant Favorites

Hummingbirds are not only beautiful and fascinating, as well as elusive and funny, but they’re also excellent pollinators! These tiny, fast-moving birds burn up many calories staying in the air and are constantly feeding. In the daylight hours. It’s possible to purchase a hummingbird feeder, but the sugary water (often artificially colored) is not necessarily the best food for them.

These hard-working birds rely on the protein in plant pollen, so they’re much happier if fresh flower nectar is available. Here are some perennials and annuals loved by hummingbirds that may draw them to your garden!

In addition to planting hummingbird-friendly flowers in your garden, you can create a hospitable environment for them in other ways. Eliminating the use of pesticides ensures a safe environment for pollinators.

Planting pollinator-friendly flowers in one corridor attracts more of them than in smaller separate planting areas. Shrubs and trees with plenty of small branches allow hummingbirds to perch and rest for a moment from their energetic feeding frenzies.

1. Bee Balm (Monarda) ~ Native to the Northwest and Southwest United States,
these colorful flowers are related to the mint family and, like mints, can spread
quite aggressively in the garden, so give them some space. They’re easy to
divide, but dig or pull up the shallow roots to keep them under control.
The herby scent and bright colors attract hummingbirds, bees, butterflies, and
other pollinators. They like the sun and need space around them for airflow.

To prevent mildew growth on the leaves. These plants are somewhat drought-
tolerant, and don’t do well in a humid environment. Bright red ‘Cambridge

Scarlet’ and deep magenta ‘Raspberry Wine’ are popular heirloom monardas.
The newer hybrids are more compact and mildew-resistant and come in various colors, including reds, pinks, and purples.

2. Flowering Catmint (Nepeta) ~ With its pale purple-blue flowers and minty
scent, this hardy herb puts on a luscious show for weeks. It’s a staple in the
cottage-style garden and adds nice cool shades of blue-green foliage. Not only
beloved by cats, but it also attracts hummingbirds! The stems grow to about 2 feet tall (though some varieties are smaller and tend to hug the ground), and it’s fun to see hummingbirds sip from their tiny tubular flowers. It spreads from
the base and can be divided every 2-3 years to keep the clumps at a
manageable size.

3. Cardinal flower (Lobelia cardinalis) ~ This bright red lobelia is attractive in
the garden with a long period of bloom. Though hummingbirds are more
attracted to nectar than color, they do tend to gravitate toward red flowers.
The cardinal flower is a tall, sturdy native that grows from 2 to 4 feet tall. It is
hardy in USDA zones 3-9 and likes plenty of sun to keep it blooming.

Cardingal Flower Plant

Deadhead the spent blooms to encourage more flowers. Lobelia comes in blue varieties as well, though hummingbirds show a slight preference for red ones.

4. Trumpet Vine (Campsis radicans) ~ A hardy and fast-growing native vine with
brightly colored orange or red flowers, the trumpet vine is also sometimes
known as hummingbird vine. The birds love their bright conical flowers, which are easy to sip nectar from. It is considered very invasive (and is, in fact, no longer

Trumpet Vine

Available for purchase in some states that have outlawed it), but one sees
many of them growing in established gardens because their lush blooms are
so gorgeous in summer. Choose the planting location with caution and give
them a sturdy structure to climb on (such as a fence, gazebo, or free-standing
arbor). They benefit from frequent pruning. Keep an eye on them and plant
away from trees and shrubs to prevent the fast-growing vines from spreading
up into branches.

5. Larkspur/Delphinium ~ With its tall, fluffy flower spikes in bold colors, the
delphinium is a delightful presence in the cottage-style garden and makes a
nice cut flower. These perennials like loamy soil and plenty of sun. The annual
variety of delphinium is often known as larkspur and is also attractive to
hummingbirds and pollinators. These flowers come in a range of colors, from
white to pastel, pink, blues, and purples. The annual variety is smaller and can
be grown from seed. The perennial varieties can grow up to 4 feet tall! The full
blooming spikes may need support stakes.

6. Eastern Red Columbines (Aquilegia canadensis) ~ These gorgeous native
perennials produce airy, abundant blooms in mid-spring, making them a good
early-season food source for pollinators. Studies have shown that red flowering
varieties of columbines have higher sugar content than other colors, which is
good news for hummingbirds! Once established, they will reseed freely, even
producing hybrid color varieties if you have more than one color planted. They
will flower in partial shade to full sun.

7. Butterfly Bush (Buddleia) ~ These wonderful shrubs sport panicles covered in
tiny fragrant flowers that attract butterflies, honeybees, and hummingbirds.
The butterfly bush is hardy to Zone 6 and benefits from being planted in a full-sun area. These flowering dynamos come in many colors, from white to pink,
blue and purple. Some newer hybrids are compact and stay below 2 feet tall,
but many buddleias will grow to 8 feet tall or taller! Trimming it back each fall
keeps it more compact; it will regenerate new branches in spring. It can also be
pruned generously once flowers begin to die back. The butterfly bush will keep
putting forth blooms throughout autumn.

A Step-by-Step Guide to Creating the Perfect Hummingbird Haven

Developing a hummingbird-attractive garden brings rewarding results by adding vibrancy and movement to your outdoor space. Because these tiny birds exhibit high energy and stunning flight patterns, you must create garden conditions that support their thriving needs. Our guide shows you how to create an ideal garden space for hummingbirds while leaving plant choices to your discretion so you can design a lively environment that meets their needs.

First, consider the layout of your garden. Hummingbirds need garden spaces that provide sufficient feeding sites and secure perching locations. A landscape design that integrates open spaces and protected areas gives hummingbirds mobility options while shielding them from predators and extreme weather. Strategically placed vertical structures such as trellises and arbors enable the creation of microhabitats that enhance birds' sense of security. Ensure ample open space accommodates their rapid flight movements and complex aerial behaviors.

Next, plan a variety of vertical layers. Organize your garden landscape by establishing several levels of vegetation, including low ground covers through medium-height shrubs and potential high canopies when space allows it. Layering creates visual depth and serves as multiple sheltering spots and vantage points, which hummingbirds need. Since hummingbirds pause on surfaces between feedings, design your garden to include secure resting spots. Diverse plant heights create multiple microclimates that help sustain insect populations, which serve as an additional food resource for hummingbirds. Height diversity leads to richer environments that benefit nectar feeders and insect hunters.

Our recommendations don't list specific plant species but emphasize the need to plant various flowers that produce abundant nectar. Select blossoms with tubular or trumpet shapes because hummingbirds can easily feed from these flower types with their elongated bills. By positioning diverse shapes and sizes of flowers throughout your garden, you can guide the birds in exploring different areas instead of gathering in one spot. Select flower varieties that bloom throughout various seasons to ensure hummingbirds have access to food when visiting your area.

When natural nectar sources are available, Hummingbird feeders become essential to attract these birds. Proper feeder placement is crucial: Place feeders in locations visible to birds while positioning them close to foliage for protection against intruders and harsh weather conditions. Frequent cleaning of feeders and nectar replacement will prevent harmful bacteria and mold growth. Multiple feeders that can't be seen from each other can help manage aggressive hummingbird behavior. Birds can access additional food sources without territorial fights occurring.

A garden suitable for hummingbirds needs water as an essential component. Hummingbirds prefer water sources such as misters, fountains, or sprinklers over traditional birdbaths, attracting many other bird species. A constant water feature that enables droplets to float in the air supplies hummingbirds with ideal conditions to drink and wash their feathers mid-flight. Hummingbirds benefit from slow-drip systems or strategically placed misters near plants when water features are not an option. These features function as drinking stations and enable hummingbirds to regulate their temperature and maintain healthy feathers.

Your design needs to incorporate protection against predators as well. Though hummingbirds possess remarkable agility and small size, they remain vulnerable to attacks by cats, larger birds, and other animals. Install feeders and perches in locations where you have an unobstructed view and use natural deterrents to protect against predators. Do not install feeders or primary feeding blooms next to thick shrubbery because predators may use it as a hiding place. Hummingbirds depend on insects for food, so reducing chemical pesticide use is essential because it harms or decreases insect populations.

Reflect on the sensory aspects that will make your garden more attractive. Birds called hummingbirds typically prefer bright and warm colors, yet you can create a beautiful garden space by harmonizing vibrant tones with lush greenery, soft neutrals, or decorative foliage. Combining visual elements benefits hummingbirds and creates a welcoming space for humans and wildlife. Create welcoming spaces with comfortable seating and a small pathway to bring yourself closer to the excitement of these tiny visitors.

A hummingbird sanctuary requires regular maintenance to remain functional. Pruning your garden thoughtfully controls plant growth while creating safe flight paths. To maintain continuous visual appeal in your garden, replace faded flowers with new varieties that bloom during different times of the year. Maintain cleanliness by cleaning feeders regularly and refreshing the water supply often. When you maintain regular care, your garden will become a vibrant hummingbird destination that attracts these lovely birds yearly.

The ideal conditions for hummingbirds can be achieved through careful design involving numerous nectar options without specific plant names, secure placements for feeders and water, and continuous maintenance. Your garden will eventually become a lively hummingbird haven that showcases the delightful buzz of tiny wings and flashes of vibrant plumage.

Lobelia Cardinalis - TN Nursery

Red Cardinal Lobelia

Cardinal Flower - Lobelia cardinalis The Cardinal Flower plant is striking in any garden and produces bright red flowers that attract hummingbirds and butterflies. Their long, graceful spikes of flowers bring color to wetlands, shade spots, and garden borders. Planting and Maintenance of Cardinal Flower The plants are super easy to plant and maintain, so they can be used by any gardener regardless of their experience. They prefer to grow in sluggish, fertile soil and are best grown in shade rather than sun. Sow by loosening the soil, placing the roots, covering them with soil, and watering deeply. They are low-maintenance and require moisture for growth and regular deadheading to maintain long blooming. Colorful Characteristics These perennials usually flower during mid-to-late summer, and their ruby-red blooms last for weeks. The plant is dark green with dark green leaves, and its spikes stand out. Once the flowers open, they shrivel up and emerge in pods as a second season of interest. The foliage remains green throughout the season, so the plant does not look overgrown. The plants are perennials growing upright, and their flower heads reach heights of 2 to 4 feet. Their graceful and tall stature makes them ideal for adding texture to garden beds or naturalized areas. Given time, they will bloom year after year to bring enduring beauty to your garden.  Pollinator Magnet Plants  The Red Lobelia, Cardinal Flower, is a plant that various pollinators flock to in its active blooming season. It's slender, tall, and majestic size makes it a favorite for especially rock gardens.TN Nursery has them mature and blooming age ready to ship out to you.  

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TN Nursery

Trumpet Vine

Trumpet Vine - Campsis Radicans Trumpet Vine is a vigorous, deciduous woody plant known for its showy, trumpet-shaped orange or red flowers and ability to attract hummingbirds and butterflies. It is a popular choice for covering fences and trellises. When integrated into landscaping projects, it offers many benefits, such as enhancing outdoor spaces' visual allure, ecological diversity, and functionality. This deciduous woody plant presents unique qualities that contribute to various dimensions of landscape design. One of the standout benefits of using it in landscaping is its striking floral display. They have their place in any yard, and some produce stunning flowers that are pretty hard to ignore.  Also known as the creeper, these gorgeous plants have a wide range of purposes some may forget. Here's what these unique plants have to offer that you'll be sure to love. The Spectacular Flower Display Of Trumpet Vine  They produce a fabulous flower show that begins in May and lasts until about August. As the name suggests, these flowers burst out of the foliage and announce themselves with a dazzling red-orange display that coats almost all of them. No matter where they're growing, they will catch your attention once they're ready to make themselves known. Trumpet Vines Offer Vertical Decor  Finding the right plants for vertical decor can be difficult, and not everyone wants to fill their spaces with hanging plants or pots attached to the wall. This is where they come in. These gorgeous flowers easily climb up vertical decor-like trellises to provide the coverage you're looking for. They are highly durable and will increase, making them the perfect plan for those looking to cover specific areas fast without worrying too much about making mistakes that put them at risk.  This Native Perennial Offers Erosion Control Planting Trumpet Vine can be an excellent way to reduce soil erosion, especially in sloped areas where you're concerned about the stability of particular objects or other plants. They create networks of roots that keep soil in place. They also offer different benefits for your yard, like attracting essential pollinators such as birds and butterflies and acting as a space where ants can build a habitat. If you want a plant that provides a host of benefits to the surrounding area, consider this one.

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